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     1 目的
     2 方法与内容
     3 结果
    三 偏头痛病因病机、治法与方药的相关研究
    3.2.1 偏头痛发病机制的研究
    含量增高,P<0.05和P<0.001。本研究成功培养了d肌,观察了5叫 对d饥
    的影响,100 p mo儿的 5叫T自促进 BT一1的分泌,P< 0.05;10卜 mo几、100卜
    mol/L的 5-HT能促进 NO分泌,P<0.05和 P<0.001;同时观察了 100 p mol/L的
    5叫T对rCMEC分泌功能影响的时效关系,发现ET八在给药6 /J\时达高峰,其后
    3.2.2 大)II#丸的干预作用
     大入博丸能降低正常状态的0D的幅度和出现次数,P<0.05;对于高 5六T
    状态导致的持续时间延长有桔抗作用,P<0.05;对正常状态和高5叫 状态下,
    CSD所致的脑血流量降低,都有改善作用,P<0.05。大刀】苔丸对正常状态下 NO
    导致的血管扩张,无于预作用,P>0.05;但是对低 5叫T状态下,NO导致的血管
    4 结论
    4.l 偏头痛的中医病机:肝失疏泄是发病基础,气机失常为始动因素,气血逆乱、
Migraine, one of the most common diseases, is a notable problem that severely disturbs human living quality, which is characterized by its high morbidity and recurring easily. It is generally named as 'headache' by the current monographs of traditional Chinese internal medicine, which confuse migraine with headache of other types and give no further classification. Such diagnostic method regarding symptoms as names do no good to grasping pathogenesis, performing treatment, evaluating curative effects and estimating prognosis of this disease. In the academic journals of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), although the researching articles concerning migraine provide specific western medical diagnosis, there is lack of deep and systematic studies on the "theories, methods, formulae and medicines" system.
    1 Objectives
    (1) By intrinsic theories and thinking modes of TCM, the researcher seeked a new viewpoint, which reflected both TCM characters and the real condition of migraine to promote the "theories, methods, formulae and medicines" of migraine on successive basis.
    (2) Under the instructions of the pathogenesis theories of TCM, the author tried to probe into the holistic pathogenesis of migraine of modern medicine and gave a new hypothesis梩he metabolic disorder of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) was the pathologic background of migraine. The cortical spreading depression (CSD) was the initiation factor. The excessive cerebrovasodilatation and the aseptic inflammation of meninges played the essential roles during headache. Meanwhile, the authior provided parts of the foundation for the new hypothesis of migraine pathogenesis via experimental methods and discussed the effective pathways of Dachuanxiong Pill as well.
    2 Methods and Contents 2.1 Theoretical Study
    By philological methods, combining with the clinical practice and using logical thinking modes such as analysis and deduction, the author studied the "theories, methods, formulae and medicines" of migraine systematically. The study included three parts that were embodied as study on etiological factors and pathogenesis, discussion of therapeutics, and rules of formulae as well.
    2.2 Experimental Study
    Directed by the explanation of phase tissue of migraine put forward by academician WAND Yong-Yang, the author referred to the generally accepted animal models of migraine, mainly concentrated on the metabolic disorder of 5-HT, and discussed the interrelation among different pathogenesis, as well as the active roles of Dachuanxiong Pill.
    The experiments were listed as follows.
    (1) The influence of hyperserotonin on CSD and the effect of Dachuanxiong Pill were discussed by means of electrophysiology and Laser Doppler.
    (2)By microcircular technique and ultrastructural observation, hyposerotonin-induced nitric oxide supersensitivity as well as the intervention effect of Dachuanxiong Pill were studied.
    (3) By radio-immunity technique, the influence of inordinate metabolism of serotonin on the active substances of blood vessels as well as the intervention effect of Dachuanxiong Pill were detected.
    (4) Rat cerebral microvascular endothelial cell (rCMEC) was cultivated to study the influence of serotonin on the secretive function of rCMEC, and the effect of serum containing Dachuanxiong Pill was observed by seropharmacutiology.
    3 Results
    3.1 Results of Theoretical Study
    Etiological Factors and Pathogenesis: Directed by the concept of Wholism and Permanent movement, the author presented a new hypothesis of pathogenesis of the migraine. The pathogenesis of migraine was thought to be a continuous process of dynamic evolvement under this hypothesis, which included liver's dysfunction of governing free coursing being the pathogenic basis, disturbance of Qi function being the initial factor, derangement of Qi and Blood as well as disharmony of collateral branches of the large channel being the essential factors of the pathogenesis. Meanwhile, some concepts related to the migraine pathogenesis study were reannotated while the relatio
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