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With a history of more than three hundred year from the late17thcentury, thedevelopment of copyright law can be attributed to the advance of technologies ofreplication and dissemination to a large degree. The digital network technology is themost powerful tool of replication and dissemination after movable-type printing. It hasbroken the balance of interests within copyright law, shocked the theoreticalpresupposition and infrastructure, and presented great challenges to the protection andrealization of copyright.
     The legal issues in terms of copyright caused by digital network technology havetriggered extensive discussion in the fields of law, economy, society and politics. Itbecomes a global puzzle for the copyright law to cope with the challenges brought bythe technology of digital network. This research studied the dilemma of copyright lawin the environment of digital network from three dimensions, which are configurationof copyrights, protection of copyrights and realization of copyrights, and tried toexplore the measures to cope with the challenges caused by new technologies.
     Besides the introduction and conclusion parts, this research includes five chapters.
     Chapter Two: The challenges to copyright law brought by digital network
     This chapter made analysis of the challenges to copyright law by digital networktechnology from the macro level, and made an analysis and theoretical abstraction ofthe dilemma of copyright law in the environment of digital network. Section one madea historical study of the emergence and development of copyright law, providing someclue to the exploitation of the way out of the digital dilemma. Section two analyzed thechallenges to the traditional copyright law brought by the digital network technology.Section three analyzed the mechanism of how the digital technology influencedcopyright law, and made an analysis and theoretical abstraction of the dilemma ofcopyright law from a perspective of game behavior between the right holder and theuser. This chapter serves as the starting point of the exploitation of this research.
     Chapter Three: Configuration of Rights: the framework of copyright law andadjustment of it
     This chapter studied some important issues relevant to the framework of copyrightlaw from the perspective of configuration of rights. Section one analyzed thejustification theories of copyright law and gave some opinions. Then this section madea concise analysis of the values and framework of copyright law. The next threesections studied the dilemmas of copyright law and the way out by addressing theissues of temporary copies, the first sale doctrine and the fair use doctrine, which arevery important parts of copyright framework.
     Chapter Four: Protection of rights (I):The deregulation and regulation of behaviorof users
     This chapter analyzed the dilemma of the traditional mode of copyright protectionfrom the perspective of the game between the right holders and users, and explored thenew mode of copyright protection. Section one made a brief introduction of thechallenges to copyright protection. Section two reviewed the traditional mode ofcopyright protection, which is featured “lock up”. The third section addressed thenecessity, practice and effects of the “open license” protection mode. Section fourdepicted a basis structure of the integrated mode of copyright protection based on theregulation theory of Lessig. Section five made an outlook on the potential role of“open license” protection mode in the environment with cloud computing, big data and3D printing.
     Chapter Five: Protection of rights (II): The protection and restrictions of TPM
     This chapter made a study of the protection and restrictions of TPM from theperspective of game theory in terms of right holder. Section one introduced thebackground, conception and nature of TPM. Section two analyzed the foreignlegislation and judicial practice of the TPM, and then gave some suggestions to theimprovement of Chinese copyright law. The third section studied the restrictions onTPM from the perspective of fair use and anti-unfair competition.
     Chapter Six: Realization of rights: The copyright market mechanism in theenvironment of digital network
     This chapter studied the copyright market mechanism in the environment of digitalnetwork. The first section analyzed the importance of the transition of the copyrightlicensing mode. Section two addressed the basic blocks of the information system for copyright licensing. The last section gave some suggestions on how to improvecopyright collective management, especially how to prevent copyright collectivesocieties from abusing the monopoly position.
2Goldstein, Paul. Copyright's highway: From Gutenberg to the celestial jukebox. Stanford Law&Politics,2003.
    3Patterson, Lyman Ray. Copyright in historical perspective. Vanderbilt University Press,1968.
    4Kleiman, Daniel Lee. Science and technology in society: from biotechnology to the internet. Wiley-Blackwell,2009.
    5Gervais, Daniel J."The Regulation of Inchoate Technologies." Houston Law Review47, no.3(2010):665-705.
    6Gervais, Daniel J. Use of Copyright Content on the Internet: Considerations on Excludability and CollectiveLicensing. In The Public Interest: The Future Of Canadian Copyright Law, Michael Geist Ed., Chapter18, p.545,Irwin Law,2005.
    7Zittrain, Jonathan. The Future of the Internet-And How to Stop It. Yale University Press,2009.
    8Wu, Tim."When Code Isn't Law." Virginia Law Review89(2003).
    9MAI System Corp. v. Peak Computer, Inc.,991F.2d511,9th Cir.1993.
    10Cartoon Network, LP v. CSC Holdings, Inc.,536F.3d121(2d Cir.2008).
    11Levin, Katrine."Intellectual Property Law-MAI v. Peak: Should Loading Operating System Software Into RAMConstitute Copyright Infringement."Golden Gate UL Rev.24(1994):649.
    12Kim, Vivian I." The Public Performance Right in the Digital Age: Cartoon Network LP v. CSCHoldings." Berkeley Tech. LJ24(2009):263.
    13Sony Corp. of America v. Universal City Studios, Inc.,464U.S.417(1984).
    14American Geophysical Union V. Texaco Inc.,60F.3d913(2nd Cir.1994).
    15关于案件详细进展及法院判决理由见:A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster, In c.,2000WL573136,10(N.D. Cal.2000); A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster, Inc.,2000WL1009483,8(N.D. Cal.2000);A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster,Inc.,2000WL1055915(9th Cir.2000); A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster, Inc.,114F. Supp.2d896,927(N.D. Cal.2000); A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster, Inc.,239F.3d1004,1027(9th Cir.2001); A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster,Inc.,2001WL227083(N.D. Cal.2001); A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster, In c.,284F.3d1091,1099(9th Cir.2002).
    16Capitol Records, LLC v. ReDigi Inc., No.12-0095,2012U.S. Dist.
    17Ginsburg, Jane C."Copyright and control over new technologies of dissemination." Colum. L. Rev.101(2001);Ginsburg, Jane C."Exclusive Right to Their Writings: Copyright and Control in the Digital Age”,(2002) Me. L.Rev.54195.
    18Lemley, Mark A., and R. Anthony Reese."Reducing digital copyright infringement without restrictinginnovation"56Stan. L. Rev.1345.
    19Gervais, Daniel J."The Regulation of Inchoate Technologies." Houston Law Review47, no.3(2010);Gervais,Daniel J."The Price of Social Norms: Towards a Liability Regime for File-Sharing." J. of Intell. Prop. Law12, no.1(2003).
    20Rebecca Giblin, Code Wars:10Years of P2P Software Litigation (2011).
    21Peter Yu,“P2p and the Future of Private Copying" University of Colorado Law Review76(2005).
    22Fisher, William. Promises to keep: Technology, law, and the future of entertainment. Stanford Law and Politics,2004.
    23Neal Netanel, Impose a Noncommercial Use Levy to Allow Free Peer-to-Peer File Sharing,17HARV. J.L&TECH1(2003).
    24Gervais, Daniel J., Use of Copyright Content on the Internet: Considerations on Excludability and CollectiveLicensing. In The Public Interest: The Future Of Canadian Copyright Law, Michael Geist Ed., Chapter18, p.545,Irwin Law,2005.
    25Barlow, John Perry."A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace (Feb.8,1996)." pp.234-37.
    26Lehman, Bruce A., and Ronald H. Brown. Intellectual Property and the National Information Infrastructure: APreliminary Draft of the Report of the Working Group on Intellectual Property Rights, Chair, Bruce A. Lehman;Ronald H. Brown, Chair, Information Infrastructure Task Force. Information Infrastructure Task Force,1994.
