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It has been more than 80 years, since E. W. Burgess brought up the concept:Central Business District (CBD) in his theory of concentric circles. In the years, CBD experienced from concept to practice, from original location divide to protruding function, from early planning and building to the development of modern service industry. According to experiences at home and abroad, today, modern service industry has been the new stage and new progress of the industry development in CBD. In fact, CBD has been the function unit of a city, in which tertiary industry standing for modern service industry highly collects together.
     The article is by modern service industry agglomeration in CBD for object of study, which is a kind of industrial layout. It begins with the characteristics of agglomeration and scatter, answers four questions step by step:(1) Why does modern service industry gather? (2) Why does modern service industry gather in CBD? (3) What's the industrial structure of modern service industry system in CBD? (4) What's the agglomeration scale of modern service industry system in CBD? What are the mainly effective and decisive factors? The first and second questions touch on forming mechanism of modern service industry agglomeration in CBD, with an emphasis on concrete reason of the agglomeration; The third and fourth questions are concerned with the development of the gather, aiming at providing theory bases and analysis methods for analyzing the problems of modern service industry agglomeration of CBD in our country.
     This article follows the train of thought:theory analysis→experience analysis→reality analysis. From international horizon and the domestic situation of modern service industry agglomeration in CBD, in the light of preceding theories, the thesis does its empirical researches. Furthermore, according to the study of theory and international experiences, the article summarizes the characteristics and unfavorable factors of modern service industry agglomeration in CBD of our country, gives some suggestions to promote the agglomeration level.
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