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As a middle organization between enterprise and market,industrial cluster is the space industrial organization which is of specialization and network.The competition advantage and innovation advantage of industrial clusters don't come from aggregation of enterprises,but from the interaction between the main in specific region and the collaboration both inside and outside of industrial clusters.Geographical clusters create environment and conditions for the interaction and collaboration.The cooperation of industrial clusters and regional logistics refers to improvement of industrial clusters' competitiveness and development of modern regional logistics.From this angle,on the basis of Transaction Cost Theory,the thesis puts an in-depth study on the industrial clusters and regional logistics,reveals their cooperation modes.By means of integrating the internal and external production factors,the composition of forces and collective efficiency come about which pose great significance on the improvement of industrial clusters' competitiveness and perfecting the regional logistics.
     In the cluster,the inter-related upstream and downstream enterprises integrate all processes of logistics system including packaging,transport,handling,storage,custody, information management and delivery.The network structure of cluster realizes the transportation and logistics' integration;the effect of spatial concentration reduces product transportation and inventory costs;trust and contract mechanisms based on connections in cluster accelerate cash flow and information flow.Hence,the cluster operations significantly make operating costs lower.It is easy to form the logistics chain including transportation,storage,packaging and processing.The supply chain relationships of raw materials,suppliers,product manufacturer,distributors,retailers and eventually customers,which are formed by enterprices of industrial cluster,make the cluster enterprices synchronous operation and mutual coordination,protecting every aspect's continuity of the logistics chain.At the same time,every aspect of the logistics chain can be used as nodes to connect different enterprises with the relationship between supply and demand,form cluster's distribution network system and set up close ties between production and demand of enterprices.Through coordination of industrial cluster and regional logistics,competitiveness of clusters can be enhanced, propelling the formation of modern logistics industry.
     The thesis applies the Transaction Cost Theory to explore the cooperation modes between industrial clusters and regional logistics.Through gray relational model,it makes quantitative analysis about the supporting role of regional logistics to industrial clusters.Then combined with the actual industrial clusters home and abroad,it analyzes the corresponding typical industrial clusters according to the cooperation modes,and brings out strategic recommendations.The thesis's main contents and conclusions are as follows:
     First,it reviews the research progress of the cooperation of industrial clusters and regional logistics home and abroad,and brings out the theory basis of the cooperation mode.By analyzing the transaction nature of industrial cluster and systemic characteristics of regional logistics,the thesis adopts the Transaction Cost Theory as the theory basis.
     Second,it analyzes the necessity of the construction of industrial cluster's logistics system.The dissertation expounds the connotation and traits of industrial cluster's logistics,attaches the importance upon the establishment of industrial cluster's logistics service system,and proposes that the integration ability of industrial cluster's logistics is one of main methods to improve the industrial cluster's competitiveness.It discusses the basic role of establishment and development of regional logistics to industrial cluster.
     Third,the dissertation analyzes the formation and development of regional logistics serving clusters.After exploring the effect of industrial cluster to logistics demand,it analyzes the formation mechanism and path of regional logistics serving industrial cluster.According to the location condition,industry dependence and function association of cluster enterprises,three development patterns are summarized: location-oriented,dependent and function association.
     Four,it sets forth the blend relationship of industrial cluster and regional logistics. On the basis of correlation analysis,it analyzes the Symbiotic relationship between industrial cluster and regional logistics.Then according to industry cluster life cycle principle,the thesis disserts the blend relationship from three sides:aggregation period, proliferation period and recession period.In this part,the performance and interaction of industrial cluster and regional logistics in three periods are brought dynamically.
     Five,it discusses the cooperation modes of industrial cluster and regional logistics from the transaction cost.From the angle of transaction cost,according to three factors affecting transaction cost(asset specificity,uncertainty and transaction frequency),it analyzes the logistics' transaction nature,focuses on the choice of the cooperation modes,and explores the application of four modes respectively.
     Finally,the dissertation analyzes the cooperation modes' specific performance of industrial cluster and regional logistics from qualitative and quantitative aspects,and conducts positive analysis.After bringing in analysis of industrial cluster value chain,it sets forth the connotation of three specific performance:self-logistics mode,logistics outsourcing mode and logistics alliance mode.According to the product features, enterprise strength,logistics costs and service ability,it gives the reason and application condition for choosing different modes,and comes to decision-making model from qualitative angle.In positive research,in the first place,it analyzes positively about the supporting role of regional logistics to industrial clusters,sets up gray relational model by choosing corresponding indicators,carries out test of significance;then for instance of different typical industrial clusters,the dissertation analyzes three specific performance practically.
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