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本文以半干旱黄土高原地区(甘肃省榆中县北山地区)利用垄沟集雨技术建成的人工苜蓿草地和围栏封育的撂荒地演替植被为对象,通过2年的大田试验研究了垄沟集雨技术下的苜蓿草地干草产量、水分利用效率、土壤剖面水分动态、苜蓿根系及地上凋落物的分解特征与养分动态、分解速率对集雨技术的响应及土壤生态化学计量特征;初步探讨了养分添加对封育的撂荒地演替植被地上生物量、地下生物量、根冠比的影响;以及养分添加对封育植被土壤生态化学计量特征的影响和植被建设的作用。为此,我们在榆中县北山地区进行了四个实验。实验一:垄沟集雨对紫花苜蓿人工草地土壤水分和产草量的影响,实验设5个处理:1)CK:常规平作,不起垄,不覆膜(对照);2)M30:垄和沟的宽度都为30 cm,垄上覆盖塑料薄膜;3)M60.垄和沟的宽度都为60 cm,垄上覆盖塑料薄膜;4)B30:垄和沟的宽度都为30 cm,不覆膜;5)B60:垄和沟的宽度都为60 cm,不覆膜。实验二:苜蓿根系和地上凋落物野外埋置分解试验,实验在实验一的5个处理中进行野外分解。实验三:集雨措施对植株残体和根系,有机肥野外埋置分解的影响,实验设2个处理:1)F:平地不起垄,不覆膜;2)H:起垄覆膜,垄和沟宽都为60cm。实验四:养分添加对围栏封育的撂荒地植被土壤生态化学计量特征的影响和植被建设的作用,实验设4个处理:1)CK:不施肥(对照);2)N:只添加氮肥;3)P:只添加磷肥;4)NP:同时添加氮肥和磷肥。主要实验结果如下:
     实验二:1)苜蓿根系分解速率(K)大于地上凋落物:KM60R(0.0029)>KM60L(0.0021)、KM30R(0.0025)> KM30L(0.0012)、KB60R(0.0025)> KB60L(0.0014)、KB30R(0.0023)> KB30L(0.0014)、KCKR(0.0022)>KCJL(0.0014);苜蓿地上凋落物的分解速率与凋落物的初始N含量、C/P显著正相关,而与初始C/N显著负相关。2)苜蓿根系和地上凋落物野外埋置分解的前90d植物有机碳迅速释放,有机碳含量较分解前显著降低,随后释放减缓,分解450d后, M60处理的地上凋落物有机碳释放量最大(81.0g/kg)。所有处理的苜蓿根系和地上凋落物在埋置分解450d后,分解残体的全N(B30除外)、全P均较基底值(分解前的值)增加,表现为N、P素的富集积累。3)分解袋野外埋置分解450d后,苜蓿根系和地上凋落物的C/N比均显著降低,对于根系残体,其C/N比降低幅度的大小依次为:M30(9.70)>M60(9.48)>CK(9.27)>B60(8.41)>B30(7.24);而对于地上凋落物,其C/N比降低幅度依次是CK(9.59)>M30(9.27)>B30(7.91)>M60(7.69)>B60(5.69)。4)分解速率除了与底物自身化学组成密切相关外,还受环境因子影响,本实验发现苜蓿根系及地上凋落物的分解速率与0-20cm土层的土壤水分呈正相关(p<0.05)。5)分解袋野外埋置分解450d后,残体附近2-3cm的0-20cm土层的土壤有机质(SOC)含量都增加了,且根系分解残体0-20cm的SOC含量高于地上凋落物分解残体的SOC含量;分解过程中残体附近2-3cm的0-20cm土层的土壤C/N比随分解时间增加而增大,其中M60处理的根系分解450d后残体的土壤C/N比最大(9.20),CK与M30的地上凋落物分解的土壤C/N比最小(8.50),此外,根系残体附近2-3cm的0-20cm土层的土壤C/N比都大于地上凋落物残体0-20cm土壤C/N比(B30处理除外)。6)分解袋野外埋置分解450d后,根系残体附近2-3cm的0-20cm土层的土壤速效磷趋势为:裸露处理>CK>覆膜处理,且M60处理最低,而地上凋落物残体0-20cm的土壤速效磷含量依次为:B30 (5.54mg/kg)∽CK (5.33mg/kg)∽B60 (5.29mg/kg)>M30 (4.43mg/kg)>M60 (3.66mg/kg);分解450d后,根系残体附近2-3cm的0-20cm土层的土壤C/P比大于地上凋落物残体0-20cm的土壤C/P比,覆膜处理残体附近2-3cm的0-20cm土壤C/P比大于裸露处理和对照CK,其中M60处理的C/P比最大,CK处理的C/P比最小。
We evaluated the effect of ridge and furrow rainfall harvesting technique on alfalfa grassland yield, water use efficiency, profile soil water dynamics, soil nutrient dynamics and the decomposition feature of alfalfa root and litter, and the soil ecological stoichiometry feature by 2 years field experiment in the semi-arid Loess Plateau (Beishan of Yuzhong County, Gansu Province). We also assessed the influence of nutrient applying on fenced natural vegetation aboveground biomass, belowground biomass, root/shoot ratio, the soil ecological stoichiometry feature, and the effect of nutrient applying on vegetation establishment. To this end, four experiments had been conducted in Beishan of Yuzhong County. In the First experiment, five treatments were used:1) CK:Conventional cultivation in flat treatment without mulch; 2) M30: Plastic mulched ridge with the width of ridge and furrow as 30cm; 3) M60:Plastic mulched ridge with the width of ridge and furrow as 60cm; 4) B30:Bare ridge with width of ridge and furrow 30cm; 5) B60:Bare ridge with width of ridge and furrow 60cm. The second experiment: Alfalfa root and shoot litter decomposition embedded field test. There were also five treatments as to the first. The third experiment:the effect of ridge and furrow rainfall harvesting technique on the decomposition of five crops residue, roots and organic fertilizer:it had tow treatments:1) F:Flat treatment without mulch; 2) H:Plastic mulched ridge with the width of ridge and furrow as 60cm. There were four treatments in the last-the effect of nutrient applying on the soil ecological stoichiometry and vegetation establishment:1) CK:Contrast, no fertilizer; 2) N:Add nitrogen fertilizer; 3) P:Add phosphate fertilizer; 4) NP:Add nitrogen+phosphate fertilizer. The main results as below:
     1. The first Experiment:1) M60 has been proved to be the effective way of increasing alfalfa production, while B30 and B60 have a negative effect in 2008 and 2009. The order of production on different water harvesting regimes was M60>M30>CK>B60>B30, which was the same as the results of seven years ago. M60 had a higher WUE rather than
