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This dissertation which is on the Comparative Research on Damages Systembetween Cross-Strait Civil Aviation is divided into six chapters in addition tointroduction and conclusion.
     The first chapter mainly discusses the sources of law of the cross-strait civilaviation, apart from the their respective civil aviation legislation of Taiwan andMainland, and related matching administrative regulations, administrative rules andregulatory documents, there are some agreements signed such as "Minutes of Talks onCross-Strait charter flights ","Cross-Strait Air Transport Agreement " and " theSupplementary Agreement on Cross-Strait Air Transport ".
     In the second chapter, damages of air passenger transport across the TaiwanStrait will be focused on. In practice, the respective rights and obligations of thecarriers and the passengers are usually governed by the passenger transport contract.Contractual and tort liability will concur when the passengers incur hurt or death inthe course of transportation often occurs, under which circumstances, the victim canchoose one as basis of claims. The carrier will assume liability for the personal injuryor death of the passengers arising from the events on the aircraft or during theirtaking-off or landing. The limits of liability for damage are provided both in Mainlandand Taiwan, while the amount of the limit in the latter is much more than the former.There is a case in favor of moral damages in Mainland, while it is not found inTaiwan.
     If injury or death is due to the health reasons or fault of the passenger's, theresponsibility of the carrier will be reduced or exempted. In addition, if the injury iscaused by the aviation personnels or a third person, then the carrier may recover forthe loss after assumption of the liability.
     The carrier should bear the responsibility for the loss of passengers caused by thedelay. Unless otherwise provided by the transaction usages, the carrier's liability is limited to necessary expenses of the passengers due to the delay. At the same time,the carrier may claim and invoke the limit of liability under the law.
     The third chapter concentrates on damages for the cross-strait air cargotransportation. And like passenger transport, contractual and tort liability will concurwhen the cargo incurs loss in the course of air cargo transportation, under whichcircumstances, the victim can choose one as basis of claims. The carrier shouldassume responsibility "during the air transport" which refers to the entire period inwhich the consigned baggage and cargoes are in the control of the carrier. The limitsof liability for damage are provided both in Mainland and Taiwan, while the amountof the limit in the latter is much more than the former.
     Of course, even if the cargos incur loss "during the air transport" goods a loss,the responsibility of the carrier still can be reduced or exempted under certaincircumstances such as the fault of the consignors. In addition, the consignors orconsignees should raise objection to the carrier within a certain period after findingthe consigned cargoes’ loss, otherwise will risk losing rights. And the objection periodin Taiwan is shorter than in the mainland.
     If the carrier does not deliver the cargos in reasonable or specially agreed periodto the destination and result in loss, then the carrier should bear the responsibility fortransport delays. in this regard, the consignors or consignees need to prove their lossand the necessary link between the delays and the loss.
     In air cargo transport, the statute of limitations of cargo loss or delay in mainlandis2years, and1year in Taiwan.
     The fourth chapter mainly addresses damages for the baggage of the passenger inthe cross-strait air transport. Most of the damages rule for the baggage of thepassenger is the same with that of cargo transport. The carrier shall be liable for thedestruction or loss of,or delay of the baggage of the passenger,if the occurrence tookplace on board the civil aircraft or in the course of any of the operations of embarkingon or disembarking from the civil aircraft of the passenger. And the objection periodin Taiwan is shorter than in the mainland.
     The fifth chapter mainly deals with liability for damage to third parties on the(water) surface. Liability for damage to third parties on the (water) Surface is aspecial chapter of "Civil Aviation Law" in Mainland, and Taiwan does not explicitlyuse the concept of "third party", but that liability regime is still in existence in Taiwan.
     Because of the high risk of air transport, as long as the third party incureddamage, no matter whether the owners or operators of the aircraft had the intention ornegligence, they shall be liable for such damage.
     As to who shall assume the responsibility, the legislation in mainland stressedthe operator of the civil aircraft, and Taiwan stressed the owner of the civil aircraft. inaddition, Any person on the(water)surface who suffers death or personal injury ordamage to property caused by a civil aircraft in flight or by any person or thing fallingthere from shall be entitled to compensation. The exemptions of liability in Taiwanregion are more stringent than the mainland. As to the amount of the liability, it willbe governed by general tort liability without limit or exemptions. That is, if the victimcan prove that they suffered actual losses, a full and adequate compensation will beclaimed and the operators or owners of the civil aircraft have no right to ask forlimitation of liability.
