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     本试验对RAPD分析的重复性和稳定性作了研究和探讨,并建立了肉鸭RAPD的技术体系:25ul反应体积中,含0.2uM随机引物;150uM dNTP;3mM MgCl_2;2.5u110×Buffer;2U Tag酶;25~100ng模板DNA。反应程序为:94℃预变性2min,94℃变性1min,38℃退火1min,72℃延伸2min,42个循环后,72℃延伸10min,最后于4℃保存直至取出。
In order to promote the waterfowl production,We provide Scientific bases to select the best cross-combination in four groups of mule ducks.and analyzed correlation between molecular marker(RAPD) of the combinations and general breeding.
    Data of five characters obtained from the cross of five lines in meat duck: Muscovy Duck(M),Fengye Duck(F),Aobaixing Duck(A),Yingtaogu Duck(Y)and Baigai Duck(B), Birth weight(BW) .growth rate(GR),56-day weight(56DW),Feed conversion(FC),Carcass Measurement (56DCM),precentage of survive(PS), Protein and dissociative amino acids were engaged. The MF-Line' was the best one (P<0. 05): neonatal weight(60.20g),56-day weight(2913.25g), Feed conversion(2. 74:1), rate of slaughter( ♂88.65%, ♀ 90.21%), muscle ratio( ♂ 27.05%, ♀ 26.70%), skin-fat ratio yield( ♂23.44%, ♀23.44), content of protein (crural muscle22.0%, pectoral muscle 20.9%),content of dissociative amino acids (crural muscle♀70.57mg/g , pectoral muscle 205.36mg/g), The order was MF, MA, MY> MB in turn. According to marketable demanding, MA-Line is also a good choice.
    According to the correlation analysis between week-weight in each line.there were significant positive correlationship between each week in the groups(P<0. 05). The 2-week weight of MY.the 3-week weight of MA, the 4-week weight of MF and the 3-week weight of MB were extremely significant (P<0. 01) correlated to the 8-week weight of each line.The correlation coefficient were 0. 611,0. 770,0. 648 and 0. 681 respectively. So we can confer its upper weight from its weight in 2-4 week and it was in favor of making a early selection.
    Three Nonlinear Regression Model were used to draw up the growth curve of the mule-duck.The results show that Logistic, Bertalanffy and Gompertz can all be used in describing growth-development(R2>0.98). Gompertz Model is the best one(R2>0.99).The Model parameters (inflexion weight and inflexion week)have biological meaning and they can reflect the rule of development in mule-duck.
    A cluster analysis was made by using the RAPD data of different meat-duck in the experiment,the result showed that the germplasm resources were divided into 3 subclasses when the value of D was 0.78.The first subclass was muscovy duck(RF line and L10 line),the second was Fengye Duck(F),and the third included Aobaixing Duck(A),Yingtaogu Duck(Y),Baigai Duck(B) and Huabian Duck(H).The third subclass was further divided when the value of D was
    0.88,indicating that Aobaixing Duck(A) related to Baigai Duck(B)cIosely and then to Huabian Duck(H),and shared larger difference with Yingtaogu Duck(Y).According to this experiment,we know that mule-duck' heterosis is distinctness. Hillel(1991) pointed out the combining ability can be forecasted from the genetic comparability in colony by DNA finger mark.lt accorded with this experiment.So we could dope out the combining ability between different meat-ducks by DNA finger mark(RAPD).
    The parameters involved in RAPD analysis were optimized for meat-duck: the total volume of 25μl containing 150μMdNTP,0.2μM random primers,3mMMgcl2,2.5μl 10xuffer ,2 unit Taq enzyme,25-100ng template DNA.The program for the PCR amplification was that first denatured the template DNA at 94 ℃ for 2min and then denatured the DNA at 94℃ for Imin; annealed at 38℃ for lmin,extended at 72℃ for 2min,42cycles,then extended at 72℃ for 10min and keep the reaction at 4℃ until it was taken out.
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