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The competition for global industrial shift among developing countries is becoming more intensive. China’s economy is facing the transition from aiming for scale to quality and benefit. Both of above have make China’s economic and technological development areas face many new challenges. Under this condition, it is important to find the industrial development principle in these areas and to guide our behavior.
     The special geographic attribute and economic orientation make it difficult to explain the industrial development principle of development areas by normal industrial economy theories. While system theory can break down these limitations and is selected to be the main analytical tool in this research. From the viewpoint of system theory, the constitution of development area’s industrial system is analyzed, the developmental mechanism and evolutionary trajectory is provided.
     This thesis puts forward that the industrial system of development areas is composed of different kinds of main bodies. According to the attributes of different main bodies, they can be divided into two categories. One is enterprise main bodies, and the other is social main bodies. The enterprise main bodies refer to the companies in the area, and the social main bodies include government, universities, research utilities, hospitals and kinds of agencies which are providing service to enterprise subjects. Different kinds of main bodies provide different functions in the system. They are structural connected and make a network-like framework. The system environment includes four aspects. They are policies and laws, infrastructure and facilities, human resource providing conditions and social and cultural environment. The system environment is the“soil”for main bodies’development and has big relation to the impact between main bodies and evolution of the system.
     Developing in open environment, the industrial system’s evolution of development areas is governed by two mechanisms, which are called inner collaboration mechanism and outer coupling mechanism. The pursuit for value is inner factor that inspires the main bodies to generate collaborate behaviors. And the power of market and the push from government are outer factors which can propel the conduction of these collaborate behaviors. Through the collaborate impact among main bodies under the open conditions, new structures are constantly emerging and the system shows us different kinds of order in different evolutional period. The outer coupling mechanism is comprised of fore-coupling mechanism and aft-coupling mechanism. The fore-coupling mechanism realizes the coupling between the system and the global production network of multi-nationals, and the
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