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In today's society, natural resources ecological environment seriouslydeteriorated. At present, Our country protect natural resources mainly by means ofpublic law, which can not mobilize the initiative of the holder of the natural resources,the root cause of natural resources ecological environment deterioration is lack ofprivate law means. China should consider setting up a private law protection systemin the field of natural resources to resolving the ecological crisis of natural resources.
     The conservation easements springing up in the field of natural resources abroadhas played an important role as a private law system. Natural resources conservationeasements are to protect natural ecological resources by conservation easement. Forthe purpose of ecological environmental and resources use on the ecologicalenvironment, the country, local governments, nonprofit organizations and privateperson as easement beneficiary contract with the holder of the natural resources asservient owner, the former is responsible for protecting the natural resources, and thebehind pay remuneration to the former. The system stemed from America, and hasbeen applied broadly in America and other countries. This system has advantagecomparing with the public law means of natural resources protection in our country,introducing and constructing natural resources conservation easements can resolve thelaw dilemma in the field of natural resources protection.
     The real property law of china has established the easement, which provides lawfor introducing conservation easements. We should give play to the opennessadvantage of easement sufficiently and extend easement appropriately to motivate itsvitality for constructing con servation easements and applying it to the field of naturalresources protection. On the theoretical basis of analyzing and resolving structuraldefects of easement, this paper demonstrates systematically the content of the naturalresources conservation easements system. The conservation easement belongs to aspecial form of easement and belongs to the private right. Natural resourcesconservation easements located at the bottom of the conservation easements.So whenwe introduce natural resources conservation easements we should reference the legistative mode of America, and stipulate especially the conservation easements inthe easements.At the same time, stipulating the special rules by grassland law andforesty law, and adopting legistative mode of combining the upper legislation andbelower legislation.
     The country, local governments,nonprofit organizations, enterprise should beeasement beneficiary of natural resources conservation easements,due to which hasthe responsibility of providing public goods, offsetting carbon emissions and publicwelfare purpose. The servient owner of natural resources conservation easementsshould include the ownership of natural resources and the holder of usufruct, andshould not include the lessee.However, when we apply the existing easement toconstruct the subjects of natural resources conservation easements,we encounter lawobstacles. Real property law in China refusing easement oneself, however, if naturalresources conservation easements allow the country set up a conservation easement inadvance on its own natural resources for itself, which would saving the cost ofresources protection because of free of paying remuneration, and provide the privateright for easement beneficiary.Therefore we suggest that we should admit thelegitimacy of easement oneself in conservation easements.
     The purpose of natural resources conservation easements is to protect naturalresources, protection purpose is the rule of determining the main right and obligations,and can also explain the terms of contract.So protection purpose should be thenecessary term.Different from the general easement, natural resources conservationeasements request servient owner to implement the positive behavior to conserve thenatural resources.But the existing law do not recognize the positive easement, whichis the law obstacles of constructing the right of conservation easements.Recognizingthe positive principle of easement, and recognizing the nature of easement is limitingthe servient land will prove the rationality of recognizing the positive easement inconservation easements, and we can set a positive burden on the owner of naturalresources servient to conserve the natural resources.
     Different from the general easement, the subject of natural resourcesconservation easements do not hold specific landfor example nonprofit organizations,which is the law obstacle of obtaining natural resources conservation easements.Torecognize the the nature of easement is limiting the servient land will prove therationality of recognizing the easement in gross in conservation easements, allowingthe subject of unholding specific land to obtain the conservation easements, which resolve the law obstacle of obtaining the conservation easements for the subject ofunholding specific land, and expanding the solutions of protection funds. Naturalresources conservation easements is not a still right, we should permit whichtransference and termination.The modle of transference should be the formalism ofcreditor‘s right, registration should be the necessary condition.Because of the nature ofprotecting public benefit of conservation easements, the transference and terminationshould conforms the law conditions. Different from the general easement, the remedymethods of conservation easements should include judicial compulsory enforcement.
    ①代表性论文是"The California Forest Legacy Program Act of2000: A Long-Term Conservation EasementProgram for Private Land", Mcgeorge Law Review (2001)32.