     In order to protect the interests of victims, the legislation of both cross-straitprovides that the operator of civil aircraft should cover insurance on the third party onthe ground or secure a corresponding guarantee for liability, and the victim of theinjury or damage can take legal action directly against the insurer or guarantor andhave the right to priorities for payments of indemnities. of course, the insurer orguarantor can contest against the legal action taken by the victim directly against them.As to the exercise of right, the effective period for legal actions taken by the thirdparty for indemnities for injuries or damage is two years both in Mainland and Taiwan,counting from the day the injury or damage occurs. The period should not exceedthree years under any circumstances in Mainland, while it can extend to ten yearsunder special circumstances in Taiwan.
     The sixth chapter addresses the jurisdiction and applicable law of damages ofcivil aviation across the Taiwan Strait.“Plaintiff accommodated to defendant” principle is a principle both stipulated in exercise of jurisdiction over the civil andcommercial matters arising from the direct flight of cross-strait civil aviation relationsby the Cross-Strait courts. As to the jurisdictional basis, there are many bases as such:the place where the contract is signed or performed, the subject of the action is located,the defendant’s detainable property is located, the infringing act takes place, or therepresentative agency, branch or business agent is located. Meanwhile, agreement tojurisdiction and the jurisdiction of the respondent’s appearance without objection arealso allowed both in Cross-Strait courts, only some differences in the requirement forsuch jurisdiction.
     The securement, transfer and lost of the ownership of civil aircraft is governedby the law of the registration of civil aircraft in Mainland and Taiwan. As to theapplicable law of civil air transport contracts, principle of party autonomy is bothrecognized in Mainland and Taiwan. Without such choice, the principle of the mostsiginificant relationship place will be applied in Mainland, while alternativeconnecting factor will be applied in Taiwan. As to the applicable law of tort liability,the provisions of the mainland are more flexible than that of Taiwan.
①两岸民用航空直航将会对香港的航空运输造成一定程度上的冲击。SeeAnming Zhang (ed.), Air Cargo inMainland China and Hong Kong, Ashgate Publishing,2004, pp.95-96.
    ①See Zang Hongliang&Meng Qingfen, Civil Aviation Law in the People's Republic of China, Boom ElevenInternational,2010, pp.11-13.
    ①关于该公约的详细介绍。See see IvanA. Vlasic, Public international air law I: documents and materials,McGill University,1989, pp.26-30,.
    ②See Ivan A. Vlasic, Public international air law I: documents and materials, McGill University,1989, pp.120-121. See also, Lawrence B. Goldhirsch, theWarsaw Convention Annotated: A Legal Handbook, Kluwer,2000.
    ①关于《蒙特利尔》公约在我国的适用问题,see Yun Zhao, Regulation of Space Activities in the People'sRepublic of China, in Ram S. Jakhu (Ed.), National Regulation of Space Activities, Springer,2010, pp.247-266.
    ①正如有学者所指出的,航空运输作为一项经济活动,不但在经济上促进交流与合作,而且有助于经济一体化,see Jason R. Bonin, Regionalism in International CivilAviation:AReevaluation of the Economic Integration,12Singapore Year Book of International Law113(2008).在海峡三通中,航空直航也起到类似的作用。
    ①关于客票的法律地位的理解,see Richard Manuel Clark, Chan v. KoreanAir Lines: The United StatesSupreme Court "Shootsdown" Notice Requirements Under The Warsaw Convention,3Transnational Lawyer363(1990).
    ①See Andres Rueda, The Warsaw Convention&Electronic Ticketing,67Journal of Air Law and Commerce401(2002). See also, James D. Macintyre, Where Are You Going? Destination, Jurisdiction, And The WarsawConvention: Does Passenger Intent Enter The Analysis?,60Journal of Air Law and Commerce657(1994-95).
    ①See B. Finberg, Carrier's Duties to Passenger Who Becomes Sick or Is Injured En Route,92A.L.R.2d656(1963).
    ①关于对该条的理解,参见RobertA. Brazener, When Is Passenger OnAircraft in International TransportationEmbarking or Disembarking Within Meaning of Article17of Warsaw Convention,39A.L.R. Fed.452(1978).
    ①关于如何认定旅客上、下民用航空器过程中,可以参考J. A. Tyler, Liability ofAir Carrier to PassengerInjured While Boarding or Alighting,61A.L.R.2d1113(1958).
    ③国外也有类似的规定,DavidA. Johns, Liability for Injury to Guest inAirplane,40A.L.R.3d1117(1971).
