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Undertaking international manufacturing outsourcing and international industry transfer has been the most significant features of the economic life of China since it Jioned to WTO which has a major impact on the economic and social life of our country Undertake the assessment and proper test the impact of international outsourcing on China is of great practical significance. From the empirical point, This article has made the theoretical and empirical research on the measure of our outsourcing and historical evolution, the labor demand effect productivity effect of outsourcing.
     Firstly, the article definied the outsourcing concept and summarized several commonly used measure indicators. Based on the methods of Hummels and China's input-output tables, this paper then estimates the overall outsourcing rate, material outsourcing rate and services outsourcing rate of material production sectors of 23 industries as a whole from the perspective of undertake international outsourcing and analyzes the evolution of outsourcing rate for different types industry. Then use the definition of outsourcing development index and Divisia weighted average index decomposition method, this paper decomposes outsourcing development index into export structure effect and the outsourcing rate effect to analyze the development of China's outsourcing. The results show that the most of International Outsourcing china undertaked is material outsourcing. For different types of industry, The evolution trend of international outsourcing in the rate of evolution is different the outsourcing rate of resource-intensive industries, capital-intensive industries and technology-intensive industry steadily increased year by year, while the outsourcing rate of labor-intensive industries declined. The decomposition of China's outsourcing development index shows that the outsourcing rate increase of resource-intensive industries, capital-intensive industries and technology-intensive industry and the increase in export share of the latter two types of industry promote the improvement of China's outsourcing development index, the decline of outsourcing rate and the export share the labor-intensive industry has a negative impact on the China's outsourcing development index. Based on the of empirical findings, some policy suggestion are put forward for upgrading China's international outsourcing。
     Secondly, this article made a empirical study of productivity effects of outsourcing. Used Malmquist index as the measure of the total factor productivity of and decomposed total factor productivity into technological progress and technical efficiency, based on industry panel data, this article made a empirical study of the productivity effects of outsourcing. Empirical results show that independent research and development is a major factor in China's productivity growth, international outsourcing is helpful to improve the productivity of our country. the productivity effect of service outsourcing is greater than that of material outsourcing, Both service outsourcing and material outsourcing have a greater role in the promotion of technological progress and improve technical efficiency. Capital investment can improve industry productivity, While labor inputs can not improve the technical efficiency and can not promote technical progress, and therefore can not increase productivity.
     Thirdly, Applied 2002-2007China's 25 manufacturing industry data and based on panel data model, this paper had make a empirical tests about the labor demand effects of international outsourcing from the perspective of undertaking international manufacturing transfer. The results shows that undertaking the international outsourcing has promoted the growth of China's labor demand, undertaking the international outsourcing of Labor-intensive industries, high-tech industries and export-oriented industry has a positive role in promoting the growth of China's labor demand, while undertaking the international outsourcing of the capital-intensive industry, low-technology industries has negative effects on employment growth.
     Finally, this paper had make a study of the impact of Outsourcing on the Industrial Upgrading。This part introduced the meaning and level of industrial upgrading, industrial upgrading including process upgrading, the value chain upgrading and industrial chain upgrading, Based on case studies,the papers analyze the impact of outsourcing on the industry upgrades and some policy suggestion are put forward for upgrading China's international outsourcing。
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