    ②代表性论文是"The Use of Conservation Easements to Preserve New York State's Natural Resources", AlbanyLaw Environmental Outlook Journal (2002)7.
    ③代表性论文是"Exacted Conservation Easements: The Hard Case of Endangered Species Protection", J.Environmental Law and Litigation (2004)19.
    ④代表性论文是"Working Forest Conservation Easements", The Urban Lawyer (2009)41.
    ⑤代表性论文是"Conservation Easements: A Flexible Tool for Land Preservation", Environmental Law Journal(1997)3.
    ⑥代表性论文是Stephanie L. Sandre,"Conservation Easements: Minimizing Taxes and Maximizing Land",Drake Journal of Agricultural Law (1999)4.
    ①Melissa Waller Baldwin,“Conservation Easements: AViable Tool for Land Preservation”, Land and Water LawReview (1997)32, at103.
    ②美国在1981年通过了《统一保护地役权法案》,后在2000年《第三次财产法重述:役权》篇中重新阐述了保护役权。See The American Law Institute, Restatement of the Law, Third, Property (Servitudes),§1.6(1)(2000).
    ①Uniform Conservation Easement Act,§1(a)(1981).
    ②TheAmerican Law Institute, Restatement of the LawThird, Property(Servitudes),(2000)§
    ③Susan F. French,“Highlights of the New Restatement (Third) of Property Servitudes”, Real Property Probateand Trust Journal (2001)21, at228.
    ④See Elizabeth Byers&Karin Marchetti Ponte, The Conservation Easement Handbook (second edition), LandTrust Alliance, Washington D. C,2005, at12; and The Trust for Public Land,San Francisco, California, USA,2005, at1-3.
    ①Gerald Korngold,“Globalizing Conservation Easements: Private Law Approaches for InternationalEnvironmental Protection”, Wisconsin International Law Journal (2011)28, at593.
    ②Matthew J. Richardson.“Conservation Easements as Charitable Trusts in Kansas”, Washburn Law Journal(2009)49, at180.
    ③Gerald Kongoldm,“Globalizing Conservation Easements: Private Law Approaches for InternationalEnvironmental Protection”, Wisconsin International Law Journal (2011)28, at597.
    ①Matthew J. Richardson,“Conservation Easements as Charitable Trusts in Kansas”, Washburn Law Journal(2009)49, at179.
    ②TheAmerican Law Institute, Restatement of the Law, Third, Property (Servitudes),(2000)§1. introduction.
    ③Nancy A. Mc Laughlin,“Protecting the Public Interest and Investment in Conservation: AResponse to ProfessorKorngold,s critique of Conservation Easements”, Utah Law Review (2009)4, at1564.
    ①Melissa Waller Baldwin,“Conservation Easements: AViable Tool for Land Preservation”, Land and Water LawReview (1999)32, at105.
    ②Gerald Korngold,“Globalizing Conservation Easements: Private Law Approaches for InternationalEnvironmental Protection”, Wisconsin International Law Journal (2011)28, at592.
    ③Matthew J. Richardson,“Conservation Easements as Charitable Trusts in Kansas”, Washburn Law Journal(2009)42, at179.
    ①Gerald Kongoldm,“Globalizing Conservation Easements: Private Law Approaches for InternationalEnvironmental Protection”, Wisconsin International Law Journal (20110)28, at592.
    ②Uniform Conservation Easement Act,§4(1981).
    ③TheAmerican Law Institute, Restatement of the Law, Third, Property (Servitudes),§1.5(2)(2000).
    ④TheAmerican Law Institute, Restatement of the Law, Third, Property (Servitudes),§1.6(2)(2000).
    ⑤Gerald Korngold,“Globalizing Conservation Easements: Private Law Approaches for InternationalEnvironmental Protection”, Wisconsin International Law Journal (2011)28, at592.
    ⑥Matthew J. Richardson,“Conservation Easements as Charitable Trusts in Kansas”, Washburn Law Journal(2009)49, at178.
    ①TheAmerican Law Institute, Restatement of the Law, Third, Property(Servitudes),§1.6(2)(b)(2000).
