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With the rapidly developing of the advanced manufacturing technology and the modern information network technology, product customization was pushed forward in high speed. It is hard to supply the accurately and consistently personalized product to customer requirement with the existing configuration technology. It is an extremely urgent task at present that personalized product requirement was management efficiently and the rapid customization technology was designed in corresponding. Hence a hierarchy solution for personalized product was designed with customer-centered in this paper. Customer requirement management based on scenario ontology and rapid customization technology based on customer satisfaction index was researched, and virtual model aided customization system driven by ontology was constructed.
     Personalized product customization process and technology framework based on ontology was proposed. The process was divided into product definition process and product customization process. The technology of ontology modeling and knowledge mining for personalized product customization information was realized. Customization solution was solved with requirement management and rapid customization. A hierarchy solution for personalized product was designed with customer-centered. It was discussed the contents of customer requirements elicitation, product configuration solution and virtual model display, the process of customization information mapping between adjacent domains and the solving of solution. Personalized product customization model based on ontology and ontology base constructing approach was proposed. Customer scenario information, customer requirement information, product configuration and variant design information and virtual model were associated mutually to fulfill the requirement of personalized product customization with customization information.
     Customer scenario ontology toward personalization was proposed to express the customer background information completely including the implicit requirement. Therefore, requirement information source was expanded. Requirements elicitation was more accurate and customer participation is more convenient. With ontology as media of information exchanging and knowledge mapping, the construction of customer scenario ontology and customer requirement ontology was presented. Customer scenario model and customer requirement model were established based on ontology. The meta-rules of scenario-requirement ontology mapping were constructed. Based on improved Apriori algorithm, an approach of association rules mining combined ontology concept with trading data to add implicit requirement information into the datasets was proposed. It improved the integrity and the accurateness of the mapping rules. With ontology mapping customer requirement elicitation to achieve the mapping of customer scenario knowledge to customer requirement knowledge, customer requirement automatic elicitation. the efficiency of requirement information elicitation, mapping and transmitting was improved. Personalized requirement forecasting method was proposed based on time series analysis. Customer requirement forecasting system was perfected by ARMA forecasting model forecasting requirement quantity changing.
     With ontology mapping and similarity degree calculating, customer requirement ontology was mapped to product configuration ontology model, and the most similar configuration instance was the configuration solution. The relation function of customer satisfaction index and product performance based on Kano theory was constructed, to express the customer personalized performance requirement. Product configuration optimism model was constructed based on performance satisfaction index. It was proposed that the judgment method of dividing point of product configuration and variant design, and the range of variant design parts. Based on multi-objective genetic algorithm, with the optimal objective of performance satisfaction index, the algorithm was designed which was the judgment of dividing point of product configuration and variant design. Dividing point was judged by the threshold value of different performance requirement. The range of variant design parts was judged by performance similarity degree. It was realized rapid reaction of customer personalized requirement.
     Virtual model was constructed including product construction information and product visual information. With product instance ontology base, it was driven by configuration ontology to express configuration solution, render product visual effect and simulate interactive operation. Virtual model aid product customization system framework and implementation technology were proposed. Customer requirement information was mapping and transferring in customization space, virtual space and real space. With the subsystem of virtual customization and virtual expression, it was realized to express the solution and custom interactively. Based on Quest3D and Protege, virtual model and ontology base were created and managed. The function prototype system was established for a company of receipt printer, and the effectiveness of the theory of hierarchy solution for personalized product was verified.
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