    27Litman, Jessica."Digital copyright."(2006).
    28Ginsburg, Jane C."Can Copyright become User-Friendly-Review: Jessica Litman, Digitcal Copyright
    (2001)." Colum. JL&Arts25(2001):71.
    29Patry, William. How to fix copyright. Oxford University Press, USA.(2011).
    30Mazzone, Jason. Copyfraud and other abuses of intellectual property law.(2011).
    31Samuelson, Pamela."Is Copyright Reform Possible?." Harv. L. Rev.126(2013):740-868.
    38Elizabeth Eisenstein, The printing Press as an Agent of Change, Cambridge University Press,1979, P.121.
    39虽然之前也存在政府对言论和出版物的审查和控制,但这种基于利益上的契合而产生的出版特权则是印刷机出现之后的事情。参见Lyman Ray Patterson,Copyright in historical perspective,Vanderbilt UniversityPress,1968,pp.20-27.
    42See Lyman Ray Patterson,Copyright in historical perspective,Vanderbilt University Press,1968,p55.出版商的版权其实经历了从a license to print到the ownership of copy,再到the ownership of a book这样一个演化的过程,由于这一过程并非本文叙述重点,故在此不予赘述,可参见Patterson第72-142页。
    45See Lyman Ray Patterson,Copyright in historical perspective,Vanderbilt University Press,1968,p179.
    46Mark Rose,Authors and Owners,Harvard University Press,1993,P.132.
    52See Paul Goldstein,Copyright:Principles, Law and Practice (Volume1), Little Brown Company,1989,P.697.
    54Williams&Wilkins Co. v. U.S.,1972WL17712,172U.S.P.Q.670(Ct.Cl. Feb16,1972).
    55Williams&Wilkins Co. v. U. S.,203Ct.Cl.74,487F.2d1345,21A.L.R. Fed.151,180U.S.P.Q.49(Ct.Cl. Nov
    56Williams&Wilkins Co. v. U.S.,420U.S.376,95S.Ct.1344,43L.Ed.2d264,184U.S.P.Q.705(U.S.Ct.Cl. Feb
    62Sony Corp. of America v. Universal City Studios, Inc.,464U.S.417(1984).
    63Rita Tehan, CBS Report for Congress: Welcome to Cyberia: An Internet Overview, at1-3(Mar.12,1996).
    64Wall Street Journal, Internet Use in the U.S. Grew15%in October from Year-Ago Period, Nov.13,2001, B4.
    65参见ITU(国际电信联盟), Measuring the Information Society, available at:http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/Statistics/Documents/publications/mis2013/MIS2013_without_Annex_4.pdf.访问时间:2013年10月20日。
    67Fisher, William. Promises to keep: Technology, law, and the future of entertainment. Stanford Law and Politics,2004, p.14-15. See also Giblin, Rebecca. Code Wars:10Years of P2P Software Litigation. Edward Elgar Pub,2011,p.12.
    68See Yuko Noguchi, Toward better-balanced copyright regulations in the digital and network era: law,technology, and the market in the U.S. and Japan, Stanford University Doctoral Dissertation,2006, pp.13-14.
    71Depoorter, Ben. Technology and Uncertainty: The Shaping Effect on Copyright Law. University of PennsylvaniaLaw Review (2009):1831-1868.
    72See James Gibson. Risk Aversion and Rights Accretion in Intellectual Property Law.116YALE L.J.882,884,896-99(2007).
    73Howard Latin,“Good” Warnings, Bad Products, and Cognitive Limitations,41UCLA L. REV.1193,1240
    (1994); see also John E. Calfee&Richard Craswell, Some Effects of Uncertainty on Compliance with Legal
    Standards,70VA. L. REV.965,965(1984).
    74Dan M. Kahan&Donald Braman, More Statistics, Less Persuasion: A Cultural Theory of Gun-Risk Perceptions,
    151U. PA. L. REV.1291,1314-15(2003).
    75See Daniel S. Nagin&Greg Porgarsky, An Experimental Investigation of Deterrence: Cheating, Self-Serving
    Bias, and Impulsivity,41CRIMINOLOGY167,171(2003).
    76See Michael Wenzel, Motivation or Rationalisation? Causal Relations Between Ethics, Norms, and Tax
    Compliance,26J. ECON. PSYCHOL.491(2005).
    77转引自吴伟光:《数字技术环境下的版权法危机与对策》,知识产权出版社2008年第1版,第147页。See Severine Dusollier, Yves Poullet, Mireille Buydens. Copyright and access to information in the digitalenvironment. COPYRIGHT BULLETIN34, no.4(2000):4-36.
    79See Competition, Innovation, and Public Policy in the Digital Age: Is the MarketplaceWorking to Protect Digital Creative Works? Hearing Before the S. Comm. on the Judiciary,107thCong.89-92(2002)见Edward W. Felten的作证发言。
    87See Sony Corp. of America v. Universal City Studios,464U.S.417(1984).Footnote10.
    92Liemer, S.(2005). How We Lost Our Moral Rights and the Door Closed on Non-Economic Values inCopyright. John Marshall Review of Intellectual Property Law,5(1).
    95Twentieth Century Music Corp. v. Aiken,422U.S.151(1975).
    98See White v. Samsung Electronics America, Inc,989F.2d1512,1993U.S. App.
    102See Final Report of the National Commission on New Technological Uses of Copyrighted Works note18at12-13,22.
    10317U.S.C.§101中关于“复制件”的定义。104991F.2d511(9th Cir.1993).
    105U.S. Copyright Office, A Report of the Register of Copyrights Pursuant to§104of the Digtial MillenniumCopyright Act,108(2001), available at: http://www.copyright.gov/reports/studies/dmca/sec-104-report-vol-1.pdf.
    106Cartoon Network LP v. CSC Holdings, Inc.,536F.3d121,129-30(2d Cir.2008), cert denied,557U.S.946
    107CoStar Grp., Inc. v. LoopNet, Inc.,,373F.3d544,551(4th Cir.2004).
    111See Perfectt10v. Google, Inc.,416F. Supp.2d828(C.D. Cal.2006), aff’d sub nom, Perfect10v. Amazon.com,Inc.,508F.3d1146,1169(9th Cir.2007); Field v. Goole,412F.Supp.2d1106,1118(D. Nev.2006). see also4M.NIMMER&D. NIMMER, NIMMER ON COPYRIGHT§13.05[G], at13-280.
    112U.S. Copyright Office,AReport of the Register of Copyrights Pursuant to§104of the Digtial MillenniumCopyright Act,133-140,(2001), available at:http://www.copyright.gov/reports/studies/dmca/sec-104-report-vol-1.pdf.
    114Directive2001/29/EC, art.2.
    115Id, art.5(1).
    118See Melvile B. Nimmer&David Nimmer, Nimmer on Copyright, Matthew Bender&Company, Inc, Chapter8.
    119UsedSoft GmbH v. Oracle International Corp., Case C-128/11(CJEU July3,2012).
    120Directive2009/24/EC中相关的条款为:Article4(Restricted acts)……
    2. The first sale in the Community of a copy of a program by the rightholder or with his consent shall exhaustthe distribution right within the Community of that copy, with the exception of the right to control further rental ofthe program or a copy thereof.Article5(Exceptions to the restricted acts)
    1. In the absence of specific contractual provisions, the acts referred to in points (a) and (b) of Article4(1) shallnot require authorisation by the rightholder where they are necessary for the use of the computer program by thelawful acquirer in accordance with its intended purpose, including for error correction.……Available at: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2009:111:0016:0022:EN:PDF.
