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固原市原州区位于黄土高原西部,属于典型的黄土丘陵区,是国家确定的生态环境建设重点区之一。多年来,国家投入了大量的人力、物力,实施了一系列重大工程,有力的加速了当地生态环境建设进程。但随着时间的推移和建设规模的扩大,在局部暴露出造林成活率不高,保存率低,林草生长缓慢,有害生物发生频繁等问题,进而影响到生态环境建设的成效。在林业生态建设过程中,掌握各种森林有害生物爆发、流行、成灾、过程、规律及其与生态因子之间的相互关系,并从生态学基本原理出发,探索人工林生态系统多样性、稳定性与系统抵御生物性灾害的能力与作用机制,综合应用现有的有害生物防治技术及森林生态中的理论方法与造林、营林适用技术措施组装配套,探索森林病虫鼠害生态控制的具体方法与模式,优化植被配置模式,组装集成现已成熟的建造技术和有害生物防治体系,对巩固和提高当前和今后生态环境建设的成效是十分迫切的。2001年,国家林业局将宁夏回族自治区固原市原州区确定为“西北地区森林病虫鼠害综合防治科技试验点”。原州区抓住这一大好机遇,以保护森林资源,加强森林有害生物防治为目的,引进和吸收林业有害生物综合防治最新科技成果和先进实用抗旱、节水技术,总结推广当地林业生产实践中的实用技术和经验,已基本总结出一套行之有效的的抗旱造林、营林技术和森林有害生物防治技术。作者直接参与了鼠害综合防治技术、杨树天牛综合防治技术、松叶蜂综合防治技术、经济林病虫害无公害防治技术、集流整地技术的应用和推广、植被配置及抗旱造林技术等6项有害生物防治技术项目的试验示范研究工作,通过对试验数据的分析及示范推广情况的调查,对该地区林区有害生物的分布规律、危害程度、防治手段及方法进行了总结,提出了应用克鼠星及多效抗旱驱鼠剂对鼠害的控制技术、“以菌治虫”落叶松防治技术、营造混交林对光肩星天牛的控制技术、无公害枸杞防治技术以及集流整地技术对防治病虫害的影响等结论,基本形成了一套比较完整的固原市原州区林业生态工程建设科技支撑体系。其主要成果体现在首次筛选白僵菌、拟青霉菌和自繁白僵菌防治落叶松叶蜂幼虫、茧,林间试验防治效果分别为56%、74%、70.6%。引进应用白僵菌防治面积333.3多hm2,防治效果35.2% ,为利用生物防治奠定了理论基础,开创了在宁南山区首次应用“以菌治虫”有害生物防治的新思路和新方法,为生产、教学提供了科学依据。通过实地解析调查,林区内落叶松叶蜂虫茧有寄生蜂、寄生蝇、白僵菌以及病毒病,分别寄生为5%~8%、6%~8%、10%~20%、3%~5% ,科技工作者通过采集、分离、培养、繁殖,首次应用本地白僵菌防治落叶松叶蜂幼虫、茧,防治效果70.6%,为原州区自己培育繁殖利用微生物防虫奠定了基础。利用瓢虫防治枸杞蚜虫、瘿蚊等害虫,提高枸杞果实品质、档次,为今后以虫防虫打下了良好基础。割草、筑台、招鹰灭鼠兔,饲养释放狐狸灭鼠兔,为保护生态环境向良性发展和断了的生物链再链起来奠定了基础。首次研究分析了生态环境对病虫鼠兔的影响,为今后林业病虫鼠兔综合管理奠定了理论基础。研究理清了甘肃鼢鼠生物学习性及繁殖规律,首次研究提出了甘肃鼢鼠种群有公共浴场、草场和灾年大集中、小分散,半年小集中、大分散的习性。为综合管理提供了理论基础,为生产、教学提供了科学依据。
Guyuan City County located in the Loess Plateau west, typical of Loess Hills area, is the state for the construction of the ecological environment focused on one area. Over the years, the state has invested a lot of manpower, resources, the implementation of a series of major projects, a strong acceleration of the local ecological environment construction process. But with the passage of time and the expansion of the scale of construction, partially exposed in the low survival rate of afforestation and preservation rate low, grass and trees grow slowly, the frequent occurrence of harmful biological issues, thereby affecting the effectiveness of ecological and environmental construction. In forestry ecological construction, the master of forest pest outbreak of epidemic, the reasons for the disaster, process, and its ecological factors and the interrelationship between, and starting from the basic principles of ecology and explore plantation ecosystem diversity, stability and biological systems to withstand disasters the mechanism and capacity, integrated application of existing technology and harmful biological control forest ecological methods and the theory in reforestation, forest assembled supporting technical measures applicable to explore ecological forest pest rodent control method and the specific model and optimize the distribution of vegetation patterns, assembly integration is now a mature technology and construction Pest Management system, to consolidate and increase the current and future effectiveness of the construction of the ecological environment is very urgent. In 2001, the State Forestry Bureau Guyuan City County Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region will be identified as“the northwest region rodent integrated forest pest control technology pilot sites.”County to seize this great opportunity, in order to protect forest resources, strengthen forest harmful biological control for the purpose