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     方法:将细胞随机分为对照组、2mW/cm2、4mW/cm2和6mW/cm2微波暴露组(各组记为C,M2,M4和M6)。细胞辐照2h/d,连续照射3d后,联合组再接受5Gy的γ射线照射。共分为单独γ射线组、2mW/cm2+γ射线组、4mW/cm2+γ射线组和6mW/cm2+γ射线组(记为I,I+M2,I+M4和I+M6)。γ射线(由苏州大学辐照中心提供)采用60Co辐照,照射剂量5Gy,剂量率为1Gy/min。(1)采用MTT法和克隆法测定细胞的生长增殖情况。(2)利用流式细胞仪检测细胞的周期和凋亡情况。(3)测定各组细胞超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase,SOD)活力和丙二醛(malondialdehyde,MDA)的含量。(4)用RT-PCR方法和western blot法检测各组细胞中HSP70在mRNA和蛋白水平的表达。(5)以正常大鼠神经胶质细胞为研究对象,选取部分上述指标(MTT法和凋亡)进行检测。(6)用BPCL微弱发光测量仪检测细胞在各生长阶段,微波处理后超微弱发光的变化。
Objective: To study biological effects on SHG44 cells combined by 900MHz microwave andγ-ray radiation.
     Methods: SHG44 cells were divided into four groups according to the power density of microwave(0 mw/cm2,2mw/cm2,4mw/cm2 and 6mw/cm2),named as C,M2,M4 and M6,respectively.The cells were exposed to microwave 2h/d for 3d,and then were irradiated byγ-ray (5Gy),whit four groups named as I,I+M2,I+M4 and I+M6,respectively.(1) Cellular proliferation was measured with MTT test and cloning efficiency.(2) Cell cycle and apoptosis were detected by flow cytometer.(3) SOD activity and MDA level were tested by commercial kits.(4) Expression of HSP70 gene was evaluated by RT-PCR and western blot.(5) Normal rat glial cells were cultured and cellular proliferation , apoptosis and ATPase activity were measured.(6) Ultraweak luminescence of cells was measured by the Ultraweak Luminescence Analyzer.
     Results: (1) Cell proliferation activity in Group M4 and M6 and cloning efficiency in all exposed groups were decreased by the microwave radiation,with a significant decrease in Group I+M4 and I+M6.Combination of Microwave andγ-ray showed synergistic effect on both cell proliferation activity and the cloning efficiency.(2) Compared to the microwave radiation groups,the percentage of G1 phase cells obviously increased in the combination groups,while that of G2 and S phase decreased.The rate of apoptosis increased with the does of microwave in the microwave radiation groups and so did the I+M4 and I+M6 Group,indicating a synergistic effect ofγ-ray and microwave.(3) The MDA level increased in Group M6 and in all combination groups,and the SOD activity decreased in Group I+M6.(4) Expression of HSP70 at both mRNA and protein levels increased slightly in the microwave exposure groups,but no interaction ofγ-ray and microwave on HSP70 expression was found.(5) Proliferation of the rat glial cell in Group I and I+M6 decreased slightly,and the ATPase activity was significantly increased.(6) Ultraweak luminescence of the exposed cells was stronger than the control cells on the first day,and returned to normal on the second day.
     Conclusion: Microwave andγ-ray could inhibit the proliferation of SHG44 cells with a synergistic effect,but such effect was not observed in primary rat glial cells.Ultraweak luminescence could be strengthened by microwave at early stages of exposure.
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