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In the market economy conditions, the success of an enterprise is no longer completely depend on their conditions, it must also consider the environment's status and the use of external resources, and the status and the ability reflects the state of relations of enterprises. Therefore, the relations between enterprises have adopted by many scholars and research concern, the study mainly from the perspective of management and economics starting. This paper attempts to research by using the theory of biology and explore based on Niche Perspective. As far as living organisms, enterprise is also deeply integrated in it was located in the natural, economic, social, cultural and technological environment. That is the environment in which enterprise is an ecosystem, in which the various sectors and their interaction relations are existing. The main contents include:
     1、Niche businesses and biological niche, are composed of many ecological factors, including time, space, resources and capabilities. Resource is the most important ecological factor, which is also the entry point of enterprise and computing niche research. On this basis, we standardize the analysis and empirical analysis to classify resources into supply resources, human resources, capital resources, technical resources, information and market resources. It also provides necessary analysis to each main content.
     2、Optimization of the enterprise has external competitive pressures as well as its own adaptability. The two joint to be the two driving forces improving the enterprises relations.
     3、As a whole, enterprise relations can be divided into basic non-related, competition-oriented, cooperative-based and competing types. Each type of relationship exists optimization possibilities, only urgent and specific optimization path varying. The major research content in this paper is the optimization of competition-oriented enterprises.
     4、Optimization of enterprises moves towards a clear direction due to the internal and external drive. The direction namely: access to their own survival and development space at the same time, also to the effective use of resources. Effective use of resources in form also appeared to expanding resources for the effective distribution of existing resources and the efficient use of resources.
     5、The state of enterprise relationship is measurable, and this paper puts Niche business overlap value as the major measure. Based on the formula, and the gathering of business adequate data and analysis, Niche can more accurately compute the two companies overlap value. The size of overlap analysis is the enterprise basis.
     6、Corporate relationships can be identified through Niche overlap value, the internal and external force also urged them to further optimization, and the optimization is of different paths in accordance with the specific conditions. Optimization includes expanding real niche and consolidating existing niche and pursuing symbiotic niche and separating original Niche. Different channels intersect each other and are used alternately.
     The innovation of this paper is:
     1、On the basis of the formation of an enterprise, two theoretical analysis of ecological factors, we apply Niche biological composition of the principle factor to enterprises, and draw from the impact of corporate relationships and the ecological factor weights. In the range of available research results, it is very clearly defined businesses out of the key ecological factors, which is a step forward in theoretical exploration and also has a strong guiding role in practice.
     2、Calculating enterprises Niche overlap value by Adoption of key ecological factors, judging the state enterprises and the formation of the source types from a mathematical perspective, both laid a good foundation for relationship of enterprises and provided a new research perspective. Relations between enterprises have been described qualitatively in available research results, but it will be more measurable and scientific after being projected and defined by mathematical means. Such methods have universal applicability.
     3、Niche use biological principles to put forward a clear enterprise relationship optimizing direction, and against the Optimization direction to establish key indicators to assess items, and then demonstrate the optimal path which the optimization is continuous close to from the ecological factors. Relationships Optimization Path is used by the example applies among all enterprises and is tested, with strong guidance and maneuverability on their actual business activities.
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