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Life Cycle assessment(LCA) is a tool which distinguish and valuate the environmental impact of a product, process or activity throughout its entire life cycle. It is put forward to meet the needs of reducing total environmental impacts while satisfying the demand of customers as well as environmental governor under the force of sustainable development of society. It integrates polluting prevention and resource conservation strategies into the design of the product and process to develop more ecological, economical and sustainable system. It is a quantitative and qualitative analysis method which evaluate the product and process from the collection of raw material to the manufacture, use of the product as well as the disposal of it.A LCA system which is suitable to evaluate the municipal wastewater treatment work is discussed on the basis of the traditional LCA in this paper. It contains environment, economy and technology three factors and is demonstrated by the example. This LCA system provide basic data to the manager and governor, at the same time it is benefit for constructing more ecological and economically sustainable municipal wastewater treatment work. Analytic hiberarchy process is used in the paper. In order to reflect the practice more effectively, quantitative and qualitative evaluate method are both used.
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