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As a unique model of urban green space, golf course has been plagued in controversy of public opinion. According to the opening time and construction style, eight golf courses in Beijing were selected for this study. The values of ecosystem services of these eight golf courses were evaluated by ecological economics method that includes field sampling, data consulting and interviews investigating. Meanwhile the factors that affect the value of ecosystem services of the golf course were analyzed quantitatively. All which have made a contribution to the conclusion of ecosystem services of these golf courses. Also the dynamic change of the values of ecosystem services of these golf courses conserved by three different modes of maintenance and management has been predicted. At last, by comparison of the ecosystem service values of the Qinghe Bay Golf Course and the Olympic Forest Park, this dissertation analyzed their impacts on social economy. It also comes up with the suggestions for the future development against the fiscal over dependency of the Olympic Forest Park. The main conclusions are as follows:
     (1) The annual values of ecosystem services of these eight golf courses are21.84-80.49million RMB, which equals0.43-1.95million RMB/hm2. This value is higher than the average level of urban green space. As a unique type of urban green space, golf course provides people with ecosystem services that have brought huge ecological benefits.
     (2) The most important three ecosystem services of the golf course are sports, biodiversity conservation, and water conservation. Sports value accounts for more than95%of the total value of ecosystem services of golf course. Golf course supplies high sports value, which reflects the essential function of golf course that is for sports and leisure.
     (3) The management measures for golf course influences its ecosystem services. And they have brought0.68-3.13million RMB negative values to the ecosystem services of golf course. However compared to the positive values of corresponding ecosystem services provided by the golf course, these negative values are much smaller. The presence of golf course makes a positive impact on the surrounding ecological environment in general, and scientific and rational management on golf course brings higher value of ecosystem services.
     (4) The consumption of water resources, waste of nutrients and carbon emissions are the most important influence factors of the golf course ecosystem services. From the perspective of environmentally-friend and non-renewable resources, selecting Zoysia as fairways grass is an excellent choices undoubtedly. The measures to reduce negative impacts on the ecosystem services of the golf course include:rational fertilization, pesticide control, grass selection and water-saving irrigation. To reduce the consumption of freshwater resources and fertilizer, as well as to purify water, quality recycled water is promoted to irrigate golf courses.
     (5) The existing management measures of golf course should be changed. As in the ecological golf course management mode, water purification function would be added to the ecosystem services of golf course, and negative values of ecosystem services would decrease60.74%-80.22%, furthermore the profits of the golf course was guaranteed, and the risk of environmental pollution would be reduced to some extent. As in the organic golf course management mode, the value of ecosystem services reduced slightly because of biomass accumulation reduction, but negative values of ecosystem services decreased73.21%-85.90%. The revenue would also lose certain degree in short term, but the golf course would take a minimum impact on the environment which conducive to the water conservation and ecological balance.
     (6) For the demand of ecological and environmental protection, the golf course should adopt organic management mode in urban areas and ecological management mode in suburban areas. The economic losses caused by organic management of the golf course should be given tax, policy and technique support, even a certain amount of ecological compensation. The suburban golf course should promote ecological management, and got a certain amount of compensation and incentives.
     (7) The value of ecosystem services provided by the unit area of the Qinghe Bay Golf Course is1.53million RMB/hm2, however Olympic Forest Park only produced0.47million RMB/hm2of that. Golf course supplies higher ecosystem service values on the unit area of land use than forest Park. Golf course also produces higher benefit per unit area than the Park in employment increase and revenue growth. In another words, golf course can provide more jobs and pay more in taxes. The intangible assets of golf course play a better role in promotion of investment compared to the park.
     (8) In the circumstance without impacts on the existing pattern and planning of the Olympic Forest Park, transforming the fringe of the forest park into public golf course through the government-led, multi-stakeholder involvement and government absolute control would be a feasible program to reduce the government's fiscal investment and adopt a green-to-green project. The program is in line with the Olympic spirit that golf comes back to the Olympic Games and will have a profound impact on Beijing and even the national popularity of golf.
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