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托妮·莫里森(Toni Morrison,1931—)是当代美国文学界极具影响力的黑人女作家,也是迄今为止唯一获得诺贝尔文学奖的美国黑人女作家。托妮·莫里森在其文学创作中注重保存和弘扬黑人文化,塑造了许多前所未有的鲜活的黑人女性形象。通过这些颠覆传统的黑人女性形象的塑造,莫里森把自己的笔锋直指黑人女性的内心世界,深刻而又细腻地展现了在种族歧视和性别歧视的双重压迫下,黑人妇女的真正心声。莫里森修正了过去美国黑人文学偏重描写男性的倾向,开始从黑人妇女的视角来观照周围的世界,使黑人女性的生活经验和感受得到真正的验证和抒发。
Toni Morrison (1931-) as one of the most prominent novelists in contemporary American literature, is so far the first and the only Afro-American women writer who wins the Nobel Prize for Literature (1993). Toni Morrison tries hard to protect and carry forward black culture. She revises the tendency and the habit of having males as protagonists in literary creation and begins to observe and judge the world from the perspective of the black women so as to make their life experience and feeling really be tested and expressed. She portrays vivid black women characters, who have never occured before in other black writers'writings. Through the portrayal of the black women images who always overturn the tradition, Toni Morrison points to the inside of the black females, and at the same time reveals finely and deeply the heartfelt wishes of the black women under racial and sexual oppression.
     Toni Morrison is a productive writer to some extent and so far she has produced nine novels, a tale, a paly and a collection of essays. Sula, Toni Morrison's second novel, published in 1973, holds an important position in her writings and its publication stirred American literary field because of the special and rebellious image—Sula, who greatly gave rise to people's surprise and the critics' comments. In 1975, it was Sula that made Morrison get a nomination for the National Book Award and Ohioana Book Award and the novel was also highly praised by the Nobel Prize committee for it's unique style and vivid characters.
     This thesis is a research review.lt aims to analyse the extensive literature of Sula both in America and in China.It compares the two countries'research from the perspectives of research subjects, research content and critical approaches, to exploe the features and trends of Sula's research in America and China and reveals the existing problems in view of the above.
     Through careful analysis and comparison, the thesis arrives at the conclusion that the research subjects are more diversified, the research content is more inclusive and the critical approaches are more comprehensive in America.
① Taylor Guthrie, Danille, ed. Conversations with Toni Morrison. Jackson, University Press of Mississippi. 1994.p.157.
    ② Taylor Guthrie, Danille, ed. Conversations with Toni Morrison. Jackson, University Press of Mississippi. 1994.p.161.
    ③ Taylor Guthrie, Danille, ed. Conversations with Toni Morrison. Jackson, University Press of Mississippi. 1994.p.270.
    ① Stepto, Robert B.1977."'Intimte Things in Place':A Conversation with Toni Morrison." Massachusetts Review 18 (Autumn 1977):473-489. In Toni Morrison:Critical Perspectives Past and Present, ed. Gates. L. Henry, and K. A. New York:Amistad Press,1993.379-382
    ②Carole B. Davis, Black Women, Writing and Identity, London and New York:Routledge.1994.p.102.
    ① Morrison Toni. Sula.New York:Penguin.1973. p.143.
    ② Christian, Barbara. Images of Black Women in Afro-American Literature:From Stereotype to Character,1975.in Black Feminist Criticism:Perspectives on Black Women Writers. New York:Pergamon Press,1985.
    ③ Barbara Christian. Black Women Novelists:The Development of a Tradition,1892-1976. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press,1980.
    ① Christian, Barbara. Trajectories of Self-Definition.1983. in Black Feminist Criticism:Perspectives on Black Women Writers. New York:Pergamon Press,1985.
    ② Adell Sandra. Literary Masters:Toni Morrison, Detroit:Thomson Gale,2002.p.73.
    ①苏珊·兰瑟(Susan S. Lanser),《虚构的权威——女性作家与叙述声音》,黄必康译,北京大学出版社,2002年。
    ① Taylor-Guthrie Danille.ed. Conversations with Toni Morrison. Jackson:University Press of Mississippi.1994.p.7.
    ③ Morrison Toni. Sula.New York:Penguin.1973. p.57.
    ①Carole B. Davis. Black Women, Writing and Identity. London and New York:Routledge.1994. p.102.
    ① Peach Linden (ed.)Toni Morrison, London:Mac Millan Press Ltd.2000. p.9.
    ② Davis Cynthia. A Self, Society, and Myth in Toni Morrison's Fiction. Toni Morrison. Ed. New York:St. Martin's Press,1998.27-42.
    ③ Adell Sandra. Literary Masters:Toni Morrison, Detroit:Thomson Gale,2002.p.115-116
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