    ②Melissa Waller Baldwin,“Conservation Easements: AViable Tool For Land Preservation”, Land and Water LawReview (1997)32, at105.
    ③Alexander R. Arpad,“Comment, Private Transactions, Public Benefits, and Perpetual Control Over the Use ofReal Property: Interpreting Conservation Easements as Charitable Trusts”, Real Real Property Probate andTrust Journal (2002)37, at112-121.
    ④SeeAriz. Rev. Stat,§33-21(1)(2004);Or. Rev.Stat.§271.715(1)(2004).
    ①Michigan, Mich. Comp. Laws Ann.§324.2140.
    ②Hawaii, Haw. Rev. Stat.Ann.§198-1.
    ③Iowa, Iowa Code Ann.§457A.2.
    ②New Mexico,N. M. Stat.Ann.§47-12-2.
    ③See Justin R. Ward&F. Kaid Benfield,“Conservation Easements: Prospects for Sustainable Agriculture”,Virginia Environmental Law Journal (1988)8, at271-282.
    ④See Jessica Owley&Stephen J. Tulowiecki,“Who Should Protect the Forest? Conservation Easements in theForest Legacy Program”, Public Land&Resources Law Review (2012)33, at48-55.
    ⑤See Michael J. Mortimeretal,“A Survey of Forestland and Conservation Easement in the United States:Implications for Forestland Owners and Managers”, Small-scale Forestry (2007)32, at68.
    ⑥See Stacy E. Gillespie,“The California Forest Legacy Program Act of2000: A Long-Term ConservationEasement Program for Private Land”, Mcgeorge Law Review (2001)32, at632.
    ①Grazingland Reserve Program, Number of Rental Contracts, Easements and Dollars Obligated Contract, FiscalYear (2010).
    ②Justin R. Ward&F. Kaid Benfield,“Conservation Easements: Prospects for Sustainable Agriculture”, VirginiaEnvironmental Law Journal (1988)8, at272-290.
    ③TheAmerican Law Institute, Restatement of the Law, Third, Property (Servitudes),§1.6(2)(2000).
    ④See Melissa Waller Baldwin,“Conservation Easements: A Viable Tool for Land Preservation”, Land and WaterLaw Review (1997)32, at94.
    ⑤Kelly A. Cole,“Allowing a Charitable Contribution Deduction for the Donation of a Conservation Easement inWater Rights”, West&Northwest (2008)14, at1162-1163.
    ②See Jessica Owley Lippmann,“Exacted Conservation Easements: The Hard Case of Endangered SpeciesProtection”, J. Environmental Law and Litigation (2004)19, at316.
    ④See Nancy A. Mclaughlin,“The Role of Land Trusts in Biodiversity Conservation on Private Lands”, Idaho LawReview (2002)38, at460.
    ⑤See Sharon E. Richardson,“Applicability of South Carolina's Conservation Easement Legislation toImplementation of Landscape Conservation in theACE Basin”, Protecting the Land (2001)28, at209.
    ⑥See New South Wales Nature Conservation TrustAct of2001§33.
    ⑦See Victorian Conservation TrustAct of1972§3A.
    ①Gerald Korngold,“Globalizing Conservation Easements: Private Law Approaches for InternationalEnvironmental Protection”, Wisconsin International Law Journal (2011)28, at636.
    ②Romy Greiner,Gregg&Owen Miller,“Conservation Covenants and Conservation Management Agreements inthe Nt: APastorialists,Perspective”, http://www.riverconsulting.com.au/reports/Nt_CCs-CMAS_final-report_2008.pdf,最后访问日期为:2013年3月5日。
    ③EPA法案的一个重要内容就是针对特定开发活动对环境的影响进行评估。该法案第111条规定,所有对开发活动进行审批的机构都要考虑开发对重要栖息地所产生的影响,如果涉及到濒危物种和栖息地,那么还要考虑活动是否会对这些濒危物种、生态系统及其栖息地产生明显的影响。See Environmental PlanningandAssessment Act1979(NSW), section5.
    ④Department of Environment and Conservation (NSW), Threatened species conservation in NSW-Reformproposal,2004.
