文本挖掘及其在UDDI Registry智能检索中的应用
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随着Web Services技术的不断成熟和发展,存储在UDDI Registry中的Web Service信息将会变得越来越庞大,如何从UDDI Registry浩如烟海的信息资源中为用户快速、方便、准确地检索出满足需求的Web Service,将变得十分重要。而传统的基于关键词匹配的检索技术已不能满足用户准确而全面定位信息的要求,因此,本文就以Web Service的文本描述信息为研究对象,提出了应用于UDDI Registry的智能信息检索技术。
With the constant development of Web Services technology, then the Web Service information stored in UDDI Registry will become huger and huger, how to fast, conveniently , accurately search out the Web Service which meet the users' need from voluminous information resources stored in UDDI Registry will become very important. But the traditional information retrieval method based on keyword matching can't meet the users' need any more, therefore, this paper regard the text description information of Web Service as the research object, presents a intelligent information retrieval technology applying to UDDI Registry.
    The document characteristic representation is the prerequisite and foundation of information retrieval and text mining. This paper uses the frequent sequences algorithm to discover the expanding phrase, the document characteristic then represented by it, and it uses concept rank algorithm and HITS algorithm to extract the theme concepts from document collections. Then the document characteristic representation is represented by these theme concepts.
    The core of the intelligent retrieval technology is concept retrieval and personalized service. To realize concept retrieval on documents, it need to discover those concepts and the relations among them in related fields of these documents, namely building the concept space. This paper uses relative methods of text mining to build the user's private concept space through mining the user's access pattern, the kernel algorithms are improved K-Means clustering algorithm and Frequent-Pattern growth algorithm. Because the concept space is generated by mining the user's access pattern.it also includes the user's individualized information, when we retrieve documents based on concept retrieval ,the system has realized the purpose of the personalized service too.
    The concept retrieval is the concrete embodiment of intelligent information retrieval. In the process of concept retrieval, in order to help user express his query intention accurately, this paper uses the Hopfield neural network algorithm to search the association keywords which are related to the keywords that user input, the associated result is returned to user to select again. For the user's query expression which is the user's feedback and document characteristic representation, this paper
    gives a calculational method based on concept matching for them, and discusses the method how to organize the retrieval result.
    Finally, in order to verify the studying result of this paper, we design a model of intelligent information retrieval system which is the comprehensive application of above-mentioned several respects and give a concrete computation sample.
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