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Nowdays, industrial cluster play an important role in the regional economic development, and the knowledge innovation has become the key point of industrial improvement and industrial clusters sustainable development in the era of knowledge economy.In the academci studying area of industrial cluster innovative development, this paper discusses the relavant theory and practice application of industrial cluster cooperative innovation based on the spiral of knowledge sharing model.The concrete studying work has been included in the following:by introducing intermediary service organizations,offering the four dimension helix structure basing on broadening three spiral-type knowledge sharing;discusssing the internal mechanism of spiral-type knowledge sharing hoisting industrial cluster cooperative innovation; expatiating the forcing,operating,ensuring and motivating mechanisms of industrial cluster knowledge sharing by combining Hunan equipment manufacturing cluster; advacnes some strategies on piral-type knowledge sharing hoisting industrial cluster cooperative innovation.
     Firstly, on the ground of settling,comparing and refining relevant academic theory,the author introduces intermediary service organizations to industrial cluster cooperative innovation and knowledge sharing, redefines the connotation and characteristics of the spiral-type knowledge sharing,establishes four dimension helix structure on industrial cluster knowledge sharing:by combining government,enterprise,scientific research organizations as a four dimension helix structure, industrial cluster can realize the incessancy and continuous knowledge mining,transfering,intergrating and innovating,therefore,the knowledge sharing and cooperative innovation abilities spiral improvement.This new four dimension helix structure on industrial cluster knowledge sharing analysis framework can offer new alternative model and momentum support for industrial cluster cooperative innovation.In the knowledge economy context, the industry clusters through the knowledge thread as "Tacit Knowledge-Explicit knowledge-Tacit Knowledge", back to back, and achieve the knowledge change from low-level to high-level, and ultimately realize the spiral knowledge sharing and innovation. The spiral knowledge-sharing expresses the characteristics such as the multi-dimensional evolution, spiral, cooperative competition, and collaborative innovation and so on.The possibility of spiral of knowledge sharing is mainly based on the non-symmetry knowledge, capital, timeliness and other properties, and the value chain of the knowledge presence solidified the spiral objective basis for knowledge sharing. Based on knowledge economy, the spiral knowledge-sharing of the industry cluster need to strengthen such the knowledge to run the process about the knowledge absorb, conversion, creation, proliferation, application.
     Secondly,by analyzing Kreps's reputation model,the author built a reputation model of the spiral-type knowledge sharing of the industrial clusters,that is non-complete information dynamic game model of industrial cluster.By interpretating the motivating effect of reputation on industrial cluster cooperative innovation and the relationship between reputation and industrial cluster cooperative innovation,the author unscrambles the free-riding behavior and the confidence crisis of the cooperation of the industrial cluster,builds the industrial cluster cooperative innovation knowledge sharing model basig on reputation effect and thinking mode of forwarding generalization appllide by cooperative innovation members, realizes the Pareto-optimal outcome in the infinite repeating game by usinig reputation choosing game strategy.The reputation effect establsihed by industrial cluster spiral-type knowledge sharing is an important motivating mechanism of industrial cluster cooperative innovation and can play a key role for keeping long-term steady cooperative relationship of cooperative innovation members.
     Thirdly, the author discusses the mechanisms of the spiral-type knowledge sharing of the industrial clusters. The spiral-type knowledge sharing mechanisms within the industry clusters include:First dimension is the spiral drivers of knowledge-sharing:that is there a common vision of knowledge-sharing and expectations for advancing core competitiveness basing on decreasing innovative cost; second dimension is operation of screw-type knowledge-sharing mechanisms:that is the group of actors how to carry out knowledge mining,transfering and innovating among spiral-type knowledge sharing; third dimension is protection of spiral-type knowledge sharing mechanisms, that is how to ensure the realization of effective knowledge sharing of various actors within the group from system and human capital,culture and social capital,technology and knowledge deposit cumulation, organization framework and sharing channel; four dimension is the incentives of the spiral-type knowledge sharing mechanisms, that is the interactive model between system and personal confience,reputation supervision and knowledge copyright restriction and intermediary service organization coordinaion.
     Finally, for example of the equipment manufacturing cluster in Hunan Province, we discuss the strategy selection of the spiral-type knowledge sharing of the industrial clusters co-innovative. According to the four-spiral structure model of the industrial cluster, to speed up the spiral-type knowledge sharing of the co-innovative of the equipment manufacturing industrial clusters in Hunan, it should be take effective strategies in four areas from the government, enterprises, universities and intermediary including:To use the policy levers for incentives innovation, and to improve the qualities of the public service; To establish a more effective personnel training and innovative incentive mechanism; To strengthen the transformation of the cooperation innovation and research results in industrial clusters; To take the the dominant position by the role of enterprises in the four-spiral knowledge sharing model; To speed up the building of intermediary service organizations, and to improve the spiral-type sharing knowledge structure in the industrial cluster; To promote the interaction of the four-spiral sharing knowledge structure, strengthening innovative ways of the spiral-type knowledge sharing of the industrial cluster.
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