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生长素在植物生长发育的各个方面均发挥重要作用,包括重力性生长和花器官发育。尽管目前已分别鉴定了多个重力性相关或花器官发育相关的基因,但植物体内尚未有明确报道同时参与这两个过程的基因。玉米经典的遗传学突变体之一lazy plantl (lal)发现几十年来,人们早已观察到其地上部重力性缺失的突变表型特征,然而LA1基因调控玉米地上部重力性生长的分子机理却一直未有研究。
     1)自MuDR突变体库中筛选获得匍匐生长突变体prostrate steml (ps1),通过图位克隆策略获得候选目的基因。等位测验发现psl突变体是玉米la1的等位突变,表现为地上部重力性缺失而造成茎杆匍匐生长。与水稻或拟南芥同源基因不同,玉米LA1基因除在茎节中表达外还在生殖器官中表达,且参与调控花器官发育。
     3)LA1蛋白定位于细胞核和细胞膜上;通过酵母双杂交和双分子荧光互补(BiFC)实验鉴定了LA1蛋白可与一个蛋白激酶C (PKC)在膜上互作,可能作用于生长素运输的调控过程;还可与一个AUX/IAA蛋白(IAA17)在细胞核内互作,可能作用于生长素的信号转导途径。
The plant hormone auxin plays important role in multitude of physiological and developmental processes including shoot gravitropism and inflorescence development. Despite many genes have been characterized to be involved in either process, few regulators, if any, have been identified to mediate both gravitropism and inflorescence development in a given species. The classical maize mutant lazy plantl (laI) have been known for decades to have defected gravitropic response, yet the mechanism underlining maize gravitropism remain largely elusive.
     In this research, we combined genetic analyses, developmental techniques, biochemical tools with transcriptome analyses to identify LAI, an ortholog of LAZY1in rice and in Arabidopsis, regulating both shoot gravitropism and inflorescence development in maize. The major novel discoveries of our study are:
     1) We created a maize prostratel (psl) mutant from our MuDR mutant library, which is allelic to the classic lal mutant, displaying a prostrate phenotype with reduced shoot gravitropism. We map-based cloned the LAI gene. Unlike its orthologs in rice or Arabidopsis, maize LAI regulates maize inflorescence development, and consistently, LAI is highly expressed in the reproductive organs.
     2) Transcription of LAI is responsive to both auxin and light. Exogenous auxin treatment led to a repression-then-induction pattern for LAI expression, while dark dramatically induced the transcript accumulation of LAI and light inhibited it.
     3) LA1protein localizes to the plasma membrane as well as in the nucleus. LA1physically interacts with a putative auxin transport regulator (Protein Kinase C, PKC) in the plasma membrane and a putative auxin signaling protein (AUX/IAA protein IAA17) in the nucleus, linking LA1with auxin transport and auxin signaling.
     4) RNA-SEQ analyses of lal mutant node showed auxin transport related genes, such as ZmPIN1c, were greatly downregulated while maize BR2(ZmABCBl) was significantly upregulated, consistant with the bilateral function of LA1of suppressing the basipetal polar auxin transport (PAT) while promoting the lateral PAT in maize. Further, most auxin responsive elements and light signaling genes were differentially up-regulated in the lal nodes, implying that LA1may act as a negative regulator for both light signaling and auxin signaling.
     Taken together, our findings suggest that LA1may mediate the crosstalk between shoot gravitropism and inflorescence development by regulating auxin transport, auxin signaling and probably light response in maize. As such, the results not only advance our understanding of the function of LA1in response to gravity, but also give new insights into the complicated crosstalk between auxin, light and inflorescent development.
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