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With the development of the global economy, knowledge assets played more and more important role as an intangible asset. Taken high-tech corporation as the study background, the dissertation would solve the following problems: The first was that what knowledge assets was leveraged by employees in high-tech company in china? The second was that how those knowledge assets effected on intellectual capital and impacted on performance finally? The third was that how to evaluated the performance resulted from intellectual capital? The study was empirical and combined qualitative and quantitative research.
     Firstly, the related researches about knowledge assets, intellectual capital and its’relationships with the performance were carried to overall review by the numbers. The conceptions of knowledge assets and intellectual capital were put forward, Then the dissertation arranged and concluded the existing research achievements, Which is the theory basis as this paper.
     Secondly, knowledge assets factors were identified through analyzing the mutual relationships between employee and the factors driven by strategic value in the firm, which gived the new view of identifying knowledge assets indexes for theory researchers and practice workers. The concepts of all intellectual constructs were elaborated, and then the concept model of the relationship between knowledge assets,intellectual capital and performance was put forward. And the theory assumptions among all concepts were established .
     Thirdly, the investigation design and the whole process of the questionnaire development were detailedly elaborated.The high-tech companies were taken as the research object, according to the inquisition data,the PLS and SEM methods were used. After analyzing the result and the revised model, the relationships of knowledge assets、intellectual capital and performance were tested,and the casual relationship of knowledge assets and performance was established, then concluded with the management division.
     Finally, After discussing the uncertained theory, the uncertained measurement method was introduced, then the uncertained measurement model of performance impacted by intellectual capital was established. The model considered the ranging and unascertained nature of information about evaluation space, the appropriated confident standard and score rule were suggested, which improved the appraisal result. And the model was scientific, simple and used to evaluating both qualitative and qualitative indexes, which also gived a new approach and new way in evaluating the intellectual capital impacting on performance.
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