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The sustainable development has become the main theme of human society when entering the 21st century, and the energy conservation has become the important content in the energy strategy of every country in the world. China is now in the stage of rapid development of industrialization and urbanization, the building energy efficiency (BEE) and sustainable development of building industry do not only concerns to the supply-demand balance of energy in China, but also to the global climate and environment. However, in a long history of China, resulted from lacking of effective incentive policy, the effect of BEE is not significant and the portion is still low of applying renewable energies such as Ground-Source Heat Pumps (GSHPs) into the buildings. So, identifying the obstacles during development of GSHPs and further proposing specific policy suggestions on promoting applying GSHPs into buildings will have great theoretical and practical significance for realizing the goals of BEE planning for the 11th Five-Year Plan period and before the year of 2010 in China by stages.
     With the theoretical basis about sustainable development, green buildings, externality theory, and principal-agent theory, the foundations of clue, this dissertation shows the study of economic incentive problems for promoting the application of GSHPs into buildings.
     According to the characteristics of GSHPs and their application abroad, as well comparison GSHPs with other types of renewable energies, it is recommended taking the prominent advantages of utilizing GSHPs for satisfying the demand of low grade energies; and under the proper resource conditions, it is recommended increasing the application portion of GSHPs into buildings. Furthermore, the obstacles during the development of GSHPs are also analysed.
     The market mechanism as the internal dynamics and the governmental management as the external dynamics shall co-generate the functions for the industrial development; however, in the preliminary stage, the governmental management shall play the dominant role to direct the industrial development of GSHPs. So this study proposed the management modalities of national level demonstration projects and corresponding dissemination clues of GSHPs development. It is also made the quantitative analysis on two typical energy policies—compulsory policies and incentive ones, established the cost model for energy management, then through the comparison of static economic efficiency, identified the argument of that the economic incentive policies are more efficient.
     In the analysis of subject and object in the incentive mechanism, the game theory is applied to analyze the renewable energy development policy differences between the central government and local governments, analyze the gaming process by such two subjects on aspect of percentages of financial input to the renewable energy development, which resulted in that the central government shall lead the direction of incentives for renewable energy during the preliminary development phase. And based on the obstacles to the industry of GSHPs, it is also raised out the specific proposal to establish the objective mechanism and compensation mechanism. With principal-agent model the optimal agent analysis in the condition of information symmetry and information asymmetry were performed respectively. Then the Cost-based incentives model was established.
     Finally, with such basis of studying on economic incentive mechanism, as well as referring to the economic incentive policies to renewable energy and related experiences from abroad, it is analyzed the deficiency of Chinese incentive policies; in combination of Chinese status of GSHPs industrial development, it is proposed the taxation policy suggestions and financial subsidy policy suggestions for promoting the application of GSHPs into buildings; established the multi-index comprehensive evaluation system for economic incentive policies, takes two cities for example in order to perform empirical analysis; and made the effect analysis on economic benefits, environmental benefits from investment income when implementing such economic incentive policies. Meanwhile, the policy suggestions supporting institutional development were putted forward.
     Thus, the study for this dissertation are built on the existing research fruits with combination of practices of BEE work progress, moreover, the results of the study will provide the surppots and evidences for macrocontrol of BEE in China.
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