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As an enterprise which concentrates on capital and technology, thermal power plant would be able to remain invincible in the drastic market competition and farthest possess the quotient of electric power market only if improving the economic efficiency and reducing the operation cost, under the situation of market economy. And enhancing the management level, heightening the personnel work efficiency, implementing technology innovation, reducing the energy consumption is the only way for thermal power plant to improve the economic efficiency and economic benefit.Implementing the regulation which calculates the coal consumption of power generation and supply according to the positive balance of coal quantity entering furnace is one of the important tasks for power plant to reduce the energy consumption. Traditionally, calculation of the coal consumption of power generation and supply commonly adopted the inverse-balance method due to the lack of effective measure of coal quantity entering furnace. The calculated result according to inverse-balance method will greatly differ with the actual coal consumption, because there are many factors affecting the coal consumption, and the mechanism of inverse-balance method is too complex. Therefore, it is impossible to reflect the operation state of the power generation units and the economic efficiency of the power plant. The coal consumption of power generation and supply according to the positive balance of coal quantity entering furnace is calculated based on the measured coal
    quantity entering furnace and the analytic quantity of heat of the mechanic coal sampler. The measurement of the coal quantity entering furnace will take the decisive role in the calculation of the coal consumption of power generation and supply according to the positive balance method.The objective of this paper is to investigate and exploit an automatic metering management system of positive balance coal quantity based on the analysis of the metering error of the electronic belt scale, and present an integral scheme of the automatic metering management system, put forward a solution to the two main problems in the positive balance coal quantity metering method, and present a concrete implementation scheme for Zhejiang Beilun Thermal Power Plant.
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