    121Capitol Records, LLC v. ReDigi Inc., No.12Civ.95(RJS)(S.D.N.Y. Mar.30,2013).
    123London-Sire Records, Inc. v. John Doe1,542F. Supp.2d153(D. Mass.2008).
    124Twentieth Century Music Corp. v.Aiken,422U.S.151,156(1975).
    126参见王迁、【荷兰】Lucie Guibault:《中欧网络版权保护比较研究》,法律出版社,2008年第1版,
    127Melville B. Nimmer&David Nimmer, Nimmer on Copyright§8.12(2013).
    129DMCA第104条要求版权局对著作权法修订对电子商务以及技术发展的影响进行评估,并向国会报告。该报告就是美国版权局根据该规定就著作权法与技术发展之间的相互影响(包括技术发展与首次销售原则之间的关系)做出。See U.S. Copyright Office, DMCASection104Report92n.301(2001), available athttp://www.copyright.gov/reports/studies/dmca/sec-104-report-vol-1.pdf.
    130Aging File System, U.S. Patent No.20110282838(filed Nov.17,2011). Available at:http://appft1.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO2&Sect2=HITOFF&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsearch-bool.html&r=1&f=G&l=50&co1=AND&d=PG01&s1=20110282838.PGNR.&OS=DN/20110282838RS=DN/20110282838.
    131U.S. Patent No.8,364,595(filed May.5,2009)(issued Jan.29,2013).
    132U.S. Patent Application No.20130060616(filed Mar.7,2013).
    133Jacqui Cheng, Apple follows Amazon with patent for resale of e-books, music. Available at:http://arstechnica.com/apple/2013/03/apple-follows-amazon-with-patent-for-resale-of-e-books-music/.
    137Lionel Bently, Brad Sherman, Intellectual Property Law, Oxford University Press,2001, pp.195-197.
    140世界上绝大部分著作权法的宗旨都大同小异。关于著作权法宗旨最经典的论述可见美国宪法,U.S.Const. art. I,§8, cl.8;我国《著作权法》第一条对著作权的宗旨和目标也进行了类似的阐述。
    141Menell, Peter S., Envisioning Copyright Law's Digital Future (September3,2002). N.Y.L. School Law Review,Vol.46, p.63,2002-2003.
    142See Paul Goldstein, Copyright's Highway: From Gutenberg to the Celestial Jukebox(1994); Jessica Litman,Copyright Legislation and Technological Change,68Or. L. Rev.275,353-54(1989).
    144Fisher III, W. W.(2004). Promises to Keep: Technology, Law, and the Future of Entertainment,14-15. See alsoRebecca Giblin, Code Wars:10Years of P2P Software Litigation (2011), p.12.
    145See Wu, Tim, Application-Centered Internet Analysis (March15,1999). Virginia Law Review, Vol.85, No.6,pp.1163-1204,1999. Tim Wu在该文中主张,在作法律上的分析时,应将互联网与应用程序分开讨论。
    146See Rebecca Giblin, Code Wars:10Years of P2P Software Litigation (2011), p.11-12.
    147Rebecca Giblin, Code Wars:10Years of P2P Software Litigation (2011), p.1.
    148著作权人先是依据美国著作权法上的间接侵权责任(Secondary Liability)是对P2P服务提供者提起诉讼,最后Napster、Scour和Aimster都由于败诉而无法继续提供它们的服务,从而迅速倒闭。上述三个服务败诉的关键原因是其“集中式”架构使得间接侵权得以成立。但故事并未就此结束,上述三个服务虽然倒闭,但迅即又出现了“分散式”P2P分享软件。著作权人这次发现起诉分享技术提供者遇到了异地起诉以及间接侵权可能难以成立等困难。著作权人见势不妙,于2003年又发起了对文件分享服务使用者个人提起了诉讼攻击。See Fisher III, W. W.(2004). Promises to Keep: Technology. Law, and the Future of Entertainment,110-127.关于著作权人对第二代P2P服务提起的诉讼的具体分析可参见王迁:《网络环境中的著作权保护研究》,法律出版社2011年3月第1版,第180-203页。关于著作权人对P2P使用者个人发起的诉讼,See ElectronicFrontier Foundation (2008). RIAA v. The People: Five Years Later. Available at:https://www.eff.org/wp/riaa-v-people-five-years-later.
    149据统计,1999-2000年期间的美国,大约有8000万至9000万的人能上网,而Napster拥有6000万注册用户。这就是说,Napster覆盖了三分之二的潜在市场,这一数字是大多数营销专家遥不可及的。See Daniel J.Gervais, Use of Copyright Content on the Internet: Considerations on Excludability and Collective Licensing. INTHE PUBLIC INTEREST: THE FUTURE OF CANADIAN COPYRIGHT LAW, Michael Geist ed., Chapter18, p.
    545, Irwin Law,2005.
    150See http://communicationtheory.org/gatekeeping-theory/.
    151See Wu, Tim."When Code Isn't Law." Virginia Law Review89(2003), pp.132-133; see also Kraakman,Reinier H."Gatekeepers: the anatomy of a third-party enforcement strategy." JL Econ.&Org.2(1986):53,pp.87-93.
    152Gervais, Daniel J."The Price of Social Norms: Towards a Liability Regime for File-Sharing." J. of Intell. Prop.Law12, no.1(2003):39-74, p.54.
    153Ibid, p.62.
    154Yu, Peter."Digital Copyright and Confuzzling Rhetoric." Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment and TechnologyLaw13(2011):881-939, p.914.
    155See Rebecca Giblin, Code Wars:10Years of P2P Software Litigation (2011), pp.6-11,142-147.
    156See A&M Records v. Napster, Inc.,114F. Supp.2d896,909–11(N.D. Cal.2000).该案对数个关于Napster经济影响的研究做了归纳。一项后来由经济学者Stan Leibowitz做出的研究表明,Napster的影响并没有在Napster诉讼中被证明,但从长远来看P2P分享对音乐是有伤害。See Stan Liebowitz, Policing Pirates in the NetworkedAge14–15(Cato Policy Analysis No.438May15,2002), available at: http://www.cato.org/pubs/pas/pa438.pdf
    157Peter S. Menell, Envisioning Copyright Law's Digital Future (September3,2002). N.Y.L. School Law Review,Vol.46, p.35,2002-2003. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=328561.
    158Dr. Francis Gurry, Dir. Gen., World Intellectual Prop. Org., The Annual Horace S. Manges Lecture at ColumbiaLaw School (Apr.6,2011). Available at: http://www.law.columbia.edu/kernochan/manges.
    159Barlow, John Perry."A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace (Feb.8,1996)":234-37.
    160Gervais, Daniel J., Use of Copyright Content on the Internet: Considerations on Excludability and CollectiveLicensing. IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST: THE FUTURE OF CANADIAN COPYRIGHT LAW, Michael Geist ed.,Chapter18, p.545, Irwin Law,2005. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=816964.
    161关于案件详细进展及法院判决理由见:A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster, In c.,2000WL573136,10(N.D. Cal.2000); A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster, Inc.,2000WL1009483,8(N.D. Cal.2000); A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster,Inc.,2000WL1055915(9th Cir.2000); A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster, Inc.,114F. Supp.2d896,927(N.D. Cal.2000); A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster, Inc.,239F.3d1004,1027(9th Cir.2001); A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster,Inc.,2001WL227083(N.D. Cal.2001); A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster, In c.,284F.3d1091,1099(9th Cir.2002).
    162See Fisher III, W. W.(2004). Promises to Keep: Technology, Law, and the Future of Entertainment,113-114.
