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With the advent of the 21st century, the contradictions between economic development and environment become increasingly apparent, the global emphasis on environmental protection continues to increase. Three decades of reform and opening up, China's economic development has made remarkable achievements, but the environmental costs are also shocking. The gradual accumulation of environmental problems, its harmful consequences are gradually revealed, even to the concentration of the outbreak period. Scholars from various countries have strengthened the research work about environmental regulatory policies and measures, a variety of regulatory policy has been varying degrees of application and development. However, although the SMEs made up more than half of the GDP, the regulation policies and measures about its emission behaviors have always developed slowly. The existing regulatory measures are applicable for all enterprises. Due to the large number of SMEs and widely distributed, there is no regulation subject can afford the high cost of implementation. Therefore, this thesis studies the emission control of SMEs, and tries to find the regulatory mechanisms which are applicable to SMEs.
     The main contents of this thesis include:
     ①The present status of environmental regulations for SMEs. The characteristics of SMEs, as well as emission control status of SMEs and the dilemma were summarized, the internal and external causes are analyzed. In addition, used regression analysis method, the thesis empirical studied the relationship between the enterprises size and emission level based on the database of Chongqing Shapingba district pollution sources census information. The analysis confirmed that the resource consumption in the same conditions, the larger the enterprise the less emission, further illustrates the importance of strengthening the emission control of SMEs.
     ②The direct pattern-based environmental regulation strategy study of SMEs. The thesis build the emission control game mode between regulatory agency and enterprise, and fund the optimal regulatory strategy of regulatory agency, and analyzed the corporate marginal pollution costs, regulatory efficiency, as well as the penalties’s impact on optimal regulatory strategy. And the impacts of regulatory cost, regulatory efficiency, penalties, as well as the permit price on enterprise’s emission strategy were analyzed, and put forward relevant policy recommendations.
     ③The study of SMEs environment regulation mechanisms based on indirect pattern. Based on the framework of imperfect competition, the thesis analyzed the indirect pattern of SMEs environment regulation in the condition of collecting taxes and providing subsidies.
     ④The study of pricing model of SMEs’pollutant emission based on centralized pollution control. The thesis developed a game model of SMEs and the pollution control company, studied the conditions to assure the mode of centralized management of pollutants to implement, and compared the SMEs’product quantity and profits, the pollution control company’s profit and the social welfare under individual control mode and centralized control mode.
     The main conclusions of this study include:
     ①There was a significant negative correlation between the enterprise and emission intensity.
     ②Under direct mode, with the emission fee and penalties increasing, regulation costs decreasing, the corporations’incentive to emission by stealth will decrease so that the governor could control pollution more effectively. Under indirect mode, the reduction of regulated enterprises’(large enterprises) average emission rate can cause the reduction of unregulated enterprises’(SMEs) total emissions. The increase of emission taxes or subsidies will lead to the increase of unregulated enterprises’total emissions. The industry consolidation will reduce the unregulated enterprises’total emissions. The maximum output for no regulation, and the minimum output for complete regulation. But, the total emissions of incomplete regulation may exceed the total emissions of no regulation, as well as the total emissions of complete regulation may exceed the total emission of incomplete regulation. It is up to some specific conditions.
     ③If adopting a centralized pollution control with full marketization, the price of product will get higher, production quantity will get lower, social welfare will be decreased, that is, a "market failure" situation. As a result, the government should intervene in the management of centralized pollution control to improve social welfare as the goal setting pollution charges price cap companies. If the government set the price cap is reasonable, then not only can not be reduced to ensure social welfare, or even increase social welfare. Centralized control is a better mode of pollution control as it increases the SMEs’product quantity and social welfare.
     Accordingly, this thesis makes the conclusion there are three measures to strengthen the SMEs’environment regulation. Firstly, to strengthen the environment regulation on large enterprises, promote them adopt cleaner production methods and reduce emission rate; Secondly, to optimize the command and control of environment regulation means, and this is a prerequisite for centralized pollution control; Thirdly, to indirectly regulate SMEs’emission by set different standards of emission fee and subsidy according to industry when regulates the large enterprises. Finally, to strengthen the market-based pollution control mechanisms and improve the end treatment level of SMEs’emission.
     This thesis has the following innovations:
     ①Based on the first-hand statistics from the research project "Shapingba the first national census on pollution sources" in the charge of author, this thesis made an empirical research on the status of environmental regulation of SME, and obtained the relationship between emission intensity and the scale of enterprises.
     ②Based on the framework of incomplete environmental regulation, this thesis established game models of SMEs emission control under tow mechanisms of emission taxes and subsidiesm and put forward the optimal policies for SMEs emission control under incomplete environmental regulation.
     ③Considering that a professional company control the pollution from numbers of SMEs in an area, this thesis developes a pricing game model for centralized pollution control, and put forward the optimal pricing policies under martetization and government intervention.
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