    ①国外的相关理论与实践可以参考,参见SonjaA. Soehnel, Liability of Land Carrier to Passenger WhoBecomes Victim of Third Party's Assault On or About Carrier's Vehicle or Premises,34A.L.R.4th1054(1984);Sonja A. Soehnel, Liability of Land Carrier to Passenger Who Becomes Victim of Another Passenger's Assault,43A.L.R.4th189(1986).
    ②该条规定与《华沙公约》的规定类似,《华沙公约》第29条规定:“(1)诉讼应该在航空器到达目的地之日起,或应该到达之日起,或从运输停止之日起两年内提出,否则就丧失追诉权。(2)诉讼期限的计算方法根据受理法院的法律决定。”对于第29条的理解,《美国法律报告》曾经有一个比较详细的报告,可以供参考,参见Beverly L. Jacklin, Construction and application of Warsaw Convention provision (U.S.C.A.conventions, warsaw convention art29(1)) establishing2–year limitation period for damage action,103A.L.R.Fed.286(1991).
    ①See Christopher Carlsen,Recent Developments in Aviation Law,32Tort and Insurance Law Journal231(1997).
    ①13Am. Jur. Trials557(1967). See also Warren L. Dean, Aviation Liability Regimes in The New Millennium:Beyond The Wild Blue Yonder Air Carrier Liability for International Air Cargo Shipments in The21st Century,28Transp. L.J.239(2001).
    ①关于责任限制下请求权竞合的影响的分析,See Paul Stephen Dempsey, InternationalAir Cargo&BaggageLiability And The Tower of Babel,36Geo. Wash. Int'l L. Rev.239(2004). See also,8A Am. Jur.2d Aviation§81.
    ①对其理解,参见Warren L. Dean,Aviation Liability Regimes in The New Millennium: Beyond The Wild BlueYonder Air Carrier Liability for International Air Cargo Shipments in The21st Century,28Transp. L.J.239(2001).
    ①See M. C. Dransfield, Liability of Carrier by Land or Air for Damage to Goods Shipped Resulting FromImproper Loading,44A.L.R.2d993(1955).
    ②See Paul Stephen Dempsey, International Air Cargo&Baggage Liability And The Tower of Babel,36Geo.Wash. Int'l L. Rev.239(2004).
    ③Kurtis A. Kemper, What Constitutes Accident Under Warsaw Convention—Global Cases,4A.L.R. Fed.2d1(2005).
    ①这个规定也是借鉴《华沙公约》的内容的,参考相关的英文文献有助于协助理解,M. R. Fran,AirlineLiability for Loss, Damage, or Delay of Passenger Baggage,12Fordham Journal of Corporate and Financial Law
    ①See Kurtis A. Kemper, What Constitutes Accident Under Warsaw Convention—Global Cases,4A.L.R. Fed.2d1(2005).
    ①关于航空货物运输国际公约上2年诉讼时效的理解,参见103A.L.R. Fed.286(1991).
    ①吴建瑞:《航空法学》,中国民航出版社2005年版,第178页。另外,可以参考相关的英文文献的观点,M. R. Fran, Airline Liability for Loss, Damage, or Delay of Passenger Baggage,12Fordham Journal of Corporateand Financial Law735(2007).
    ①See C. C. Marvel, Liability of Air Carrier for Loss of or Damage to Passengers' Baggage or Contents Thereof,25A.L.R.2d1352(1952).
    ②American Law Reports, Limitation On Liability of International Air Carrier for Loss of or Damage to Baggageor Goods Under Article22of The Warsaw Convention,75A.L.R. Fed.525(1985).
    ③American Law Reports, Limitation On Liability of International Air Carrier for Loss of or Damage to Baggageor Goods Under Article22of The Warsaw Convention,75A.L.R. Fed.525(1985).
    ④参见《民用航空法》第125条第5款,另见M. R. Franks,Airline Liability for Loss, Damage, or Delay ofPassenger Baggage,12Fordham Journal of Corporate and Financial Law735(2007).
    ②See M. R. Franks, Airline Liability for Loss, Damage, or Delay of Passenger Baggage,12Fordham Journal ofCorporate and Financial Law735(2007).
    ①See M. R. Franks, Airline Liability for Loss, Damage, or Delay of Passenger Baggage,12Fordham Journal ofCorporate and Financial Law735(2007).
    ①See Russell J. Davis, Right of Airline Employee to Invoke Liability Limitations of Warsaw Convention AsDefense,38A.L.R. Fed.949(1978).
    ②See William J. Appel, Strict Liability, in Absence of Statute, for Injury or Damage Occurring On The GroundCaused by Ascent, Descent, or Flight of Aircraft,73A.L.R.4th416(1989). See also, C. R. McCorkle, Res IpsaLoquitur in Aviation Accidents,6A.L.R.2d528(1983).
