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It is an ecology great affair that relate to all river basin and area ,especially to lower reaches of a river of a big dam.From the river system and full considering about the water requirement of river ecology environment, the reservoir ecological scheduling must eliminate or release the disadvantage by building reservoir, make it in favor of zoology safety and forever use of living resources.
    First, paper set forth the three natures characters and its relations. Then demonstrate the nature river system evolve into compound ecology system combining with society and economy and nature system , there are some material flow, energy flow, information flow and value flow. The hydrology regimes of river impact all the ecology factors.
    Second, the infection of large dam toward substance, energy, information, and value flow in river is analyzed. The river that impounded will produce third-level change. Zoology flow of river include: gentle flow and flood pulse; reservoir regulating must base the principle of keeping the process of river natural flow to achieve the accord development of human and river.
    Third, the reservoir zoology scheduling should keep natural regime of zoology runoff, to avoid disturbing that regular succession of various living things, but leading to the decrease of biodiversity. Flood pulse classification was brought forward: Zoology disaster flood pulse, Zoology disturbance flood pulse; and, it was discussed that how dam reservoir scheduling affected runoff rhythm, flood pulse, the water temperature, dissolve gas in the runoff respectively.
    Fourth, in this paper, analysis the setting up ecology storage and the ecology stage of reservoir, and illustrate the object and concept and principle of reservoir's zoology scheduling, tried to sort it. At last discuss basis thought and countermeasures of reservoir's zoology scheduling. Accord to the ecohydrological regime the integration of ecological water requirements can be referred to ecological with temporal characters. Based on the ecological flow regime, therefore, the warning mechanism as well as the regulation and management rules of ecological water use are discussed, which are regarded as flow requirement for river health and decrease ecological calamity and risk.
    Fifth, according to the Three Gorge Project (TGP) disturbing the hydrology regime of the yichang hydrology station and the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River, study on different measures and schemes of TGP's ecology scheduling to the ecological flow regime of different hydrology period. Ecology scheduling must try to make runoff between the fitting ecology runoff area coverage at most, avoid appearing less than the lowest ecology runoff to serious disturb river ecosystem; during low water season , confine not exceed the biggest ecology runoff; at October impounding time advance the ahead of impounding behind main flood season schedule. At ecology flooding pulse scheduling, reservoir must not let water out in uniformity, but make some flooding pulse to promote propagate of the four home fish and preserving species. At the ecology factor, the paper analyses temperature changing of before and later of Three Gorge Reservoir's impounding water according as equilibrium equation of the reservoirs heat; The result present: there don't emerge the divided layer of the water temperature in this times ; the change is very small, the outing water's temperature appear some "lagging warmer temperature" and "lagging cooler temperature", and this change to water temperature at Oct., become ecological limiting factor to the
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