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In recent years, with the continuous development of P2P techniques, the number of users of P2P especially P2P VOD continuously grows. But the development of Internet services and hardware systems is relatively slow, and then many problems between the P2P applications and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) have been caused. In one hand, P2P applications especially P2P VOD takes much bandwidth of Internet, and brings ISPs much traffic load. In the other hand, the scheduling and routing strategies of ISPs also affect the performance of P2P systems, so that P2P VOD and other P2P systems should make themselves more ISP-friendly. The researches show that the collaboration of ISPs and P2P can improve the performance of transmissions through network. ISP-aided is one of the most important methods in the research of the collaboration of P2P applications and ISPs at this moment. It helps the P2P applications find those peers which match the optimization goals well with the assistance of ISPs, for the purpose of optimizing the performance of both P2P applications and ISPs.
     This dissertation mainly focuses on reducing the costs of bandwidth and traffic brought to ISPs by P2P in the massive P2P VOD systems, based on the collaboration of P2P applications and ISPs, by introducing the ISP-aided method and analysis of the distributed VOD systems. Firstly, we introduce different kinds of techniques related to P2P VOD, and explain the necessity of introducing P2P streaming techniques to VOD systems. Secondly, we analyze the transmission behaviors of ISPs and P2P applications, describe the problems to ISPs caused by P2P, and try to make P2P applications more ISP-friendly by mending the P2P protocols. Thirdly, we discuss about the main means of collaboration of ISPs and P2P applications in recent research and development, propose some technical methods to improve the peer selection mechanism of ISP-aided method. At last, we design a real P2P VOD prototype introducing ISP-aided based on modeling the behaviors of customers and setting down the resource strategy, complete the experiment and relevant analysis.
     The main contributions of this dissertation are as followings. At first, we propose an optimize method of peer selection based on the IP-mark-peer. In this way, peers can fetch partial information of underlay topology, set up connections according to LOC (Lines of Communication), and make themselves more ISP-friendly by own modification of the P2P protocol. Secondly, we improve the selection mechanism of ISP-aided targeting the dynamic changes of routing and differences of links. As a result, by the assistance of the modified algorithms, the peers should choose peers with lower costs of dynamic routing and connect to them as neighbors. It is a cooperative way to improve the performance of system transmissions. Thirdly, in the design of P2P VOD system whose servers take the roles of both CPs(Content Providers) and ISPs, we introduce the ISP-aided method, found the assistance mechanism of peer selection in the side of servers, for the purpose of reducing the traffic caused by the P2P transmissions passing through different topology areas keeping the P2P functions. The results of experiment in PC, LAN and a real system show that the ISP-aided method could reduce the traffic loads of ISPs which are caused by P2P applications including P2P VOD and promote the QoS (Quality of Service) of peers.
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