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     1) 大邑砾岩发育于新生代龙门山前陆盆地底部,自西而东厚度变薄,与上覆地层雅安砾岩及下伏地层均呈角度不整合接触关系。大邑砾岩的地质时限为上新世-早更新世,时代界定在4.6Ma-0.82Ma之间,显示该区第三纪与第四纪之间是连续沉积的,其间不存在构造事件。
     2) 对新生代龙门山前陆盆地大邑砾岩岩相、沉积相和沉积环境进行了系统分析和研究,划分出6种粗碎屑岩相、5种中碎屑岩相、3种细碎屑岩相,确定了大邑砾岩为冲积扇相、河流相沉积环境的组合。
     3) 根据大邑砾岩砾石成分及古流向分析,推测大邑砾岩物源区为松潘-甘孜褶皱带以东、彭灌断裂以西的龙门山地区,并恢复大邑砾岩沉积时期岩相古地理,认为大邑砾岩物源主要来自龙门山冲断带一侧。
     4) 通过对新生代龙门山前陆盆地边界断裂的考察分析,认为盆地边界断裂具逆冲推覆及右旋走滑作用特点,为活动断裂。受边界断裂控制的前陆盆地为右旋走滑挤压盆地,盆地具西陡东缓的不对称结构,盆地内充填物亦呈西厚东薄的不对称结构,盆地内沉积中心和沉降中心不一致,且呈顺时针展布;推演新生代前陆盆地沉积演化史,推测大邑-广元隐伏断裂形成时代为中更新世。
     5) 对新生代前陆盆地大邑砾岩作定量分析,结果表明,大邑砾岩沉积时期,前陆盆地滑移量为1.02mm/a,沉积速率为0.143mm/a,平均沉降速率为0.3mm/a。
     6) 结合对晚新生代龙门山走滑前陆盆地的性质及盆-山关系研究,作出盆地演化模式及演化的力学机制,认为龙门山走滑前陆盆地的形成受逆冲推覆和走滑挤压作用的控制,是构造负载隆升和侵蚀卸载隆升共同作用的结果:上新世-早更新世主要为逆冲推覆阶段,但具有一定的走滑作用,沉积物表现为楔状充填;中更新世-全新世是走滑挤压作用阶段,沉积物表现为板状充填。
The present Longmenshan foreland basin lies between the Longmenshan thrust belt and the Longquanshan fault. The Dayi conglomerate at the bottom of the Chengdu basin, although people of the past having studied a certain degree, hasn' t same sugest. In this paper, it benefits the study of relationship between sedimentary basin and mountain uplift. This paper links sedimentary petrology with structural geology, so is the other branch subjects, penetrates into researching the Pliocene-Pleistocene sediments of the present Longmenshan strike-slip foreland basin, aims at studying tentativly the evolvement history and mechanism. Following progresses are made through the project:
    1) The Dayi conglomerate grows in the Cenozoic Longmenshan foreland basin bottom, whose thickness becomes thin from west to east. The Dayi conglomerate is angular unconformity with the Yaan conglomerate and down layer. Neotectonic movement is marked with the fault and the fold in the Dayi conglomerate. The Dayi conglomerate geologic time is ~4. 6 Ma in Pliocene to ~0. 82Ma in Pleistocene. It shows that its sediment is continuous in the interval, and tectonic event doesn' t occur.
    2) Analyses and researches systematicly the lithofacies, sedimentary facies and depositional environment of the Dayi conglomerate in the Cenozoic Longmenshan foreland basin. This paper analyzes detailed six coarse elastics lithofacies, five mid-elastics lithofacies and three fine elastics lithofacies. Establishes the association of three depositional environment types including alluvial fan and river.
    3) According to the Dayi conglomerate' s gravel composition and direction when water flowed during geological age, comeback the Paleogeograph of the Longmenshan foreland basin, speculates that the Dayi conglomerate' material source is located in the Songpan-Ganzi fold belt to the east, the Pengguan fault to the west of the western Sichuan plateau region.
    4) Analyses boundary faults of the Cenozoic Longmenshan foreland basin, and thinks the basin boundary faults, being active fault, are thrust and dextral strike-slip. So the Longmenshan foreland basin is dextral strike-slip foreland basin. It isn' t symmetry. The west is cliff and the east is gentle. The filling inside the west of basin is thick and the east is thin. Sedimentary center and depositional center of the basin are inconformity for dextral, and continuously move to the east.
    5) Quantitative analysis to the Dayi conglomerate in the Cenozoic Longmenshan
    foreland basin has been carried out. The results indicate that the dextral strike-slip rate is 1.02 mm/a, the average sedimentary rate is 0.143 mm/a, and the average decline rate is 0. 3mm/a.
    6) Discusses the developing history of the Longmenshan strike-slip foreland basin. I think: In the Pliocene-Pleistocene, evolvement of the Longmenshan strike-slip foreland basin is controlled by thrust loading uplift mechanism, and after the Pleistocene, it is controlled by erosion unloading uplift mechanism.
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