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     2.日本锦鲫对铵态氮暴露敏感的生理生化指标是抗氧化酶SOD、CAT活性以及MDA含量。铵态氮浓度达到0.50mg/L(非离子氨NH3浓度为0.008 mg/L)时诱导日本锦鲫肝脏产生氧化应激。铵态氮浓度达到5.00mg/L(非离子氨NH3浓度为0.086 mg/L)时诱导日本锦鲫肝脏产生氧化应激,并出现氧化损伤和蛋白损伤。
     3.日本锦鲫对重金属Cd暴露敏感的生理生化指标是抗氧化酶SOD活性。Cd浓度为0.005 mg/L、铵态氮浓度为0.50 mg/L(非离子氨NH3浓度为0.006mg/L),其联合作用诱导日本锦鲫肝脏产生氧化应激,并且铵态氮的存在加剧了重金属Cd对日本锦鲫的氧化胁迫。Cd浓度为0.005 mg/L、铵态氮浓度为1.00mg/L(非离子氨NH3浓度为0.013 mg/L),其联合作用诱导日本锦鲫肝脏出现氧化损伤。
     4.微囊藻毒素MC_LR浓度为1.0pg/L、铵态氮浓度为10.0mg/L(非离子氨浓度为0.006 mg/L)以及其联合作用诱导了鲤鱼肝脏产生氧化应激。实验结果并未表明MC_LR浓度为1.0pg/L)和铵态氮(浓度为10.0mg/L)的联合作用比单一作用对鱼类的毒性更大。
China was one of the countries which had the most serious eruption of cyanobacteria blooms that widely distributed and the most species of cyano-bacteria. The eruption of cyanobacteria blooms not only changed the envi-ronmental factors(low dissolved oxygen, high pH, high chemical oxygen de-mand, et al.), but also produced a large number of derivatives, including mi-crocystin, ammonia, nitrate, hydrogen sulfide and odor substances (sulfoether, 2- methyl isobutyl alcohol camphene, et al.). It seriously affected the water quality and the structure and function of the aquatic ecosystem, and even did harm to the aquatic organisms and human beings. This study focused on cyanobacterial blooms-producing ammonia and the biologic effects on typical aquatic organisms, submersed macrophyte Vallisneria natans L. and fresh-water fish Carassius auratus, and the combined effects of ammonia and Cd on Carassius auratus and the combined effects of ammonia and MC_LR on Cy-prinus carpio L. In an attempt to obtain the data of toxicity and mechanism of eruption of cyanobacteria blooms, the traditional toxicology methods were used, which were combined with molecular biology. This study provided a scientific basis for the system of ecological security threshold on the outbreak of cyanobacterial blooms, and the standards for water safety in different func-tional areas during the process of cyanobacterial blooms diminishing. The major results were summarized as follows:
     1. Among all those physiological parameters measured, the nitrogen contents in the free amino acids of the plant leaves was the most sensitive indicator. Submersed macrophyte Vallisneria natans L. grew well when the NH4+-N concentration was below 0.60mg/L and stress and growth disturbance happened when it was above 1.00mg/L Results also suggested that defi-ciency of nutrient at a low level of ammonia may cause the induction of free radicals in submerged plant leaves.
     2. Among all those physiological parameters measured, the activity of SOD and CAT and the contents of MDA in the liver proved to be the most sensitive indicators.NH4+-N induced oxidative stress of the liver in Carassius auratus at concentration of 0.50mg/L(NH3-N 0.008mg/L), and induced oxida-tive damage and protein damage at concentration of 5.00mg/L(NH3-N 0.086 mg/L).
     3. Among all those physiological parameters measured, the activity of SOD in the liver proved to be the most sensitive indicator to Cd exposure. Oxidative stress of the liver in Carassius auratus was induced at concentration of 0.005 mg/L Cd and 0.50mg/L NH4+-N(NH3-N 0.006mg/L). Oxidative damage of the liver in Carassius auratus was induced at concentration of 0.005 mg/L Cd and 1.00mg/L NH4+-N(NH3-N 0.013mg/L).
     4. Oxidative stress of the liver in Cyprinus carpio L. was induced at concentration of 1.0μg/L MC_LR,10.0mg/L NH4+-N(NH3-N 0.006mg/L)and combined effect of MC_LR and NH4+-N. The results did not show that the combined effects of MC_LR and ammonia more toxic than a single one.
     In summary, NH4+-N would have an effect upon aquatic plants and fish when its concentration were in excess of 0.50mg/L The combined effects of Cd and ammonia were more toxic than the single effects of Cd. The combined effects of MC_LR and ammonia were not more toxic than a single one.
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