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This paper focuses on the problem of performance. CWB is a kind of employeeperformance, which exists widely in the organization and hurts the organization seriously. It isimportant to know how to solve it in both theory and practice. In search of the right answer,the relationship between P-O Fit and CWB is studied in this paper.
     Research model are constructed by basic theories, practice of management and literature.It is composed of three effects with six hypotheses. Main effect contains three hypotheses,P-O Fit has a positive impact on employee engagement, Fit has a negative impact on CWB,and engagement has a negative impact on CWB. Mediating effect contains two hypotheses,affective commitment mediates partly the relationship between Fit and engagement,engagement mediates partly the relationship between Fit and CWB. Moderating effect refersto the hypothesis that LOC moderates the relationship between Fit and engagement.
     Paired sample is designed to avoid common variance. Empirical study is based on1152samples from a big company with14branches. All the hypotheses are supported except thatengagement is a full mediator rather than partial mediator. Such finding means that a positivefactor is vital to solve negative performance. It is engagement that plays such positive role.Then three points are concluded. First, CWB can be solved by P-O Fit. Second, engagementis a full mediator between Fit and CWB, whereas LOC is a partial mediator between Fit andengagement. Third, LOC is a moderator between Fit and engagement.
     This paper is based on predecessor’s works, it has innovation as well. First, even if Fitand CWB have been studied in the past, but their relationship is still a research gap, which isfocused in this paper; it might contribute to the theory of their relationship. Second, it isbelieved that P-O Fit can impact performance directly; new finding is that it is not necessarilythe case, as to negative performance; a positive factor must be involved. Third, it is believedthat the higher the Fit, the better the Performance, new finding is that even if this principle istrue, it is not necessarily to demand too high fit for everyone, external person must fit theorganization very well, while the fit level between internal person and organization can belower to some extent. There are four implications for management. First, CWB iscounterproductive, but P-O Fit can contribute to the productivity. Second, it is P-O Fit ratherthan Values itself that is really difficult to replicate. Third, this research shows managers howto achieve P-O Fit. Fourth, managers can practice contingency management by LOC.
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