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Knowledge management and project management which are two noticeable research fields in management science have abundant research achievements in recent years. Nevertheless there are much lesser researches combing project management with knowledge management, especially in the field of architecture design. On the basis of analyzing the trend of the combination of project management and knowledge management, the development of Chinese and foreing architecture design enterprises and the application of knowledge management in the projection management in architecture design enterprises, this dissertation propound the methods and indicator system of the performance evaluation of architecture design enterprisers whose validity is verified by the empirical analysis on the performance evaluation of Tianjin University’s Institute of Architectural Design’s knowledge management. The main contents are as the following:
     1. On the basis of reviewing the related literatures, the dissertation points out the defects of the exiting studies and analyses the aspects of improvements and importance and necessary of the research combining project management with knowledge management.
     2. The dissertation discusses the present status and tendency of the study on combining project management with knowledge management and analyses the development history, characteristic, the mode of operation of the Chinese and foreign architecture design enterprises and differences between them in order to reveal the urgency to improve the management level of Chinese architecture design enterprises. The key part is how to construct the knowledge management system and support system for projects of architecture design.
     3. Using the theory and methods of performance evaluation of knowledge management, the dissertation propounds the theoretical foundation of performance evaluation of enterprises’knowledge management and the common methods of evaluation, then selects Tianjin University’s Institute of Architectural Design as the object to evaluate the capability of knowledge management of it and presents suggestions.
     The creative points of the dissertation are as the following:
     1. Constructing the knowledge management system for projects of architecture design. The dissertation propounds the important channel to get added value and competitive advantage. The channel is to combine knowledge management with project management and clarify the content of knowledge management of each phase in project management in architecture design, status of the operation of knowledge, the spiral of knowledge, and provide the knowledge management for project management in architecture design a systematic guidance by using knowledge sharing and knowledge fermenting.
     2. The dissertation selects organizational structure, corporate culture, motivation system, risk management and technology as the major components to construct the support system of knowledge management of projects of architecture design. With the improvement of organizational structure and corporate culture, the employees can easily accept knowledge management conception. The motivation system also can inspirit the employees to participate in the process of knowledge management in order to realize explicitness, accumulation, storage, sharing, application and innovation of knowledge.
     3. The dissertation selects architecture design enterprises in educational institutions as research object and establishes the indicator system of evaluation of knowledge management of architecture design enterprises. The indicator system is established based on seven factors including information technology, organizational supporting, corporate culture, knowledge acquisition, knowledge sharing, knowledge application and knowledge protection. The Fuzzy Delphi method is used to filtrate the indicators. Finally, the dissertation provides several suggestions to improve the performance of knowledge management in architecture design enterprises.
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