    163这种架构的工作原理是:所有用户上传的音乐文件索引和存放位置的信息通过一个中央索引服务器保存;当某一用户需要某个音乐文件时,必须先连接到中央索引服务器,由服务器检索,服务器返回存有该文件的用户信息,再由请求者直接连到文件的所有者传输文件。关于其技术分析参见http://www.intsci.ac.cn/users/luojw/P2P/ch02.html。关于其法律分析,See Rebecca Giblin, Code Wars:10Yearsof P2P Software Litigation (2011), p.58-63.
    164See Sony Corp. of America v. Universal City Studios,464U.S.417(1984).
    165See Fisher III, W. W.(2004). Promises to Keep: Technology, Law, and the Future of Entertainment,122.
    166See Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios v. Grokster,2003WL186657(C.D. Cal. Jan.9,2003)(No.Civ.01-08541).
    167See Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios v. Grokster, Ltd.,259F. Supp.2d1029(C.D. Cal.2003).法官在判决中认为,服务提供者没有“为他人的侵权提供实质性帮助”(帮助侵权的要件)或者“具有监督侵权行为的权利和能力(“替代责任的要件)。二审维持一审判决,See Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios v. Grokster, Ltd., F.3d1154,pp.1036-1039(9thCir.2004).
    168Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. V.Grokster, Ltd.(04-480)545U.S.913(2005);380F.3d1154.该案在推翻原判决的同时将该案发回重审。重审判决对“引诱侵权”的规则进行了细化,成为日后认定相关案件的重要参考。该案件的具体分析,可参见王迁:《网络环境中的著作权保护研究》,法律出版社2011年3月第1版,第180-194页。
    169See Wu, Tim, When Code Isn't Law. Virginia Law Review, Vol.892003, P.132-133.
    170See Rebecca Giblin, Code Wars:10Years of P2P Software Litigation (2011), p.6-11,142-147.
    171See Lemley, Mark A., and R. Anthony Reese."Reducing digital copyright infringement without restrictinginnovation"56Stan. L. Rev.1345,1379-1389(2004).
    172Fisher III, W. W.(2004). Promises to Keep: Technology, Law, and the Future of Entertainment, P.125.
    173“Music Labels Declare War on File Swappers", PCWorld.com, September8,2003,http://www.pcworld.com/article/112364/article.html
    174David Kravets,"File Sharing Lawsuits at a Crossroads, After5years of RIAA Litigation," Sept.8,2008,available at: http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2008/09/proving-file-sh/.对比2002年全年美国在著作权方面的民事诉讼的数量可以说明这次针对个人的诉讼规模之巨大。2002年全美著作权民事诉讼的数量是2084起。See Motivans, Mark. Intellectual property theft,2002. US Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs,Bureau of Justice Statistics,2004, available at: http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/content/pub/pdf/ipt02.pdf.
    175See Electronic Frontier Foundation (2008). RIAA v. The People: Five Years Later. Available at:https://www.eff.org/wp/riaa-v-people-five-years-later
    176一个典型的例子就是发生在密歇根的Warner et al v. Scantlebury案。该案中,被告在法院判决之前去世,而原告却仍旧不依不饶,对死者的孩子继续诉讼,虽然在继续诉讼前死者家属被给予了60天的时间来悲伤。唱片业的这种行为饱受批评,慢慢失去了公众和社会的道德支持,开始怀疑唱片业的动机和商业模式。See “RIAAdefendant dies, heirs given60days to grieve before depositions”, available at:http://arstechnica.com/uncategorized/2006/08/7487/这样的例子还有很多。See Electronic Frontier Foundation
    (2008). RIAA v. The People: Five Years Later, P.5. Available at:https://www.eff.org/wp/riaa-v-people-five-years-later
    178到2007年,P2P分享软件比以往任何时候都多。虽然音乐文件分享增加并不明显,但瞬时链接数也达到了一千万。但是电影文件的分享变得流行起来,2006年5月份有817588用户使用BitTorrent,一年后这一数字变为1357318,增长了66%。See Eric Bangeman,“P2P traffic shifts away from music, towards movies”,available at: http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2007/07/p2p-traffic-shifts-away-from-music-towards-movies/但另一方面,代表音乐产业的RIAA在回应对其批评时坚持说他们起诉的目的已经达到了,因为他们从没期望终止盗版,这些诉讼的主要作用在于教育,使公众知道著作权法和违反的法律后果。See Paul,“The RIAASays Suing Individuals Was an Effective Strategy”, available at:http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/permalink/2011/111207riaa
    179Ginsburg, Jane C."Exclusive Right to Their Writings: Copyright and Control in the Digital Age”,(2002) Me. L.Rev.54195, p.211-213.
    180Sarah Mcbride and Ethan Smith,“Music Industry to Abandon Mass Suits”, Wall Street Journal, available at:http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122966038836021137.html.
    182See Steven Seidenberg, The Record Business Blues,96-JUN A.B.A. J.54,55-56(2010).
    184David Moser&Cheryl Slay, Music Copyright Law,(2012), p.291.
    185Brimmeier, Khristyn. Music, Film, TV, and Broadband Collaborate to Curb Online Content Theft, RIAA, July2011. Available at:http://www.riaa.com/newsitem.php?content_selector=newsandviews&news_month_filter=7&news_year_filter=201
    186这种“六振出局”机制的内容如下:第一次和第二次警告通知网络用户其账户被用来著作权侵权并要求其对如何避免将来的侵权做出解释,并将用户导向合法内容网络;如果用户仍然进行侵权行为,ISP将发出第三次和第四次警告,要求用户点击通知确认其已经收到来自ISP的警告;如果用户仍然我行我素,ISP将发第五次警告,而且ISP可以采取一些缓和措施(Mitigation Measures),如降低网速,返回登录界面直至用户联系ISP对其侵权行为作出回应;如果第五次警告仍然无效,则ISP会在此发出第六次警告,并采取第五次警告中采取的缓和措施。这种机制假定,绝大部分用户在经历了六次警告后会停止侵权行为。See NateAnderson, Major ISPs agree to “six strikes” copyright enforcement plan, July72011. Available at:http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2011/07/major-isps-agree-to-six-strikes-copyright-enforcement-plan/
    187Cyrus Farivar,“Six strikes” enforcement policy debuts, Feb262013. Available at:http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2013/02/six-strikes-enforcement-policy-debuts/.
    188Masnick, Mike, Major US ISPs Agree To Five Strikes Plan, Rather Than Three, July72011. Available at:http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20110707/10173014998/major-us-isps-agree-to-five-strikes-plan-rather-than-three.shtml.
    189该研究发现:虽然BitTorrent的使用率从17.1%下降到14.6%,但停止使用P2P服务的这些用户转向了并未被HADOPI法案(打击网络非法下载行为的法案,该法案仅覆盖P2P分享)覆盖的流媒体服务和私人下载网站;另外,使用盗版的用户中有一半同时经常购买合法的正版内容,如果使用“三振出局”关闭他们的网络服务会影响正版内容的销售。See BBC, French pirates 'dodge' tough laws, March292010. Available at:http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/8592444.stm.
