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目的:探索眼轴长度A(Axis)、晶体厚度Lens(Lens thickness)、玻璃体腔深度V(Vitreous depth)、角膜屈折力CD(Cornea Diopter)、角膜前表面曲率半径CS(Anterior corneal surface semidiameter)的生物测量值与不同屈光状态的关系。方法:选取新疆医科大学在校18~24岁汉族大学生464人,用托品酰胺眼液连续散瞳后检影验光测得屈光度,用A型超声及角膜曲率计测得眼轴长度A、晶体厚度Lens、玻璃体腔深度V、角膜屈折力CD、角膜前表面曲率半径CS的生物测量值。经SPSS软件分析得出屈光度与相关屈光要素的关系。结果:成人正视眼的眼轴长度、玻璃体腔深度、角膜屈折力无性别及眼别差异,近视眼的眼轴长于正视眼的眼轴,正视眼的眼轴长于远视眼的眼轴,眼轴长度及玻璃体腔深度均与近视程度呈正相关,在不同屈光度之间,眼轴长度随屈光度增加而增长。结论:屈光要素的不同匹配决定不同的屈光状态,眼轴长度是影响近视程度的主要屈光要素。
Objective: To measure and analyze the relation between the result of length axis,lens thickness,vitreous depth,cornea diopter ,anterior corneal surface semidiameter and the different refration status. Methods: 474Hanzu college students was collected from the Xinjiang Medical University,Tropicamide was applied to 900 eyes of 474 college students at the age of 18-24 for three times successively, Then optometry for diopter,A-ultrasonic biometry for length axis,lens thickness,vitreous depth,cornea diopter ,anterior corneal surface semidiameter .The data was analyzed with SPSS and conclued the relationship between the diopter and refractive factors. Results: Among 474 cases measured and analyzed, There were no significant distinguish between male and female in emmetropia about length axis, vitreous depth , cornea diopter in the adult years of life. The axial length of emmetropia is longer than the axial length of hyperopia , The axial length of myopia is longer than the axial length of emmetropia ,the level of myopia has apositive correlation with len gth axis , vitreous depth . The axial length of eyeball was gradually increased accompanying with the increases of diopter. Conclusions: The different refractive status depend on the mate of the different refractive factors. The axial length of eyeball was the chief factor influencing the level of myopia.
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