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- I -食品加工业国际竞争力在很大程度上影响着一个国家的经济发展。实现食品加工业价值增值,扩大食品加工业价值增值的空间,对我国经济的增长,改善人民生活的质量具有重要的促进作用。随着国际经济的持续融合,我国食品加工业发展迅速,在竞争越来越激烈的国际市场上,正面临着在世界经济全球化过程中的无限机遇和巨大挑战。在这种背景下,探讨食品加工业竞争力的形成机理具有重大的现实意义。本研究主要包括以下内容:
International competitiveness of food processing industry has an important effect on the development of the economy of a country. The realization of the industrial value increase in food processing industry and the expansion of value increase are playing important roles in promoting the economic development and improving people’s living standard. With the continuing integration of world economies, the food processing industry in China is facing more opportunities and challenges in the process of economic globalization. Therefore, it is significant to conduct researches and studies of the forming mechanism of international competitiveness in food processing industry in China.
     This research focused on the following issues:
     Firstly, a model of forming mechanism of international competitiveness was established. Based on the analysis of value increase in international competitiveness of food processing industry, and some of its influencing factors, a function model and a system structure model of international competitiveness in food processing industry were put forward relating to the international competitiveness model,followed by an analysis of the power structure based on the system structure model of competitiveness value increase. Then the paper analyzed the elements in value chain in food processing industry and their effects on increasing the values.
     Secondly, the paper probed into the three factors in international competitiveness forming mechanism model in food processing industry, which are the competition resource, production procedure and consumer demand innovation. Based on the value chain structure in food processing industry, the paper discussed the mechanisms of how the three factors are turned into international competitiveness. Then, from the perspective of consumer demand innovation, it argued that in terms of value increase, the government policy service plays the leading role; the industrial organizations, financial market and other supporting systems play the underpinning role; and human power plays the promoting role.
     Thirdly, an evaluation model of the international competitiveness in food processing industry was set up. Based on the study of international competitiveness forming mechanism in food processing industry, the author designed an evaluation index system, and then proposed a Comprehensive Evaluation Model by making use of Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation math.
     Finally, by applying the competitiveness analysis model and the international competitiveness forming mechanism model proposed in the paper, an empirical research was conducted in Heilongjiang Province Corn Processing Industry. The paper systematically analyzed the industrial value chain and how the industrial value got increased in Heilongjiang Province Corn Processing Industry. Results indicate that studies in the forming mechanism of competitiveness in food processing industry might be applied in the evaluation of the industrial values so as to strengthen the international competitiveness of the food processing industry in China.
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