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Classified forest resources management is an important approach for establishing“two forest systems”and realizing sustainable forestry development. Since the reform and experimental improvement of China’s forest resources classification management which started in 1996, remarkable progress has been made in both theory and practice and classified forest resources management has become one of the hot topics of China’s forestry. At the turn of this century, research activities in forest resources classification management had been carried out extensively, covering lots of aspects like management system, approaches, organizational means and mechanism establishment, etc. Theoretically, answers have been obtained as for the reasons why classified forest management should be conducted, the way to achieve it and post-classification issues. As a result, identical thinking and ideas have been sought and relevant technical criteria developed. Study has been also conducted on relevant policies. All these have laid a solid foundation for systematic research on classified forest management. However, generally speaking, the research activities carried out at present are weak in terms of basic theory of classified forest management because they are conducted in a scattered, isolated way. Some results are only the summing up of some experimental work without in-depth theoretical basis and regularity, which have no significance for guiding practical work. As a result, scientific and comprehensive review must be done on China’s forest classification management practices and the research outcomes shall be combined with the forestry production activities. The issues and problems of different kinds must be dealt with from philosophical perspectives. And general law shall be sought to provide guidance to the national forest resources classification management.
     On the basis of reviewing the historical and present development of China’s forest resources classification management and observing comprehensively the major elements and the whole process of classified forest resources management from philosophical perspective, the research work is aimed at speeding up the forest resources classification management in the country. The research work covers such contents as basis for classified forest resources management, its inner and outer features, its inexorable tendency and accidental phenomena, its general attribute and regional features, its possibility and practicability. All these contents constitute a unification of theory and methodology, thus putting classified forest resources management into a systematic development process.
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