    ⑤Department of Environment and Conservation (NSW), Biodiversity certification and banking in coastal andgrowth areas,2005.
    ②See Arlene J. Kwasniak,“Conservation Easements: Pluses and Pitfalls, Generally and for Municipalities”,Alberta Law Review (2009)46, at654.
    ③See The1996Amendments to the Alberta Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, R. S. A,2000, c.E-12, at22-24.
    ④R. S. C.1985, c.1.
    ⑤See Gerald Korngold,“Globalizing Conservation Easements: Private Law Approaches for InternationalEnvironmental Protection”, Wisconsin International Law Journal (2011)28, at636.
    ⑥S.3(2)(d) of the Ontario Conservation LandAct.
    ⑦Uganda National EnvironmentalAct, Ch.153,§72(3),1995,http://www.wipo.int/wipolex/en/text.jsp?file-id=180968,最后访问日期为:2014年1月5日。
    ①See Morrisette,Peter M,“Conservation Easements and the Public Good:Preserving the Environment on PrivateLands”, Natral Resources Journal (2005)45, at425-426;James D. Timmons, larada,“Conservation Easements:Windfall or Straitjacket?”, Law and Land (2007) Fall, at327.
    ②See Senate. Rep,“Conservation Easements—Preserving Privately Owned Natural Habitats:Guidance forInterpreting26U. S. C.§170(h)(4)(A)(ⅱ),GlassV.CommissioneeofInternalRevenue,124T.C.258(2005), WyomingLaw Review (2006)6, at109.
    ③See Melissa Waller Baldwin,“Conservation Easements: A Viable Tool for Land Preservation”, Land and WaterLaw Review (1997)32, at.109.
    ④See James D. Timmons, larada,“Conservation Easements: Windfall or Straitjacket?”, Law and Land (2007)Fall, at128.
    ①See Melissa Waller Baldwin,“Conservation Easements: A Viable Tool for Land Preservation”, Land and WaterLaw Review (1997)32, at96.
    ②See Bari. M,“Literature Review on Market-Based Instruments”, NSW Department of Land and WaterConservation Report (2002)4; See Kari Gathen,“The Use of Conservation Easements to Preserve New YorkState's Natural Resources”, Albany Law Environmental Outlook Journal (2002)7, at203.
    ①Matthew J. Richardson,“Conservation Easements as Charitable Trusts in Kansas”, Washburn Law Journal(2009)49, at180.
    ③Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program (FRPP) Number of Parcels and Dollars Obligated Contract,FiscalYear (2010).
    ④Amy Blackwood Etal,“The Nonprofit Sector In Brief”,http://nccsdataweb. Urban.Org/kbfiles/797/Almamac2008public Charities,最后访问日期为:2013年11月8日。
    ⑤See Melissa Waller Baldwin,“Conservation Easements: A Viable Tool for Land Preservation”, Land and WaterLaw Review (1997)32, at95.
    ①See Bari.M,“Literature Review on Market-Based Instruments”, NSW Department of Land and WaterConservation Report (2002)32, at67.
    ②See Kari Gathen,“The Use of Conservation Easements to Preserve New York State's Natural Resources”,Albany Law Environmental Outlook Journal (2002)7, at203.
    ①See Gerald Korngold,“Globalizing Conservation Easements: Private Law Approaches for InternationalEnvironmental Protection”, Wisconsin International Law Journal (2011)28, at599.
    ③See Gerald Korngold,“Globalizing Conservation Easements: Private Law Approaches for InternationalEnvironmental Protection”, Wisconsin International Law Journal (2011)28, at617.
    ①其中,合格的财产利益包括授予永久性保护地役权,合格的组织包括联邦承认的非营利性组织。保护的目的被界定为:保护土地的户外休闲和教育、保护自然栖息地、保护开放空间、保护有历史意义的重要的土地和建筑。See Internal Revenue Code.§170(h)(4).
    ①Kermit Degooyer&David E. Capen,“An Analysis of Conservation Easements and Forest Management in NewYork, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine”, Rubenstein School of Enviromental&Nature Resources (2004), at28.
