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It systematically studies the nature of the resources city transition,the content of the transition, the transition theory, he guiding ideology, the basic principles, the development strategies, and proposes measures and recommendations on the basis of the status quo about the domestic and external resources-city economic restructuring, taking a dialectical analysis,systems analysis,ormative analysis,summarized interpretation, evidence and analysis methods,and combining the realities of resources of Chinese urban in Fuxin for empirical research analysis.
    The research shows :
    It proposes the necessity for research,through the analysis and evaluation of domestic and external resources-oriented status of urban economic restructuring, identifies the standards of resources cities and resource depletion-city, and defines that there are 130 Block resource cities and 60 Block resource depletion type cities.At the same time,it reveales the content and nature of the resources city,and analyses the major contradictions and problems facing economic transistion.
    It analyses the Fuxin economic transition and its economic development,through the factor analysis and modelling,it stablishes the pattern of citye conomic transition and industria conversion direction,namely "industries conversion + industries extension" composite model.First of all, Fuxin city should foster leading industries to succeed, lengthen industrial chain,upgrade and transform the survival and development of space of the traditional industries using high technology,develop resources-processing industries,extend the service time of the traditional industries,finally win valuable time for transition.And then,it defines the directionof industry conversion as a pattern of "leading + pillar" industries,forms the situation of the leading industries stimulating and pillar industries promoting ,rebuildes industrial competitive advantage and vitality.Resource city transition is not a single conversion,and it needs strong support and positive influence exerted by a host of factors.Because of this, it establishes SD model for dynamically simulating Fuxin economic and social condition,finds out the support systems related with the "dominant + pillar" industries and the major factors more sensitive to their impacts.Thus, it extrapolates OTTR( “One Transition and Three Re-s”) theory,namely industries conversion,resources reorganization,environment reconstruction and harmony rebuilding.At the same time,through the creation of " OTTR " motivation and gravitation chart,it explains dialectical and logical
    relations among industries conversion,resources reorganization,environment reconstruction and harmony rebuilding,puts forward system enhancing city competitiveness,analyses the basic elements of " OTTR ",sets up the theoretical elements diagram of " OTTR " ,and forms the transition theoretical system. Based on application results of the " OTTR " research, it analyze relevant issues,such as timing of the transition,which promotes the use of a certain value.In the meanwhile, after extensive researches on theoretical analysis of the " OTTR ",such as avoiding the risk of transition; accelerates the transition of Resource-based enterprises,the development of the private economy in China to the basic experience; economic transition must adhere to the scientific development concept and the basic principles of the law of 10.Finally, through"OTTR it builds material and energy exchange flow system achieving sustainable development, to enhance "OTTR" theoretical results of the application.
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