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     1 回顾了混沌理论的发展历史,在对混沌动力学方法作了比较全面
     2 对大直径圆管中油水两相垂直流动时的流型重新进行了实验描
     3 建立了适用于垂直管两相流系统的两相流动非线性动力学模
     4 提出了基于混沌分析方法的两相流流型辨识方法,实现了用
     5 提出了基于Poincare截面、关联维数分析,实现从单变量动态测
Two-phase flow parameter measurement is an unresolved problem. The
     identification of two-phase flow patterns, flowrate and phase fl-action
     measurement are very important for the industrial applications of two-phase
     flow system. This dissertation applies chaos and fractal technique to the two-
     phase flow measurement. The main research results and contributions are
     listed as following:
     1 Based on the review of chaos techniques and its applications, a new idea
     and a new scheme for flow parameter measurements of two-phase flow
     are proposed.
     2 Flow patterns are classified by experimental investigation of oil and
     water mixture flow in large diameter vertical pipes. Practical criterion of
     flow pattern identification is developed. The flow pattern can be
     identified by the measurements of flow rate and water holdup. The
     experimental results also show that the proposed flow pattern
     identification criterion can not be applied to other pipes with different
     diameter because of the scale effect of flow pattern in large diameter
     vertical pipes.
     3 A nonlinear dynamical model of two-phase flow is developed. The
     nonlinear dynamical behavior (chaos phenomena) of two-phase flow
     systems is proved by numerical experiments. Based on this model, some
     bifurcation parameters are obtained, as well as the flow-parameter ranges
     of two-phase flow when the chaos phenomena take place in two-phase
     flow systems. Also, a theoretical graph is developed and verified by
     oil/water two-phase flow experiments. The presented model provides a
     new theoretical tool for the study of two-phase flow.
     4 A new method for flow pattern identification is presented based on the
     chaos techniques by using Poincare map and fractal dimension etc.. The
     experimental results show that the total accuracy to distinguish bubble
     flow and dispersed bubble flow is above 78% and the correlation
     dimension can be used as flow pattern indicator because of its sensibility
     to the change of flow pattern.
     5 A new method for the on-line measurements of flow rate and water
     fraction from a time series is proposed by using Poincare map and
     correlation dimension analysis. The feasibility of this method is
     supported by experiments.
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