    ②See Gerald Korngold,“Privately Held Conservation Servitudes:A Policy Analysis in the Context of In GrossReal Covenants and Easements”, Tex. Law Review (1984)63, at461-462.
    ①See David Farrier,“Coserving Biodiversity on Private Land:Incentives for Management to Compensation forLost Expectations?”, Harv. Environmental Law Review (1995)19, at344.
    ②See Nature Conservancy,Conservation Easements (1992).
    ①See Melissa Waller Baldwin,“Conservation Easements: A Viable Tool for Land Preservation”, Land and WaterLaw Review (1997)32, at114.
    ②Nancy A. Mclaughlin,“Conservation Easements-A Troubled Adolescence”, J. Land Resources&Environmental Law (2005)26, at53.
    ③Mary Ann King&Sally K. Fairfax,“Public Accountability and Conservation Easements:Learning from theUniform Conservation EasementAct Debates”, Nature Resources Journal (2006)46, at72.
    ①See Melissa Waller Baldwin,“Conservation Easements: A Viable Tool for Land Preservation”, Land and WaterLaw Review (1997)32, at115-116.
    ②See Melissa Waller Baldwin,“Conservation Easements: A Viable Tool for Land Preservation”, Land and WaterLaw Review (1997)32, at118-120.
    ①在美国的德克萨斯爱默森传播集团诉野生动物保护委员会案件中,法院认为公益组织有寻求司法保护以对抗征收的诉权。See Nancy A. Mc Laughlin,“Condemning Open Space: Making Way for National InterestElectric Transmission Corridors”, Va. Enviromental LawJournal (2008)26, at426-427.
    ②See Gerald Korngold,“Solving the Contentious Issues of Private Conservation Easements:PromotingFlexibility for the Future and Engaging the Public Land Use Process”, Uth Law Review (2007), at1080-1083.
    ③See Gerald Korngold,“Globalizing Conservation Easements: Private Law Approaches for InternationalEnvironmental Protection”, Wisconsin International Law Journal (2011)28, at609.
    ⑤[美]Roger H.Bernhardt,Ann M.Burhart, Real Property (4thedition),法律出版社2003年版,影印本,第196页。
    ①TheAmerican Law Institute, Restatement of the Law, Third, Property (Servitudes),§1.6.
    ②TheAmerican Law Institute, Restatement of the Law, Third, Property (Servitudes),§1.6.
    ③TheAmerican Law Institute,Restatement of the Law,Third,Property(Servitudes),§1.6.
    ①TheAmerican Law Institute,Restatement of the Law,Third,Property(Servitudes),§1.6.
    ②Bennett v. Commissioner of Food&Agriculture,576N. E.2d.1365(Mass.1991).
    ①Hawaii, Haw. Rev. Stat.Ann.§198-1.
    ②Iowa, Iowa Code Ann.§457A.2.
    ②法国学者称此为集合地役权(servitudes collectives),最常见的情形是禁止修建不符合别墅或乡村建筑风格的建筑物,并对在建筑物内从事特定职业、商业或工业活动进行限制。参见尹田:《法国物权法》,法律出版社1998年版,第420页。
    ①See Helmut K. Anheier&Lester M. Salamonate,“The Nonprofit Sector in Comparative Perspective”,TheNonprofit Sector:A Research Handbook (2006)2, at107-108.
    ⑤Restatement of the Law, Third, Property (Servitudes)(2000),§3.1.
    ⑥Restatement of the Law, Third, Property (Servitudes)(2000).§3.2.
    ①Roger Bernhardt, Real Property in a Nutshell (Third Edition), West Publishing Co. St. Paul, Min,1993, at125.
    ④Restatement of the Law, Third, Property (Servitudes)(2000),§3.2.
    ③恢复协议(restoration agreement)是结合草原保护地役权和租赁合同一起使用的,在地役权合同和租赁合同中为草原权利人设定恢复草原的积极义务。See7CFR Part1415,“Grassland Reserve Program, FinalRule”, Federal Register,Rules and Regulations (2010).228.§1415.3.
    ④Restatement of the Law, Third, Property (Servitudes)(2000),§3.2. Comment.
