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This dissertation intends to have a comprehensive study on American ecocriticism. American ecocriticism firstly introduces the ecological viewpoint into literary study field in the history of literary criticism; therefore, it has more ecocritical achievement. In this background, the comprehensive study on American ecocriticism has its feasibility and materials. Meanwhile, the critical study on American ecocriticism is helpful for the development of the ecologically literary or theoretical study of China. In a wider meaning, it can contribute to our nation's construction of the eco-friendly society and sustainable development at present time, which is an important dimension of the development of a harmonious society.
    This dissertation includes six parts: introduction, four chapters in main body and conclusion.
    The introduction describes the standing point and significance of the dissertation, the present condition of study on ecocriticism and the research method and creative characteristic of the dissertation. American ecocriticism firstly introduces the ecological viewpoint into literary study field and makes more ecocritical achievement as well as international influence. The study on which can provides resources for the development of literary theory research in China. In these years, the study on ecocriticism in China develops quickly, but it needs much improvement. In this background, the dissertation intends to research American ecocriticism's theory study and literary critical study in different viewpoints in order to display its theoretical content and critical characteristics, dialectically examines its influence and shortcomings at the standpoint of China's researcher, which are all included into the overall study on American ecocriticism.
    Chapter one is concerned with the historical, ideological background of American ecocriticism as well as its development and characters, and on this basis displays and comments its fundamental definition and study frame so as to make preparation for the following study. In the development process of industrialization in the west, the
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