of introduction and absorption forestry pests Integrated Control latest scientific and technological achievements and advanced and practical drought, water-saving techniques, reviewing and promoting local forestry production practice practical skills and experience, has been basically the the result of the drought, a tried and tested reforestation, forest technology and forest harmful biological control technology. Mouse author directly involved in the integrated control technology, Poplar Cerambycidae integrated control technology, Diprion integrated control technology, pollution-free economic forest pest control techniques, set-planting technology application and promotion, vegetation distribution and drought afforestation technology six harmful biological control technology pilot demonstration project inquiry study of work, adoption of the test data analysis and demonstrations to promote the survey, the area of forest pests distribution of harmful, control means and methods are summed up, raised rat Star grams application and multi RPA on rodent control technology,“Nursery of”Falling Leaves lax control techniques, and create a mixed forest of light Anoplophora glabripennis control technology, as well as non-pollution control techniques Medlar Collecting planting technology in the fight against diseases and pests such as the impact of the conclusion basically formed a relatively complete Guyuan City County forestry ecological construction technology support system. Its main results reflected in the first screening of Beauveria bassiana, and Paecilomyces from matings of Beauveria bassiana Larch Sawfly larvae cocoon, Lin pilot effect were 56%, 74%, 70.6%. The introduction of Beauveria bassiana of prevention and control of 50 acres, Control 35.2% for the use of biological control has laid a theoretical basis for the production, providing a scientific basis for teaching. Through field analytical investigation, Dr. Larch Tenthredinidae region parasitic wasps are insects cocoon, parasitic flies, Beauveria bassiana and viral diseases, parasitic respectively for the 5%-8%, 6%-8%, 10%-20%, 3%-5%, science and technology workers through the collection, separation, training, breeding, the first local application of Beauveria bassiana Larch Sawfly larvae cocoon, Control 70.6% for the use of County home-grown breed laid the foundation for microbial pest control. Medlar use ladybug control aphids, gall midge and other pests, improve wolfberry fruit quality, grade, insect pest control in the future to lay a good foundation. Mowing, build Taiwan, Zhao Ying rabbit anti-rat, rabbit anti-rat feeding foxes released for the protection of the ecological environment and to the healthy development of the biological chain broken chain up again laid the foundation. The first analysis of the ecological environment on the impact of pest pika for future forestry pest pika integrated management laid the theoretical foundation. Research sorted out Gansu zokor biological study and propagation of the first study of the population in Gansu zokor abeach, grassland and Airbus large concentration of small scattered, small concentrated six months, the habits of large decentralized. Integrated Management provides a theoretical basis for the production, providing a scientific basis for teaching.
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