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Objective: (1) To observe the influence of sleep time and sleep phase of the hypnotized big mice caused by Sishencong acupuncture. (2) Probe into noradrenaline and 5-Hydrroxytryptamine influence in the insomnia rats' brains caused by Sishencong acupuncture, thus to offer the objective basis for the effective treatment of insomnia with acupuncturing Sishencong.
     1, In experiment one, Wistar big mice will be regarded as target, We will choose 30 big mice which are divided into 3 groups at random: control group(10 rats); hand acupuncture group(10 rats); electric acupuncture group(10 rats). Observe the change of sleep time and sleep phase which will be recorded by the 16 physiological signal recording instrument.
     2, In experiment two, Wistar big mice will be regarded as target, We will choose 50 big mice which are divided into 5 groups at random: Blank control group (10 rats); Model control group (10 rats); Hand acupuncture group (10 rats); Electric acupuncture group (10 rats); Diazepam group (10 rats). Duplicate insomnia model of rats by means of PCPA abdominal injection. The animals in the two acupuncture groups will be treated with 7 days' acupuncture, the animals in Diazepam group will be treated with 7 days' diazepam intragastric administration, then study the results of the treatments by observing the content of NE in insomnia rats' LC, the content of 5-HT in insomnia rats' NRD.
     1, The results of experiment one
     (1) Hand acupuncture and electric acupuncture can both apparently prolong the sleep time of big mice which have been hypnotized by sodium pentobarbital (P<0.5).
     (2) The sleep time of big mice of electric acupuncture group was prolonged more obviously compared with those of hand acupuncture group (P<0.5).
     (3) Comparing hand acupuncture group and electric acupuncture group with model control group, the time of SWS2, REM and TST was obviously prolonged. There is a statistical significant difference in them (P<0.05). Among the three groups, there is no statistical significant difference in the time of SWS1 (P>0.05).
     (4) Comparing electric acupuncture group with hand acupuncture group, the sleep phase of SWS2, REM and TST was prolonged obviously. There is a statistical significant difference in them (P<0.05).
     2, The results of experiment two
     (1) The content of NE in LC of the big mice of the model group is apparently higher than that of the blank control group (P<0.01), and the content of 5-HT in NRD of the former is apparently lower than the latter (P<0.05).
     (2) The content of 5-HT in NRD of the big mice of the two acupuncture groups is remarkably higher than that of the model group (P<0.01). The content of NE in LC of the former is apparently lower than the latter (hand acupuncture group compared with model group: P<0.05; electric acupuncture group compared with model group: P<0.01).
     (3) The content of NE in LC of the big mice of the electric acupuncture group is apparently lower than that of the hand acupuncture group (P<0.05); But there is no statistical significant difference about the content of 5-HT in NRD between these two groups (P>0.05)
     (4) There is no statistical significant difference between the Diazepam group and the model group about the content of NE in LC and the 5-HT in NRD (P>0.05)
     (1) Acupuncture can prolong the sleep time of mice, the effect of electric acupuncture is more apparent than that of hand acupuncture.
     (2) Acupuncture can better the frame of sleep phase of the big mice; can promote the quality of sleep. The effect of electric acupuncture is more apparent than that of hand acupuncture.
     (3) Experimental results reveal that PCPA abdominal cavity injection is a credible method to duplicate the model of insomnia big mouse.
     (4) The treatment of hand acupuncture and electric acupuncture can both decrease the content of NE in pontine LC which has been increased in the PCPA insomnia big mice, and can both increase the content of 5-HT in NRD which has been decreased in these mice. This may be one of the mechanisms that acupuncture can promote sleep and enhance the quality of it.
     (5) It can't be determined that there is difference between the effect of electric acupuncture and hand acupuncture yet from the change of NE and 5-HT in big mice's brain. But allowing for the different effect on sleep time and sleep phase, we can consider that the effect of former is probably better than the latter.
     (6) The diazepam intragastric administration may has no marked effect on the content of NE and 5-HT in the brains of PCPA insomnia big mice. This result may be in relation to the phenomena that although the patients' sleep duration is prolonged and they are easy to get into sleep, they aren't satisfied with their sleep.
     (7) Altogether, there is great effect of Sishencong acupuncture on the big mice's sleep. The mechanism of the case that acupuncturing Sishencong can prolong the sleep time and better the frame of big mice's sleep may correlate with the case that it can change the content of neurotransmitter in big mice's brains.
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