     higher water consumption, besides, M60 had a positive effect of water complement on soil 0-100cm layer.2) Alfalfa cultivation can enhance soil organic matter in the 0-20cm layer of soil. Even though it can reduce C/N, which means the acceleration of decomposition of SOC and decrease SOC content, in our experiment M60 play a better role on decreasing C/N.
     2. The second Experiment:1) Decomposition rate (K) of alfalfa root was higher than litter: KM60R(0.0029)> KM60L(0.0021), KM30R(0.0025)> KM30L(0.0012), KB60R(0.0025)> KB60L(0.0014), KB30R(0.0023)> KB30L(0.0014), KCKR(0.0022)> KCKL(0.0014). The decomposition rate of litter has a significantly positive correlation with its initial nitrogen content and C/P ratio, while it has a significantly negative correlation with its initial C/N ratio.2) In the field, roots and litters released more organic carbon (SOC was significantly lower than before decomposition) in the former 90ds, then slowly. The alfalfa litter in M60 has the highest organic carbon release, which was 81.0g/kg. The soil total nitrogen (exclude B30) and soil total phosphorus content increased in all root and litter decomposition treatments than before after 450ds. It showed nutrient enrichment in the soil.3) Alfalfa root and litter C/N ratio decreased significantly than initial value after decomposition. The order of C/N ratio decrease in different ridge and furrow rainfall harvesting technique was M30 (9.7)>M60 (9.48)>CK (9.27)>B60 (8.41)>B30 (7.24) for alfalfa root, while it was CK (9.59)>M30 (9.27)> B30 (7.91)> M30 (7.69)> B60 (5.69) for alfalfa litter.4) Decomposition rate is closely related to its chemical composition and affected by environmental factors. We found the decomposition rate of alfalfa root and litter had a significantly positive correlation with soil water content in the 0-20cm layer.5) SOC increased in different extent after 450ds decomposition of alfalfa root and litter in the field, which is in the 0-20cm layer soli of residue near 2-3cm. Furthermore, SOC from alfalfa root was more than it from litter. The soil C/N ratio has increased along the time goes. M60 has the highest C/N ratio (9.20) after alfalfa root decomposition while CK and M30 have the lowest C/N ratio (8.50) after alfalfa litter decomposition. Besides, soil C/N ratio after alfalfa root decomposition was higher than it after litter decomposition. The soil available phosphorus content differed in different treatments after 450ds decomposition, which was bare soil treatments> CK> film mulched treatments and M60 has the lowest soil available phosphorus content. The soil available phosphorus from alfalfa litter was 5.54mg/kg in B30, 5.53mg/kg in CK,5.29mg/kg in B60,4.43mg/kg in M30, and 3.66mg/kg in M60. After 450ds decomposition, C/P ratio in all treatments was higher in root than in litter and film mulched treatments> bare soil treatments and CK. M60 has the highest C/P ratio and CK has the lowest.
     3. The third Experiment:The decomposition rate of wheat, maize, pea, potato and alfalfa shoot, root and manure were accelerated under ridge and furrow with film mulched rainfall harvesting technique and it was positively correlation with 0-20 cm soil water content.
     4. The last Experiment:The productivity of fenced natural vegetation was enhanced by applying P fertilizer and N fertilizer, the productivity by applying P fertilizer was the highest. But applying P fertilizer can't enhance productivity. Adding N fertilizer would increase soil water consumption, and apply P, NP fertilizer can benefit the soil water. Our results showed, SOC and soil C/N ratio in the 0-20cm layer of soil were decreased by applying N fertilizer, but increased by applying P, NP fertilizer. Besides, by applying P fertilizer in restoration land could prevent C/N ratio decreasing. Thus, applying P fertilizer was an effective way for fenced vegetation to establish and restore.
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