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This dissertation focuses on social network of entrepreneurs, with empirical analysis on contribution of social network of entrepreneur to start-up. It also discusses the embedded manner and closely related problems as entrepreneurial capabilities, in order to form a good optimization of business performance. Full-text content can be summarized as four parts:
     In first section, we discuss the theorial and practical basis for research, but also the origins of this article. Above all, we retrospect on strategic perspective, resource theory perspective, cognitive theory perspective, group-ecological perspective; wich relates to social network behavior on the entrepreneurs and plays foundation for model building and theoretical analysis. Further, different kinds of indicators are used to analyze the relationships between entrepreneurial capabilities and performance of China's enterprises, as financial indicators, strategic indicators, etc. Regression analysis showed that social network is characterized by an important factor contributing to this result; it is this choice of social entrepreneurs, the reality of the network as a basis for research topics.
     In second section, we analyze on entrepreneurial behavior embedded in social networks dynamics and logic based on socio-biological perspective. We discuss about the driven-power, process, lifecycle and performance of entrepreneur social networks. And then we analyze the social network evolution mechanism in the view of social biology theory. As the result, social network of entrepreneurs changed as: from the embedded link to balance embedded network and cohesive network of ties; from closed link network to network with structure holes; from purpose of path dependence to management goals.
     In third section, we discuss about the relationships between entrepreneurial social networks and entrepreneurial capabilities and entrepreneurial performance. First, we discuss the factors as the strength of entrepreneurial social networks, structure and type; and further analyze the key factors as entrepreneurial capabilities of identified entrepreneurial opportunities, endogenous learning, financing and integration of resources. On this basis, we study the relationships between entrepreneurial social network structure, entrepreneurial capability and performance. Second, we discuss the detailed network structure of social entrepreneurs and the entrepreneurial capabilities of the relationship between the assumptions made related to the proposition to be tested; later, research on the relationships between entrepreneurial capabilities and entrepreneurial performance. Again, through analysis, we discuss the contribution of entrepreneur social network to entrepreneurial capability and performance. Finally, we discuss the function paths of entrepreneurial social network to optimiz and affect the entrepreneur success.
     In fourth section, we discuss the optimization of entrepreneurial social network, improve their business performance measures and proposals for a clear direction for further study. We mainly analyze the entrepreneurial ability to integrate social network resources, improve the entrepreneurial social network governance mechanisms and to enhance the growth of start-ups, etc., the realization of entrepreneurial social networks, and the improvement the survival of start-ups and development. Finally, the full text of the summary, further research directions.
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