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It is an age of economy-based-knowledge. The rapid development of science, technology and society raises much higher requirement for student's quality, which, at the same time, is a great challenge to today's chemistry educators. Gaining skills and developing qualities and creativities in the process of learning have become the necessitation of this modern age. The current reform in fundamental educational program has set brand new educational goals and learning style, which provides broad stage for teachers to make their teaching renovation. Therefore, to teach students how to learn has become a major topic in schooling research. To train students learn to learn, first of all, teachers are required to understand the scientific supervising, which plays an important role in the process of chemistry education. However, when we exam closely the current situation of chemistry learning supervising in secondary schools, many negative factors, such as unclear goals, indefinite contents and monotonous supervising st
    yles, encumber the student's progression. Therefore, more scientific learning supervising is desired. Based on this, this thesis will aim at studying the theory and approaches of chemistry learning supervising in secondary schools. To benefit the chemistry teaching practice in secondary schools, this thesis first gives the definition of the chemistry learning supervising, then studies its system construction, and most important of all, explores its strategies.
    Roughly this thesis is divided into four parts.
    Part one summarizes the chemistry learning supervising system in China. First, the definitions of learning supervising and chemistry learning supervising in secondary schools are given, then the historic developments of learning supervising are introduced. Finally, based on the present situation of chemistry learning and supervising in secondary schools, some negative factors in chemistry learning and supervising are discussed and as well the necessity of chemistry learning supervising are put forward.
    Part two gives the theoretic basis of chemistry learning supervising. Guided by dialectical materialism philosophy, the functions from two sides should be emphasized. One is the supervising of the teacher that acts as the external cause and the other is the studying of the students that function as the internal cause. According to the constructivism theory and metalearning theory, two respects should be stressed in the process of chemistry learning supervising. One is the construction of teaching situation, cooperation of learning and construction of meanings. Another is the development of the metalearning abilities of the students. Definitely, another point should be stressed is the use of the systematic and scientific methodology for optimizing and controlling the whole supervising process.
    Part three mainly focuses on the construction of chemistry learning supervisory system. The goal, content, principle, model and evaluation construct its system. Its goals are willing to learn, ready to learn, learn to learn, good at learning and autonomous learning . The contents includes motivation, learning strategy, metacognition, learning ability and after school learning. The principles consists of autonomy, systematization, hierarchy, directness, induction, practicality, consistency, creativity, etc. The models include instruction, regulation, permeability, diagnose, exchange and recognition. The final discussion centers on the evaluations from the perspective of teachers and students.
    Part four focuses on the strategies of the chemistry learning supervising in secondary schools from perspective of renewal of teaching notion, investigation of learning situation, stimulation of learning motivation, improvement of student's learning strategies and teacher's teaching ability. The prerequisite is the renewal of teaching notion; the base is the investigation of the learning situation; the starting point is the stimulation of the learning motivation; the key is the improvement of student's learning strategies and the
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