    ③Restatement of the Law, Third, Property (Servitudes)(2000),§4.5. Comment.
    ②See Gerald Korngold,“Globalizing Conservation Easements: Private Law Approaches for InternationalEnvironmental Protection”, Wisconsin International Law Journal (2011)28, at623.
    ①Kari Gathen,“The Use of Conservation Easements to Preserve New York State's Natural Resources”,AlbanyLaw Environmental Outlook Journal (2002)7, at203-207.
    ①Dan Tesini,“Working Forest Conservation Easements”, The Urban Lawyer (2009)41, at360.
    ③TheAmerican Law Institute, Restatement of the Law, Third, Property (Servitudes),(2000).§4.9.
    ④Rules and Regulations,Federal Register (2009).
    ①Bijou Ir. Dist. v. Empire Club,804P.2d175(Colo.1991), cert. denied,500U. S.918(1991).
    ①Restatement of the Law, Third, Property (Servitudes)(2000),§1.5,[1][2]。
    ①See Gerald Korngold,“Globalizing Conservation Easements: Private Law Approaches For InternationalEnvironmental Protection”, Wisconsin International Law Journal (2011)28, at621.
    ①Restatement of the Law, Third, Property (Servitudes)(2000),§1.5,[1][2].
    ③[美]Roger H. Bernhardt,Ann M. Burhart,Real Property (4thedition),法律出版社2003年版,影印本,第196页。
    ④Restatement of the Law, Third, Property (Servitudes)(2000), introduction.
    ⑤Restatement of the Law, Third, Property (Servitudes)(2000),§1.6.
    ⑦Restatement of the Law, Third, Property (Servitudes)(2000),§1.2,[3].
    ①See Restatement of the Law, Third, Property (Servitudes)(2000),§2.6. Comment d.
    ①美国的“草原保护方案”是一个帮助农民和牧民保护他们土地的放牧用途和其它相关价值的自愿性方案。See7CFR Part1415,“Grassland Reserve Program; Amendment”, Federal RegisterRules and Regulations(2009)74, at42172.
    ①Kari Gathen,“The Use of Conservation Easements to Preserve New York State's Natural Resources”,AlbanyLaw Environmental Outlook Journal (2002)7, at190.
    ①TheAmerican Law Institute,Restatement of the Law,Third,Property (Servitude),§1.6.
    ②TheAmerican Law Institute,Restatement of the Law,Third,Property (Servitudes),§8.5.
    ①它应当是一个政府机构,或者是一个经费主要来源于政府机构的支持、或直接或间接地来源于公众捐赠的组织。See I. R. C.§170(h)(3).
    ②为了符合财产或税收减免优惠的条件,只有必须执行保护地役权目的的主体才能持有保护地役权。SeeTreas. Regs.§1.170A-14(c)(2).
    ①See7CFR Part1415,“Grassland Reserve Program; Amendment”, Federal RegisterRules and Regulations(2009)74, at42172.
    ①Foundation for Preservation of Historic Georgetown v. Arnold,651A.2d794(D. C.1994).
    ①TheAmerican Law Institute,Restatement of the Law,Third,Property (Servitude),§4.8.
    ①See Nancy A. Mc Laughlin,“Condemning Conservation Easements:Protecting the Public Interest andInvestment in Conservation”, Davis. Law Review (2008), at1929.
    ①See Fla. Stat.Ann.§704.06,West1996;Iowa. Code.Ann.§457A.1, West1996;Utah. Code.Ann.§57-18-7,West1994.
    ①TheAmerican Law Institute,Restatement of the Law,Third,Property (Servitudes),§7.10.
    ①Matthew J. Richardson,“Conservation Easements as Charitable Trusts in Kansas”, Washburn Law Journal(2009)42, at178.
    22.[英]F. H.劳森、B.拉登:《财产法》(第二版),施天涛、梅慎实、孔祥俊译,中国大百科全书出版社1998年版。
    1.Elizabeth Byers&Karin Marchetti Ponte, The Conservation Easement Handbook(second edition), Land Trust Alliance, Washington D. C.2005.
    2.The Trust for Public Land, San Francisco, California, USA,2005.