    190“Three Strikes Anti-Piracy Budget “Too Expensive To Justify” Says Minister”. Available at:
    191“File-Sharing3Strikes Killed in Ireland, Government Promises Site Blocking”. Available at:http://torrentfreak.com/file-sharing-3-strikes-killed-in-ireland-government-promises-site-blocking-111219/
    192有新的研究认为法国的分级响应机制对法国境内苹果公司iTune渠道的销售有正面影响。See BrettDanaher et al, The Effect of Graduated Response Anti-Piracy Laws on Music Sales: Evidence from an Event Studyin France (version as at March2012)(2012) available at:http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1989240[Accessed at6March2013].但是有研究对其提出了有力质疑。See Jeremiah and Baruch Leloup, Hadopi, the source of growth iTunes?(2012), Le Monde. Available at:http://www.lemonde.fr/technologies/article/2012/01/24/hadopi-source-de-la-croissance-d-itunes_1633919_651865.html>.虽然国际唱片业协会(IFPI)2013年数字音乐报告中称逐级响应机制使新西兰P2P服务使用率下降
    196See Fisher III, W. W.(2004). Promises to Keep: Technology, Law, and the Future of Entertainment,85-87.
    197Robert A. Gorman, Jane C. Ginsburg, and R. Anthony Reese, Copyright: cases and materials. Foundation Press,2011, PP.1082-1083.
    198DMCA, Section1201(a).
    199DMCA, Section1201(b).关于这两种技术保护措施的详细介绍,参见吴伟光:《数字技术环境下的著作权法:危机与对策》,知识产权出版社2008年10月第1版,第161-168页。
    201Brown, Ian."The evolution of anti-circumvention law", International Review of Law Computers&Technology20.3(2006):240.
    202Brown, Ian."The evolution of anti-circumvention law", International Review of Law Computers&Technology20.3(2006):249-250.
    203Dizon, Michael Anthony C., Does Technology Trump Intellectual Property?: Re-Framing the Debate AboutRegulating New Technologies (August17,2011). SCRIPTed, Vol.8, p.132. Available at:
    204Ginsburg, Jane C."Copyright and control over new technologies of dissemination." Colum. L. Rev.101(2001):1631.
    205Lucchi, Nicola, Intellectual Property Rights in Digital Media: A Comparative Analysis of Legal Protection,Technological Measures and New Business Models Under E.U. And U.S. Law. Buffalo Law Review, Vol.53, No.4,Fall2005, p.104,106.
    206Daniel J. Gervais, Use of Copyright Content on the Internet: Considerations on Excludability and CollectiveLicensing. In The Public Interest: The Future Of Canadian Copyright Law, Michael Geist ed., Chapter18, p.519,Irwin Law,2005.
    207YouTube上90%的著作权人选择授权而不是禁止作品的使用,从而获得一定的经济回报。See Dr. FrancisGurry, Dir. Gen., World Intellectual Prop. Org., The Annual Horace S. Manges Lecture at Columbia Law School
    (Apr.6,2011). Available at: http://www.law.columbia.edu/kernochan/manges.
    209据统计,1999-2000年期间的美国,大约有8000万至9000万的人能上网,而Napster拥有6000万注册用户。这就是说,Napster覆盖了三分之二的潜在市场。这一数字是大多数营销专家遥不可及的。See DanielJ. Gervais, Use of Copyright Content on the Internet: Considerations on Excludability and Collective Licensing. INTHE PUBLIC INTEREST: THE FUTURE OF CANADIAN COPYRIGHT LAW, Michael Geist ed., Chapter18, p.
    545, Irwin Law,2005.
    210Daniel J. Gervais, Use of Copyright Content on the Internet: Considerations on Excludability and CollectiveLicensing. IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST: THE FUTURE OF CANADIAN COPYRIGHT LAW, Michael Geist ed.,Chapter18, p.526, Irwin Law,2005.
    211但这并不意味着权利者可以拥有一切形式的商业开发。授权许可仍应受到合理使用以及法定许可等限制。See, Jane C. Ginsburg,"Copyright and control over new technologies of dissemination." Colum. L. Rev.101
    212See Kot, Greg."Ripped: How the wired generation revolutionized music”, New York: Scribner (2009).该书引用Peter Jenner的话“我们在试将十九世纪和二十世纪的商业模式强加到二十一世纪科技上…我们现在乱成一团糟,这就不足为奇”。
    213但可惜的是,当时的唱片公司没有利用好这种新技术提供的巨大机会来开拓新的市场。Napster高管曾多次向唱片公司提出其将引入收费增值服务,并愿意将收益的80%给唱片公司,但大多数公司最终拒绝和解。Fisher III, W. W.(2004). Promises to Keep: Technology, Law, and the Future of Entertainment,115.
    214Lemley, Mark A., and R. Anthony Reese."Reducing digital copyright infringement without restrictinginnovation." Stan. L. Rev.56(2003), P.1426.
    215See Wikipedia, iTune, http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/ITunes.
    216CEPro,“iTunes Dominates Download Market&Streaming Audio Grows”. Available at:http://www.cepro.com/article/itunes_dominates_download_market_streaming_audio_grows/.
    217See Apple.com,“iTunes Store Sets New Record with25Billion Songs Sold”,http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2013/02/06iTunes-Store-Sets-New-Record-with-25-Billion-Songs-Sold.html
    219Mark Sweney,” iTunes and Spotify boost UK songwriters' income”. Available at:http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2012/apr/02/itunes-spotify-uk-songwriters.
    224Peter Yu,“P2p and the Future of Private Copying" University of Colorado Law Review76(2005), P712.
    225Fred von Lohmann,“A Better Way Forward: Voluntary Collective Licensing of Music File Sharing”. Availableat: https://www.eff.org/wp/better-way-forward-voluntary-collective-licensing-music-file-sharing.
    228Songwriters Association of Canada,“S.A.C. Monetizing Music File Sharing: A New B2B Model”,October31,2011. Available at: http://songwriters.wiredsolutions.ca/sacsurvey2011.aspx.
    229TorrentFreak,“Canadian Songwriters Want to Legalize File-Sharing”. Available at:http://torrentfreak.com/canadian-songwriters-want-to-legalize-file-sharing-111206/.
    230Fisher III, W. W.(2004). Promises to Keep: Technology, Law, and the Future of Entertainment, P.199-258.
    231Neal Netanel, Impose a Noncommercial Use Levy to Allow Free Peer-to-Peer File Sharing,17HARV. J.L&TECH1(2003).
    232Peter Yu,“P2p and the Future of Private Copying" University of Colorado Law Review76(2005), P704.
    233参见洪春晖:《由Apple iTunes之成功看在线音乐经营模式的转变》,2004年4月,第5页。网址:http://tourism.pu.edu.tw/wang/ec2/Articals/%E7%B7%9A%E4%B8%8A%E9%9F%B3%E6%A8%82%E7%B6%93%E7%87%9F%E6%A8%A1%E5%BC%8F.pdf.
    234IFPI Digital Music Report2004, available at: http://www.ifpi.org/content/library/digital-music-report-2004.pdf.
    235IFPI Digital Music Report2005, available at: http://www.ifpi.org/content/library/digital-music-report-2005.pdf.
    236IFPI Digital Music Report2010, available at: http://www.ifpi.org/content/library/digital-music-report-2010.pdf.
    237Supra note.228.
    239IFPI Digital Music Report2007, available at: http://www.ifpi.org/content/library/digital-music-report-2007.pdf.
    240The Nielsen Company&Billboard’s2012Music Industry Report, available at:http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20130104005149/en/Nielsen-Company-Billboard%E2%80%99s-2012-Music-Industry-Report.
    241IFPI Digital Music Report2008, available at: http://www.ifpi.org/content/library/digital-music-report-2008.pdf.
    242The Nielsen Company&Billboard’s2012Music Industry Report, available at:http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20130104005149/en/Nielsen-Company-Billboard%E2%80%99s-2012-Music-Industry-Report.
    243David Moser&Cheryl Slay, Music Copyright Law,(2012), p.289.
    244See Lessig, Lawrence. Code: And Other Laws of Cyberspace, Version2.0. Basic Books,2006, pp.121-123.
