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     本论文以杨树对溃疡病的抗性作为主题,以69杨、商州青杨、84K杨、陕林4号杨、E24-01杨、中华常青杨、108杨、107杨、南抗杨、J2杨、中林美荷杨、中绥12号、中黑防、天演杨、北抗杨、2001杨主栽杨树品种为研究对象,以愈伤组织、离体枝条为室内试验材料,结合试验林的抗病性调查;本试验运用离体枝条接种抗性试验、组组织培养、生理生化等技术和方法,研究主要杨树生产品种对溃疡病的抗性。在接种溃疡病菌后检测抗氧化酶(SOD, CAT, POD, APX)的活性变化,分析这些酶变化在抗病和感病杨树之间的差异;观察了寄主在溃疡病菌侵染过程中变化,探讨了过氧化物酶在植物抗病过程中作用。初步研究了主要杨树生产品种与溃疡病菌的过敏性反应,力争多个角度揭示杨树对溃疡病菌的抗性机制。主要研究结果如下:
     2.对16个主要杨树生产品种的离体枝条接种溃疡病菌(Botryosphaeria dothidea)后,测定发病过程及超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)的活性变化。结果显示:接种溃疡病菌后,各个杨树无性系表现出的抗病性差异较大;其中107杨的潜伏期最长达到20d,商州青杨和陕林4号的潜伏期最短仅5d;在病斑的出现时间和扩展速度上,陕林4号杨、商州青杨出现溃疡病斑时间较快。在接种溃疡病菌后大部分杨树无性系POD活性总体持续上升,变化幅度较大;SOD、CAT活性先升后下降呈现出明显的高峰,APX活性大部分杨树无性系变化较小,其中中黑防的变化幅度最大,商州青杨的的APX的活性一直处于下降的趋势。
     3.对16个主要杨树生产品种的愈伤组织接种溃疡病菌(Botryosphaeria dothidea)后,测定发病过程及超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)的活性变化。结果显示:接种溃疡病菌12h时16个品种的愈伤组织皆未观察到溃疡病菌,24h便有菌丝向愈伤组织扩展,不同杨树派别的菌丝侵入速度表现差别较大,不同杨树无性系的菌丝扩展速度不同。在48h商州青杨80%的愈伤组织块已经全部被菌丝覆盖,菌丝较疏,各个品种接种处出现轻微的褐化。愈伤组织接种溃疡病POD活性是活性呈现上升的趋势较为明显,抗病品种的上升幅度较大,高峰出现较迟。SOD、CAT活性先升后下降呈现出明显的高峰,APX活性大部分杨树无性系变化较小,其中中黑防的变化幅度最大,商州青杨的的APX的活性一直处于下降的趋势。
Plant can be affected by Cankers, Host will show a set of reactions related to botanical resistance, including the botanical reaction to the pathogenetic fungi infectant, variation of antioxidases. those reactions of poplar clones which are infected on period and space are differ from each others greatly. From last 80’s, a great amount of researches on this field have achieved, however, the pathogenic characteristics of the main productive varieties and resources are studied. This report also presents concrete objectives for variety deployment and selection of resistance resources.
     This study theme was aimed at the resistance of poplar on Cankers, materials poplar No 69, Shangzhou Cathay poplar, poplar No. Korea 84, Populus deltoids×P.cathayana,P.×euramericana cv.‘Guariento’,P.×euramericana cv.‘74/76’,Populus deltoids cl‘36’,Populus deltoides×P.cathayana,Populus deltoides×P.cathayana,Populus deltoides cl‘I-69’,Populus‘Popularis’,Populus deltoides×P.cathayana,Populus deltoides×P.deltoides,Populus deltoides cl‘50’,Populus deltoides×P.deltoides,Populus deltoides×P.deltoides,Populus deltoides ,Populus deltoides cl‘57’,Populus deltoides cl‘66’,Populus deltoides×P.nigra,Populus deltoids×P.catharana,Populus deltoides×P.deltoides,Populus deltoides×P.deltoides,P.×euramericana ,Populus deltoides×P.cathayana,Populus deltoides×P.deltoides,P.×euramericana ,Populus deltoides×P.deltoides,Populus cathayana, were taken as invading host, experiment in laboratory adopted callus and in vitro braches combined with field investigations to detect the insistence of poplars;Detected the activities of antioxidants (SOD, CAT, POD, APX), the Variance amongst those materials on resistance against cankarwere analysed. Machanims were displayed from different angles, an anaphylactoid reaction was groped for extensively.The main result as followed:
     1. A succession of investigation of two years about main productive varieties acting against cankers,were continued, illness index, annual variation on insistence of every species were calculated. The conclution indicated: young gaps after forest planting are of high disease rate, There was significantly positive correlation between insistence and afforesting time, different poplar clones showed different insistence. Annual insistence variances were displayed amongst varieties. Among which of poplar No. 107 showed positive correlation with annual rainfall ,and the insistence of poplar Populus deltoides× P.deltoides was growing accompanied with the increment of tree bark dilation.
     2. the biological activities of four enzymes (POD, SOD, CAT, APX) related to the disease-resistance of 16 polpar productive varieties were mensurated by inoculating with Botryosphaeria dothidea. As a result, the resistances of deferent poplar appeared deferently. the incubation period appeared variance, which poplar No.107 had the longest one of 20 days, and Shangzhou Cathay poplar and Shaanlin No.4 had shortest ones of 4 days; Shangzhou Cathay poplar and Shaanlin No.4 emerged cankarspots more early. the activities of POD enzyme of most poplar clones were increased by inoculating with Dothiorella gregaria Sacc, and amplitude of variations were wide. The activities of SOD、CAT enzyme appeared peaks obviously, but that of APX changed rarely, among which, amplitude of variations of Populus deltoides×P.cathayana was maximum, APX of Shangzhou Cathay poplar showed decreased tendency.
     3. the biological activities of four enzymes (POD, SOD, CAT, APX) related to the disease-resistance of 16 polpar Clones Calli were mensurated by inoculating with Botryosphaeria dothidea he result showed: all polpar Clones Calli were observed occurrence of canker, in 16 hrs after inoculation, in 24 hrs there were spots megascopic. Defferent poplar faction performed deferent resistance.the biological activities of four enzymes (POD, SOD, CAT, APX) related to the disease-resistance of polpar Clones Calli were mensurated by inoculating with Dothiorella gregaria Sacc. Comparing with the field investigation. The disease-resistance of six kinds of poplars were evaluated. Results showed that the trend of enzyme activities mentioned above were of escalation , in which the activity of perxidase (POD) increased obviously but that of Catalase (CAT) changed rarely. Different clones inoculated by B.dothidea performed diversely. This reseach indicated that the varieties with stronger field resistance had widely variation range on enzyme activity, and the peaks of enzymes appeared more early, comparing with the controlled group.
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