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Nowadays, as the internet develops increasingly fast , the newspaper industry is faced with greater challenge.Meanwhile, However, opportunity still exists that newspaper website is a promising field. With the aim to promote a healthy and rapid growth of newspaper industry website and provide some practical developing strategies, this paper mainly adopts the comparative study approach and carries out case study of people.com.cn and sina.com.cn, and on the basis of which this paper takes a multifaceted contrast and reserches on newspaper industry website and commercial website. Through the analysis, it is found that newspaper industry website has a lot of problems and weaknesses comparing to the commercial website. Therefore, a series of suggestions are raised for the newspaper industry website on how to fully use their strength and open their mind to adopt the new ideas , hoping that they would be theoretically instructive and practically useful.
     This paper mainly relys on comparative study approach and still applys case study ,data analysis and instance-observing approcah and etc, carrying out comparison and contrast between the newspaper website and commercial website from various angles, and thus try to be profound and lucid. This paper collects the latest material on the subject and strive to observe and apply the first hand material.What’s more, this paper proves the importance of appellation“newspaper industry website”and belives that the key of enhancing the popularity of the newspaper industry website is that the publishers should open their mind and learn from commercial's strong points to offset the weakness.And this paper focuses on the strategic priorities that affect the development of the newspaper industry website: accessibility, collaboration, influential news, interactions & communications and popularity.
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