    3.Roger Bernhardt, Real Property in a Nutshell (Third Edition), West PublishingCo.,St. Paul, Min,1993.
    4.Elizabeth Byers, Karin Marchetti Ponte, The Conservation Easement Handbook(second edition), Land Trust Alliance, Washing-ton, D.C,2005.
    5.Julie Ann Gustanski and Roderick H.Squeres, Protecting the land: ConservasionEasement Past,Present,and Future, Washing-ton D.C, Island Press,2000.
    6.Gerald Korngold, Private Land Use Arrangements:Easement, Real Covenant andEquitable Servitudes, Second Edition, Huntington, New York, Juris Publishing,Inc.2004.
    7.Brewer, R.,Conservancy,Hanover,NH: University Press of New England,2003.
    8.Klyza, C. M, Sousa D. American environmental Policy,1990—2006, Cambridge,MA: MIT Press,2008.
    9.Sayer&Jeffrey Campbell, The Science of Sustainable Development: LocalLivelihoods and the Global Environment, Cambridge, U. K., New YorkCambridge University Press,2004.
    1.Gerald Korngold,"Solving the Contentious Issues of Private ConservationEasements:Promoting Flexibility for the Future and Engaging the Public LandUseProcess", Uth Law Review (2007).
    2.Gerald Korngold,"Globalizing Conservation Easements: Private Law Approachesfor International Environmental Protection", Wisconsin International Law Journal(2011)28.
    3.Gerald Korngold,"Privately Held Conservation Servitudes: A Policy Analysis inthe Context of in Gross Real Covenants and Easements", Tex. Law Review (1984)63.
    4.Nancy A. Mc Laughlin,"Protecting the Public Interest and Investment inConservation: A Response to Professor Korngold,s critique of ConservationEasements", Utah Law Review (2009)4.
    5.Nancy A. Mclaughlin,"The Role of Land Trusts in Biodiversity Conservation onPrivate Lands", Idaho Law Review (2002)38.
    6.Nancy A. Mclaughlin,"Conservation Easements-ATroubled Adolescence", J. LandResources&Environmental Law (2005)26.
    7.NancyA. Mc Laughlin,"Condemning Open Space:Making Way for National InterestElectricTransmission Corridors", Va. Environmental LawJournal (2008)26.
    8.Nancy A. McLaughlin,"Increasing the Tax Incentives for Conservation EasementDonations: AResponsible Approach", Ecology Law (2004)31.
    9.Alexander R. Arpad,"Comment, Private Transactions, Public Benefits, andPerpetual Control Over the Use of Real Property: Interpreting ConservationEasements as Charitable Trusts", Real Property Probate&Trust Journal(2002)37.
    10. Arlene J. Kwasniak,"Conservation Easements: Pluses and Pitfalls, Generally andfor Municipalities", Alberta Law Review(2009)46.
    11. Bari. M,"Literature Review on Market-Based Instruments", NSW Department ofLand and Water Conservation Report (2002)4.
    12. Dan Tesini,"Working Forest Conservation Easements", The Urban Lawyer (2009)41.
    13. David Farrier,"Coserving Biodiversity on Private Land: Incentives forManagement to Compensation for Lost Expectations?", Harv. EnvironmentalLaw Review (1995)19.
    14.John L. Hollingshead,"Conservation Easements: A Flexible Tool for LandPreservation", Environmental Law Journal (1997)3.
    15.Justin R. Ward&F. Kaid Benfield,"Conservation Easements: Prospects ForSustainable Agriculture", Virginia Environmental Law Journal (1988)8.
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    1.The American Law Institute, Restatement of the Law, Third, Property(Servitudes)(2000).
    2.Uniform Conservation Easement Act (1981).
    3.The Food, Conservation and Energy Act of2008(Farm Bill).
    4.New South Wales Nature Conservation Trust Act of2001.
    5.Victorian Conservation Trust Act of1972.
    6.Alberta Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, R. S.A,2000.
    7.Uganda National EnvironmentalAct,1995.
    8.Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program (FRPP),2005.
    9.InternalRevenue Code,1986.

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