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Based on environmental science, mathematics, econometrics, management science andrelated interdisciplinary theory and knowledge, this paper carries out the research on Chinaregional energy efficiency systematically. To understand the features of China regional energyefficiency, this study examines the diversity and convergence. This paper revaluates theregional energy efficiency by using three-stage DEA modal, and discusses the difference ofresults with other assessment methods. According to indicators which are the main factors tocause the regional energy efficiency diversity, this paper divides30regions into six newgroups by cluster analysis. Adopting parameter comparison method and two indicatorsincluding energy intensity and total factor energy efficiency which can be calculated bytraditional DEA modal, this paper evaluates the regional energy efficiency potentials undertwo scenarios of absolute convergence and relative convergence respectively, and explores theregional energy efficiency situation and potentials qualitatively during the12thFive YearPeriod in accordance with regional development planning. Finally, based on the principle ofefficiency, this paper builds a Zero-Sum DEA modal for energy saving target decomposition,and conducts the empirical study to allocate the energy efficiency goal of12thFive YearPeriod.
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