    246See Hargreaves, Ian."Digital opportunity: a review of intellectual property and growth: an independent report."
    248See Hugenholtz, P. Bernt.“Code Of Conduct And Copyright Enforcement In Cyberspace.” Stanmatoudi, Irini.
    (ed.) COPYRIGHT ENFORCEMENT AND THE INTERNET (2010), pp.303-320.
    249有研究预测,到2016年,3D打印产业将达到31亿美元的规模。See Forbes,3D Printing Industry WillReach$3.1Billion Worldwide by2016. Available at:http://www.forbes.com/sites/tjmccue/2012/03/27/3d-printing-industry-will-reach-3-1-billion-worldwide-by-2016/
    250据预测,3D打印将对现有的商业模式造成很大冲击,并对知识产权的保护构成很大威胁,到2018年3D打印引起的知识产权损失将达到每年1000亿美元的惊人规模。See Information Week,3D Printing to IgniteMajor Debate Ethics Regulation by2016:Gartner. Available at:http://www.informationweek.in/informationweek/news-analysis/287329/3d-printing-ignite-major-debate-ethics-regulation-2016-gartner.(Feb20,2014)
    252Charles Clark. The Answer to the Machine is in the Machine, in THE FUTURE OF COPYRIGHT IN THEDIGITAL ENVIRONMENT (Hugenholtz, ed.)(1996).
    253See Tom W. Bell, Escape from Copyright: Market Success vs. Statutory Failure in the Protection of ExpressiveWorks,69U. Cin. L. Rev.741(2001) regime); Kenneth W. Dam, Self-Help in the Digital Jungle,28J. Legal Stud.
    258该法案第296条规定:“对于以电子形式存在的作品,著作权人有权对那些制造、进口、出售、出租、推销专门用于避开防止复制系统的人,以及公布信息、使他人得以避开防止复制系统的人提起诉讼,并可以没收其工具和设备”。See UK Copyright, Design and PatentsAct1988.转引自王迁:《知识产权法教程》,中国人民大学出版社2011年第3版,第242页。
    259See the meeting report of WIPO, WIPO Seminar For Asia And The Pacific Region On The Internet And TheProtection Of Intellectual Property Rights, WIPO/INT/SIN/98/4.
    265Sony Corp. of America v. Universal City Studios,464U.S.417,442(1984).
    268David Nimmer, Copyright and Sacred Text, Technology, and the DMCA, Hague: Kluwer Law International.2003:399.转引自吴伟光:《数字技术环境下的版权法危机与对策》,知识产权出版社2008年第1版,第
    270Council Directive91/250/EC on the legal protection of computer programs.
    272(c) any act of putting into circulation, or the possession for commercial purposes of, any means the sole intendedpurpose of which is to facilitate the unauthorized removal or circumvention of any technical device which may havebeen applied to protect a computer program.
    274该指令具体内容可参见EC Directive2001/29/EC on the Harmonization of CertainAspects of Copyright andRelated Rights in the Information Society-Consultation Paper on Implementation of the Directive in the UnitedKingdom, Department of Trade and Industry UK. Available at: http://www.ipo.gov.uk/200121ec.pdf.(Feb29,2014)
    277正是由于技术保护措施的这种特点,有国外学者将其称之为Para-copyright,意为alongside copyright。See Lydia Pallas Loren, Joseph Scott Miller, Intellectual Property Law: Cases&Materials, Ver.3.0,2012, p.511.
    280See Ginsburg, Jane C."Essay: From Having Copies to Experiencing Works: The Development of an AccessRight in US Copyright Law" J. Copyright Soc'y USA50(2002-2003):113.
    282See Australian Federation Against Copyright Theft, Submission to House of Representative Standing Committeeon Legal and Constitutional Affairs, No.39, p.6.
    283See Mazzone, Jason "Copyfraud and other abuses of intellectual property law"(2011), pp.87-88.28417U.S.C.§1201(c)(1).
    285这些法案包括《2002年数字媒体消费者权利法案》(the Digital Media Consumers’ Rights Act of2002)、《2003年限制预付和净消费者期望作者利益法案》(the Benefit Authors Without Limiting Advancement or NetConsumer Expectations Act of2003)以及《2007年自由和创新复兴创业精神法案》(the Freedom and InnovationRevitalizing U.S. Entrepreneurship Act of2007)。
    286Universal City Studios, Inc., v. Reimerdes,111F. Supp.2d294(S.D.N.Y.2000), aff’d, Universal City Studios,Inc., v. Carley,273F.3d429(2d Cir.2001).
    287Sony Corp. of America v. Universal City Studios, Inc.,464U.S.417(1984).
    288Reimerdes,111F. Supp.2d at323.法院在判决中认为,DCMA禁止提供破解技术,这从根本上改变了现有的规则。虽然具有实质性非侵权用途的设备或技术可以根据著作权法案免责,但其在DMCA§1201下仍然能是被禁止的。
    289See Wikipedia, Remix. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remix.
    290对于接触控制技术保护措施而言,破解行为以及破解技术的交易都是被禁止的;对于权利控制技术保护措施而言,破解行为未被禁止,但破解技术的交易则是被禁止的。See U.S. Copyright Office, The DigitalMillennium Copyright Act of1998: U.S. Copyright Office Summary3-6(Dec.1998), available athttp://www.copyright.gov/legislation/dmca.pdf.29117U.S.C.§1201(c)(1).
    292See DMCA,§1201(d)-(j).
    (Register of Copyright)的建议、与电信和信息管理局(NTIA)会商等过程。
    294目前美国在此规则制定机制下增加的破解技术保护措施的例外情形共五种:(1)某些出于批评、评论或者教育目的而对DVD上或者通过网络服务传输的电影之上的技术保护措施进行破解的行为;(2)出于研究、开发字幕或者为了残障人士而开发描述性音频技术的目的DVD上或者通过网络服务传输的电影之上的技术保护措施进行破解的行为;(3)智能手机的越狱行为;(4)智能手机解锁行为;(5)为方便盲人、视力受损者、失聪者、听力困难者而允许使用辅助技术的以电子书格式传播的文学作品。See CopyrightOffice, Exemption to Prohibition on Circumvention of Copyright Protection Systems for Access ControlTechnologies,65Fed. Reg.64556,64574(Oct.27,2000); Copyright Office, Exemption to Prohibition onCircumvention of Copyright Protection Systems for Access Control Technologies,68Fed. Reg.62011,62013-14(Oct.31,2003); Copyright Office, Exemption to Prohibition on Circumvention of Copyright Protection Systems forAccess Control Technologies,71Fed. Reg.68472,68473-77(Nov.27,2006); Copyright Office, Exemption toProhibition on Circumvention of Copyright Protection Systems for Access Control Technologies,75Fed. Reg.43825,43827-34(July27,2010); Copyright Office, Exemption to Prohibition on Circumvention of CopyrightProtection Systems for Access Control Technologies,77Fed. Reg.65260,65262-71(Oct.26,2012).不过值得注意的是,美国于新近未对智能手机解锁行为的豁免进行延续,这在美国引起了不小的争议。See Jon Healey,Proponents of cellphone unlocking ask the White House for help, LOS ANGELES TIMES (Feb.18,2013),available at:http://www.latimes.com/business/technology/la-fi-tn-cellphone-unlocking-petition-20130218,0,6053343.story.
    295See EU Copyright Directive at art.6(4).
    296See U.K. Copyright Designs and Patent Act (CDPA) at§296ZE.29717U.S.C.§1201(a)(2),(b)(1).29817U.S.C.§1201(c)(3).
