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源于自然生态系统中的“代谢(Metabolism)"理论的启示,以产业系统的生态隐喻(ecological metaphor)为基础,产业生态学逐步形成了“产业代谢(industrial metabolism)"、“产业生态系统(eco-industrial system)"等重要理论,并出现了以生态工业园为主要载体的实践方式。很多学者从多个角度对以生态隐喻为基础的产业生态理论提出质疑,在实践中,产业生态也陷入理论与现实难以有机融合的种种困境。本文认为,困境产生的根本原因有两点:首先,对产业生态内涵的认识存在误区,即基于生态学理论与方法,产业模仿生态所建构的产业生态系统,其稳定性、经济可行性及资源环境问题控制效果等均有待深入考察,同时孤立的共生系统研究对产业系统与自然生态大系统之间存在的互动关系缺乏深刻认识;其次,产业生态从理论走向实践,热衷于搭建产业生态链条,对区域差异性的忽视往往导致产业生态化路径选择与区域资源环境发生错位。
Industrial Ecology (IE) theories consist of industrial metabolism, eco-industrial system and so on, most of which are inspiring from biological metabolism of ecological system, and Eco-Industrial Park is the most common mode of IE applications. IE is so usually regarded as basing on ecological metaphor, on which many scholars have showed passive discussions, and also IE has gotten into the diploma that theory and practice cannot be combined very well. This dissertation proposes that there are two reasons leading to the diploma:(1) it is not proper to define IE by copying the ecological theories and methods, the eco-industrial chain or system is still isolated from the bigger system of ecology. (2) Only high spirits on designing eco-industrial chain during the process of IE theory to application cannot get to a good solution of environmental problems with neglecting the regional differences of environmental condition and industrial development.
     This dissertation tries to develop IE from four aspects:
     Firstly, define a new concept for IE from copying to interacting; establish a framework from two dimensions.
     The original concept of ecology means the interaction between biology and its environment. So, the accurate definition of IE should be "the interaction of industrial development and the ecological environment". Basing on ecological efficiency which combines the economy and environment, this dissertation establishes a framework from two dimensions of industrial development and resource-environment. There are two innovations comparing to the former researches, (1) the concept of interaction, grounds on higher aim than the concept of copying ecological system, changes the IE application mode of waste recycle and pollution disposal, and fully understand the dual impacts of industries to natural environment; (2) framework with two dimensions has combined the physical material flow and the economic money flow, which overcomes the shortcomings of physical analysis method and provide a landing point for ecological scale restriction.
     Secondly, regional difference is a new view for IE research, and it will be much helpful for the applications of IE.
     Region, including the provincial region in China and the national region of China; difference, including the two dimensions of industry and environment, and finally the two together for the tile of this dissertation-Mode choosing of IE applications basing on regional differences. The view of regional differences is a coupling of ecology and economy, which will break the diploma of ecological metaphor and the fairyland of economy and fill up the default of weak economic theories in IE research.
     Thirdly, the deduction from interaction of two dimensions to the regional IE application mode is a new research line of IE.
     Along with the line of "different regions→different environmental conditions→different industrial development→different environmental problems", analyze the different restricted factors from industry and environment, and deduct the proper mode for regional IE development. The new research line may produce three innovations comparing to the former researches, (1) provide a systematic framework for IE research, and suggest a effective way for IE theory applied into practice; (2) the method of statistical path for the test of interaction between regional industrial development and environmental quality is advanced to the former single research, and it will contribute to the progress of IE and sustainable development; (3) provide full and accurate data for IE development in China, and show clearly the differences of regional foundations.
     Finally, form different modes for IE applications in different regions.
     This dissertation finally forms three typical modes for IE applications in different regions:(1) Gansu and Guizhou, mode of "resource-environment promoting economy"; (2) Jiangsu and Guangdong, mode of "economy promoting environment"; (3) Liaoning and Shanxi, mode of "interaction of resource and economy". According to the background of "heavy industrial structure promoting economic growth" and "industrial ecology lightening the environmental press", this dissertation gives some suggestions for the native application of IE in China.
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