    ①W. M. Moldoff, Validity And Construction of Statute Imposing Absolute Liability for Injury or DamageOccurring On Ground or Water Below From The Fall, Flight, or Ascent of Aircraft, or From The Fall of ObjectTherefrom,81A.L.R.2d1058(1962).
    ①国外认为只要造成民用航空器损害事实,就足以认定存在责任,See William J. Appel, Strict Liability, inAbsence of Statute, for Injury or Damage Occurring On The Ground Caused by Ascent, Descent, or Flight ofAircraft,73A.L.R.4th416(1989).
    ①See William J. Appel, Strict Liability, in Absence of Statute, for Injury or Damage Occurring On The GroundCaused by Ascent, Descent, or Flight of Aircraft,73A.L.R.4th416(1989).
    ①对于如何认定责任期间,可以参考J. H. Cooper, Negligence in Operation ofAirplane in Landing,74A.L.R.2d628(1960); J. H. Cooper, Negligence in Operation of Airplane On Take-Off,74A.L.R.2d615(1960).
    ①See Romualdo P. Eclavea, Applicability of Comparative Negligence Doctrine to Actions Based On StrictLiability in Tort,9A.L.R.4th633(1981).
    ①对责任保险或者责任担保的强制要求,是各国的普遍实践,参见W. M. Moldoff, Validity And Constructionof Statute Imposing Absolute Liability for Injury or Damage Occurring On Ground or Water Below From The Fall,Flight, or Ascent of Aircraft, or From The Fall of Object Therefrom,81A.L.R.2d1058(1962).另见Adel Salah ElDin, Aviation Insurance Practice, Law And Reinsurance, Printed by W. Clowes,1971.
    ①See Cheshire and North, Private International Law,11th.edition,ButterWorths,1987,at43-44; Mayss,Albla J,Principles of Conflict of Laws,3rdedition, London, Cavendish Publishing Limited,1999, at6-7.
    ③See Dicey&Morris, The Conflict of Laws,13th.edition, Sweet&Maxwell,2000,at33.一般认为康恩于1891年发现识别问题,但是也有学者认为是1890年提出。见李双元、谢石松:《国际民事诉讼法概论》(第二版),武汉大学出版社2001年版,第108页。
    ⑩参见韩德培,李双元主编:《国际私法教学参考资料选编》(上),武汉大学出版社1991年版,第248页。11See J·G·Collier, Conflict of Laws,3rdedition, Cambridge University Press,2001, at16.
    ①关于民用航空运输中的产品责任的法律问题,可以参考美国学者的论述,see SonjaA. Soehnel, ProductsLiability: Personal Injury or Death Allegedly Caused by Defect in Aircraft or Its Parts, Supplies, or Equipment,97A.L.R.3d6271980).
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    2. Alan Williams, Contemporary Issues Shaping China’s Civil Aviation Policy,Ashgate,2009.
    3. Aleksander Tobolewski, Monetary Limitations of Liability in Air Law, DeDaro Publishing,1986.
    4. Anming Zhang (ed.), Air Cargo in Mainland China and Hong Kong, AshgatePublishing,2004.
    5. Charles F Krause, AviationTort Law and Regulatory Law, West Group,2002.
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    7. Lawrence B. Goldhirsch, The Warsaw Convention Annotated: A LegalHandbook, Kluwer,2000.
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    55. Sonja A. Soehnel, Liability of Land Carrier to Passenger Who BecomesVictim of Third Party's Assault On or About Carrier's Vehicle or Premises,34A.L.R.4th1054(1984).
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    57. Sonja A. Soehnel, Products Liability: Personal Injury or Death AllegedlyCaused by Defect in Aircraft or Its Parts, Supplies, or Equipment,97A.L.R.3d6271980).
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    59. W. M. Moldoff, Validity And Construction of Statute Imposing AbsoluteLiability for Injury or Damage Occurring On Ground or Water Below FromThe Fall, Flight, or Ascent of Aircraft, or From The Fall of Object Therefrom,81A.L.R.2d1058(1962).
    60. Warren L. Dean, Aviation Liability Regimes in The New Millennium:Beyond The Wild Blue Yonder Air Carrier Liability for International AirCargo Shipments in The21st Century,28Transp. L.J.239(2001).
    61. William J. Appel, Strict Liability, in Absence of Statute, for Injury or DamageOccurring On The Ground Caused by Ascent, Descent, or Flight of Aircraft,73A.L.R.4th416(1989).

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