    299参见王迁、【荷兰】Lucie Guibault:《中欧网络版权保护比较研究》,法律出版社,2008年第1版,第
    301See Mazzone, Jason "Copyfraud and other abuses of intellectual property law"(2011), chapter4.
    303See Borg-Breen, Caryn C."Garage Door Openers, Printer Toner Cartridges, and the New Age of the DigitalMillennium Copyright Act." Nw. UL Rev.100(2006):885.
    306参见王迁、【荷兰】Lucie Guibault:《中欧网络版权保护比较研究》,法律出版社,2008年第1版,第172页。
    309See Reichman, Jerome H., Graeme B. Dinwoodie, and Pamela Samuelson,"Reverse Notice and TakedownRegime to Enable Pubic Interest Uses of Technically Protected Copyrighted Works", Berkeley Tech. LJ22(2007).
    310Chamberlain Group, Inc., v. Skylink Technologies, Inc.,381F.3d1178(Fed. Cir.2004).
    311Chamberlain Group, Inc.,381F.3d at1202.
    312See Lexmark International, Inc. v. Static Control Components, Inc,387F.3d522,549(6th Cir.2004); StorageTechnology Corp. v. Custom Hardware Eng'g&Consulting, Inc.,421F.3d1307(Fed. Cir.2005).在这两个案件中,法院驳回了两个案件原告(一个为可交互操作的打印机墨盒生产商,一个为自动磁带盒图书馆的生厂商)的诉讼请求。关于这两个案件的具体介绍和分析,可参见吴伟光:《著作权法研究—国际条约、中国立法与司法实践》,清华大学出版社2013年第1版,第495-500页。
    313Chamberlain Group, Inc.,381F.3d, p.1202.
    315See Patry, William. How to fix copyright. Oxford University Press,2012, p.142.
    318关于数字网络技术对音乐著作权产业以及电影产业、图书出版产业市场生态的影响,See Cameron, Lisaand Bazelon, Coleman.“The impact of digitization on business models in copyright-driven industries: A review ofthe economic issues”. The Brattle Group, Inc.,2013. Available at:http://www.brattle.com/system/publications/pdfs/000/004/323/original/The_Impact_of_Digitization_on_Business_Models_in_Copyright-Driven_Industries_Cameron_Bazelon_Feb_26_2013.pdf?1378772099.(Dec.122013); Seealso Merrill, Stephen A., and William J. Raduchel, eds.“Copyright in the Digital Era: Building Evidence forPolicy”. National Academies Press,2013, pp.21-34. Available at:http://www.nap.edu/download.php?record_id=14686.(Jan.112014).关于数字网络环境下音乐产业价值链的分析另可见佟雪娜:《数字音乐的产业价值链研究》,清华大学出版社2012年第1版,第55-76页。
    319See Slater, Derek, Meg Smith, Derek Bambauer, Urs Gasser,&John Palfrey “Content and Control: Assessingthe Impact of Policy Choices on Potential Online Business Models in theMusic and Film Industries,” Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law SchoolJanuary7,2005, at p. AI-4. Available at: http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/media/files/content_control.pdf.(Feb202014).
    320See the introduction of Garage Band at Apple Inc. website. Available at:http://www.apple.com/ilife/garageband/.
    323See Gervais, Daniel J., ed. Collective management of copyright and related rights. Kluwer Law International,2010, p.10.值得提出的是,Gervais教授还分析了著作权权利碎片化的根源。他认为,这种碎片性源于著作权制度自产生起三百年来为了适应技术的发展而对著作权权利体系叠屋架床,就作品的新使用方式不断赋予权利人新权利的结果。
    324See Gervais, Daniel J., ed. Collective management of copyright and related rights. Kluwer Law International,2010, pp.3-4.值得注意的是,此处关于广播电台使用作品的例子是以美国的法律规定为基础进行分析的。
    325尽管《伯尔尼公约》中已经规定了国民待遇原则,但这仍然无法改变著作权制度的地域性,国际公约只是在著作权制度的地域性上增添了一些国际元素而已。See J. Axhamn (Ed.), Copyright in a borderless onlineenvironment. Stockholm: Norstedts Juridik.(2012), p.23.
    327目前,欧盟已经在致力于通过建立统一著作权集体管理制度构建跨境网络授权机制。EuropeanCommission, Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the collective managementof copyright and related rights and multi-territorial licensing of rights in musical works for online uses in theinternal market, COM(2012)372final arts.21-33(July11,2012). Available at:http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/copyright/docs/management/com-2012-3722_en.pdf.(Nov.112013).该指令于2014年2月4日被欧洲议会正式通过。See IP Watch, EU Parliament Passes Directive On Collective RightsManagement, Pan-EU Licences. Avaible at:http://www.ip-watch.org/2014/02/04/eu-parliament-passes-directive-on-collective-rights-management-pan-eu-licences/.(Feb20,2014).
    328See17U.S.C.§§106(1) and (3).在美国,这种权利属于强制许可的范围,任何支付法定的许可费使用者都可以取得这种许可。
    329这种一站式服务的典型例子有Limelight以及HFASongfile。Limelight:https://www.songclearance.com/about/; HFA Songfile:http://www.harryfox.com/public/songfile.jsp.
    331同步权控制的是对视听作品音轨中歌曲的使用,即声音与运动图像的同步。同步使用必须就录音和曲作取得双重授权。提供同步权线上授权的服务包括Sir Groovy、GreenLight Music Licensing、Rumblefish MusicLicensing Store等。关于Sir Groovy参见:http://www.musiclicensingstore.com/;关于GreenLight MusicLicensing参见http://www.greenlightmusic.com/music-licensing/education/how-it-works;关于Rumblefish MusicLicensing Store参见http://www.musiclicensingstore.com.
    332此类的服务如Magnatune和Beggars Group Licensing Requests。关于Magnatune参见:http://magnatune.com/info/licensing;Beggars Group Licensing Requests参见http://licensing.beggars.com/.
    333See http://www.copyright.com/content/cc3/en.html; see also Copyright Clearance Center, Pay-Per-Use Services,available at: http://www.copyright.com/content/dam/cc3/marketing/documents/pdfs/Search-Instructions-PPU.pdf.
    334See Flickr,http://www.gettyimages.com/creative/frontdoor/flickrphotos?isource=usa_nav_images_whatsnew_flickr.
    33517U.S.C.§410(c).33617U.S.C.§408-412.33717U.S.C.§205; U.S. Copyright Office, Circular12: Recordation of Transfers and Other Documents, availableat http://www.copyright.gov/circs/circ12.pdf.
    338U.S. Copyright Office, Priorities and Special Projects of the United States Copyright Office, p.3. Available at:http://www.copyright.gov/docs/priorities.pdf.
    339The U.S. Department of Commerce Internet Policy Task Force Report, Copyright policy, Creativity, andInnovation in the Digital Economy (July2013), p.90. Available at:http://www.uspto.gov/news/publications/copyrightgreenpaper.pdf.
    340See U.S. Copyright Office, Priorities and Special Projects of the United States Copyright Office, p.13. Availableat: http://www.copyright.gov/docs/priorities.pdf.
    341Id, p.11.
    342See Mike Burke, Copyright digitization: Moving right along!(Mar22,2013). Available at:http://blogs.loc.gov/copyrightdigitization/2013/03/copyright-digitization-moving-right-along/.
    344WIPO, Summary of The Responses to The Questionnaire for Survey on Copyright Registration and DepositSystems, Annex A.4, pp.2-3. Available at:http://www.wipo.int/export/sites/www/copyright/en/registration/pdf/a4_charts.pdf.
