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Depending on a favorable environment, the tourism industry developed rapidly and at the same time, will also bring a lot of pressure to the local environment. Based on this consideration, this paper (1) studied the sources, the emission load and the water quality of the sewage in tourist villages in suburbs of Beijing,(2) filtered out the optimal processing technologies for different types of sewage by using AHP,(3) analyzed the economic, technical, management, and tourism sense parameters of the sewage treatment process,(4) and proposed a series of ecological proposals to reduce the tourist water pollution in tourist villages in suburbs of Beijing. According to the different tourism types, the tourism sewage of villages in suburbs of Beijing was divided into three categories:tourism attractions, farmhouse entertainment, and conference hotel. The results showed as followings:
     (1) The hourly, daily, and seasonally variations of the sewage quantity of tourism attractions varied significantly. Similarly, the sewage quantity of farmhouse entertainment changed relatively apparently, while the sewage quantity of conference hotel were relatively stable.
     (2) As for the seasonally variations of the five biochemical indexes (CODCr pH, TP, TN, and NH4-N), the CODCr values of farmhouse sewage were significantly higher than the ones of the other typed sewage in May and July, while the ones of conference hotel sewage were significantly higher than the ones of the other types of sewage in December. In May, the concentration of TP of farmhouse sewage was significantly higher than the ones of the other two typed sewage, while the former turned to be significantly lower than the latter in December among the three types of sewage in tourist high seasons (May, July, and September) and off season (December). The concentration of TN and NH4-N of conference hotel sewage were significantly lower than the other sewage in May and September. In December, the farmhouse sewage were significantly lower than the other sewage. Besides, As for the daily variations of these indexes, only pH values could show significant differences among three types of sewage.
     (3) The village sewage processing rate was about10-20%. Obvious differences in processing rates were among regions or among towns in the same region. The technologies of sewage process were mostly biological treatment, such as anaerobic biological filter, constructed wetlands, MBR, CASS, biological contact oxidation, A2/O process.
     (4) As for the3types of tourism sewage, the pros and cons orders of the6processing methods were as followed:Sewage of tourism attractions:Artificial Wetland Treatment System> Biological Contact Oxidation Process> CASS Process> Oxidation Ditch Process> A2/O Process> Biological Aerated Filter Process; Sewage of farmhouse entertainment:Biological Contact Oxidation Process> Oxidation Ditch Process> Artificial Wetland Treatment System> Biological Aerated Filter> A2/O Process> CASS Process; Sewage of conference hotel:CASS Process Biological Contact Oxidation Process> Artificial Wetland Treatment System> Oxidation Ditch Process> A2/O Process> Biological Aerated Filter Technology.
     (5) Treated by the biological contact oxidation and artificial wetlands treatment, the water reached the secondary standard of "urban sewage treatment factory pollutant discharge standard (GB18918-2002)". Biological contact oxidation method of mixed media could effectively treat the tourist sewage of farmhouse entertainment Artificial wetlands were suitable to treat the tourism sewage of tourism attractions which had a low pollution concentration. To sum up, mixed media biological contact oxidation and artificial wetland treatment technology were two suitable methods for tourist sewage processing.
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