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As a new housing concept, the Ecological Residential Community is still in the progress of research globally. Although the Ministry of Construction P.R.C has worked out a national standard - "Outlines and Technical Principles for Green Ecological Residential Quarter Construction" ("Principles" for short hereinafter), there is still none residential community in China wholly qualified for this standard, and there is still nobody dissertating the "Nine Systems" of this "Principles" comprehensively. According to the criteria and requirements of this "Principles", also with the help of several noted foreign standards, the dissertation will separately discuss the design of the "Nine Systems": residential power, water environment, air power, sound power, light power, thermal power, afforestation, waste disposition and management, and green construction material, by studying them thoroughly, and establish a practical rating system in the end.
     As the Ecological Residential Community is a trendily new concept, the comprehensions of it is hard to agree among scholars. Under this circumstance, the dissertation explore and summarize it refmedly, in order to outline the meaning and characteristics of the Ecological Residential Community.
     It is one important composition of this dissertation to standardize the design of the "Nine Systems". In residential power system, it is discussed how to optimize and save conventional energy, via arranging it reasonably and utilizing as more "green" power as possible, in the building and dwelling process. In water environment system, a "three flow pipes (one potable water pipe, one tap water pipe, one recycled water pipe), three draining pipes (one toilet wastewater pipe, one daily wastewater pipe, one rain water pipe)" network will take place of the traditional "one flow pipe, one draining pipe" network. In afforestation system, greenbelt is supposed to designed and managed to exert its ecological and relaxing function, especially ecological function. In waste disposition and management system, the waste should be controlled as it is produced, by means of sorting, pressing, disposing, storing and conveying hermetically, to achieve the purpose of "Harmlessness, Reduction, Recycle". In green construction material system, the construction is supposed to built in a proper process, from groundwork to roof and from external rendering to internal fitment, with green construction materials certified by national standard. In sound power system, a sound insulation measure should be taken from outdoors to indoors, in order to make sure qualified for national and international standard. In thermal power system, it is demanded to keep certain warmth and humidity to make people feel amenity, on the basis of safety, hygiene, ecology, energy-saving. In air power and light power system, daylight, illumination and atmosphere in both outdoor and indoor environment ought to be designed to qualified for the standard.
     And then, on the basis of "Outlines and Technical Principles for Green Ecological Residential Quarter Construction", with references of "Technical Assessment Manual of Green Ecological Homes in China", "EcoHomes" of U.K, "Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Green Building Rating System~(? )- LEED" of U.S, a rating system of ecological residential community combined with Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation (FCE) is established. At last, a discuss about ecological residential community in economic and social respect is needed.
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