    345WIPO, Summary of the Responses to the Questionnaire for Survey on Copyright Registration and DepositSystems. Available at:http://www.wipo.int/export/sites/www/copyright/en/registration/pdf/registration_summary_responses.pdf.
    347See Richard Hooper and Ros Lynch, Copyright works: Streamlining copyright licensing for the digital age (July2012), p.41. Available at: http://www.ipo.gov.uk/dce-report-phase2.pdf.
    348Ian Hargreaves, Digital Opportunity: A Review of Intellectual Property and Growth (May2011). Available at:http://www.ipo.gov.uk/ipreview-finalreport.pdf.
    349Richard Hooper and Ros Lynch, Copyright works: Streamlining copyright licensing for the digital age (July2012), p.1. Available at: http://www.ipo.gov.uk/dce-report-phase2.pdf.
    350Ibid, p.2.
    351参见Copyright Hub主页:http://www.copyrighthub.co.uk/.根据其主页介绍,著作权枢纽在测试阶段只能与有限数量的著作权组织链接,正式运营后会提供更加全面的服务。
    352See Nicholas Garnett, Study on the Role and Functions of the International Music Registry, pp.5-6. Available at:http://www.internationalmusicregistry.org/export/sites/imr/portal/en/pdf/imr_scoping_study.pdf.
    353See FAQ at http://www.internationalmusicregistry.org/portal/en/faqs.html.
    354ISWC, http://www.iswc.org/.
    355IFPI, Resources-ISRC, http://www.ifpi.org/content/section_resources/isrc.html.
    356ISAN, http://www.isan.org/portal/page?_pageid=168,1&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL.
    357ISBN, http://www.isbn.org/standards/home/about/index.html.
    358Project Plan: Linked Content Coalition (Oct.27,2011). Available at:http://media.wix.com/ugd/bff7bc_ffefdfc161440b32d37e7bb227b8a4d2.pdf.
    366See Gervais, Daniel J., ed. Collective management of copyright and related rights. Kluwer Law International,2010, p.171.
    367参见法国文人协会(La Société des Gens de Lettres)网址:http://www.sgdl.org/sgdl/presentation/histoire.
    368See Gervais, Daniel J., ed. Collective management of copyright and related rights. Kluwer Law International,2010, pp.3-5.
    369See Ficsor, Mihály. Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights. WIPO,2002, p.12.
    370在美国的音乐公开表演权领域,有ASCAP、BMI以及AESAC三个集体管理组织。See Gervais, Daniel J.,ed. Collective management of copyright and related rights. Kluwer Law International,2010, p.340.
    372See Gervais, Daniel J., ed. Collective management of copyright and related rights. Kluwer Law International,
    2010, pp.7.
    374参见WIPO对著作权集体管理的定义。See http://www.wipo.int/about-ip/zh/about_collective_mngt.html.
    377See Gervais, Daniel J., ed. Collective management of copyright and related rights. Kluwer Law International,2010, p.17.
    378See Fuxiao Jiang and Daniel Gervais (2012), Collective Management Organizations in China: Practice,Problems and Possible Solutions. The Journal of World Intellectual Property,15:221–237.
    379See Wikipedia, Copyright Collective. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyright_collective.另见杨浩鹏:《音乐著作权集体管理收费音乐网站或许是出路》,载中国文化报2011年4月20日,转引自中新网,网址:http://www.chinanews.com/cul/2011/04-20/2986785.shtml。在该报道中,北大新闻与传播学院史学军博士认为iTune Store实际上是一种民间集体管理。
    380在美国,著作权法对音乐作品作者的保护由来已久,但对录音制品的表演者和制作者的保护却是从《1995年录音制品数字表演权法案》(Digital Performance Right in Sound Recordings Act of1995)开始。但对其保护也仅限于如网络广播的非交互式传输以及特定的交互式传输。对于非交互式传输,国会对其施加进一步的限制,即其授权模式采用法定许可制。其对口集体管理组织为SoundExchange。而交互式传输则没有相应集体管理组织,因此交互式服务需要与每个权利所有者进行谈判。See Glynn Lunney (2010)‘Copyright CMOs andCollecting Societies: The United States Experience’, in Gervais, D.(ed.) Collective Management of Copyright andRelated Rights, pp.365-367.
    382著作权集体管理领域权威学者Daniel Gervais教授对集体管理制度的作用有精辟的阐述。他以广播电台取得其所播放歌曲的授权为例进行分析。认为如果没有集体管理制度,广播电台如果想将音乐复制到自己电脑中并向公众播放,则需要就其播放的每一首歌曲向曲作者、录音制作者以及艺术家取得授权,涉及的权利有复制权和公开表演权。如果这些权利再被转让给不同的权利人,则授权就更为复杂,一首歌曲可能需要多达二十个授权。这样,如果没有集体管理制度,对于作品使用者而言,取得作品的授权几乎是不现实的。SeeDaniel Gervais (2010a)‘Collective Management of Copyright: Theory and Practice in the Digital Age’, in Gervais,D.(ed.) Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights, pp.2,10-13.
    383著作权集体管理制度的作用得到了欧盟的高度重视,欧盟委员会于2012年11月提出了集体管理制度指南建议草案。该草案主要有两个目的:确保通过集体管理组织使艺术家和曲作者得到适当的报酬;使音乐服务提供商能够更加容易地从权利人处取得授权。See European Commission,“Proposal for ADirective of TheEuropean Parliament and of The Council on collective management of copyright and related rights andmulti-territorial licensing of rights in musical works for online uses in the internal market”, Nov.7,2012. Availableat: http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/copyright/docs/management/com-2012-3722_en.pdf.
    384Ficsor, Mihály. Collective management of copyright and related rights. World Intellectual Property Organization.
    (2002). pp.108-109.
    386IP-Watch, EU Parliament Passes Directive On Collective Rights Management, Pan-EU Licences, website:http://www.ip-watch.org/2014/02/04/eu-parliament-passes-directive-on-collective-rights-management-pan-eu-licences/.
    389Dietz, Adolf."Legal regulation of collective management of copyright (Collecting Societies Law) in Westernand Eastern Europe." J. Copyright Soc'y USA49(2001):897.
    390See Jiang, Fuxiao, and Daniel Gervais."Collective Management Organizations in China: Practice, Problems andPossible Solutions." The Journal of World Intellectual Property15, no.3(2012):230.
    391加拿大著作权委员会是独立的专业法庭。关于其具体运作情况请参见Mario, B.(2010)“CollectiveManagement in Commonwealth Jurisdictions: Comparing Canada with Australia”,in Gervais, D.(ed.), Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights, Kluwer Law InternationalBV, The Netherlands. pp.324–30.
    392这里的规模效应难题是指:一方面,一定的规模是集体管理有效运行的前提条件;另一方面当规模达到一定程度或者形成垄断地位时,集体管理组织又可能滥用这种垄断地位,从而又导致低效率。See Jiang,Fuxiao, and Daniel Gervais."Collective Management Organizations in China: Practice, Problems and PossibleSolutions." The Journal of World Intellectual Property15, no.3(2012):229.
    393Daniel J. Gervais, Use of Copyright Content on the Internet: Considerations on Excludability and CollectiveLicensing. IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST: THE FUTURE OF CANADIAN COPYRIGHT LAW, Michael Geist ed.,Chapter18, p.526, Irwin Law,2005.
    395See IPWatch, EU Parliament Passes Directive On Collective Rights Management, Pan-EU Licences. Avaible at:http://www.ip-watch.org/2014/02/04/eu-parliament-passes-directive-on-collective-rights-management-pan-eu-licences/.(Feb20,2014).
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