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    两国投资的动机方面: 韩国对华直接投资的主要动机是为了避免因工资成本上升过快带来的竞争力下降的局面,产业调整和升级的需要。美国对华投资的动机显而易见就是为了占有不断扩大的中国消费市场。
    对外投资主体、区域和行业: 美国在对华投资以跨国大企业为主,单项目投资额大,投资地区和产业结构都是多样化。韩国对华投资主要集中在环渤海湾地区的山东、辽宁等地。韩国对华投资主要以劳动密集型和中小加工型项目为主, 制造业居多,平均金额不足100万美元,技术水平较低,项目规模较小。
    技术创新不同: 韩美两国都非常重视渐进型创新。美国跨国公司的优势体现在根本型和结构型创新方面。 韩国公司在空缺型创新方面具有优势。
    当前是一个自由竞争的时代, 每一个国家都不希望自己是落后者。作为一个经济专业的学生必须正视当前状况,更需要具有挑战精神。所以能够客观地分析直接投资不仅对我们来说具有深远的意义,而且希望将对丰富直接投资的理论作出贡献。
Nowadays, because of the interaction relationship of each nation's FDI and economical developments has been daily increasing emphasized. Then it leads us to the research and discussion of the point.
    After the China economic revolution in 1978, it attracted the numbers of FDI to be increased rapidly. The flowing caused China’s GNP, exporting, tax and employment rate has accomplished the outstanding economic growth and competitiveness these days.
    This paper is the study about the effectiveness of the FDI in China. Therefore, the main analysis subjects of this paper are Korea and America investment situation in China and China’s FDI attraction policy. And the main purpose is the discussion of what the most effective FDI attraction policies for China are.
    China is the biggest developing country in the world with
    the abundant of labor resource. The China labor resource usage is both Korea & America’s basis motive for the direct investment in China, but, in particular differentiation.
    The investment motive of both countries: Korea FDI particular motive is to avoid the employees’ salary rapidly increasing in short period of time caused declining of competitiveness, the necessity of the industrial structure adjustment and level upgraded. At the other hands, America seems to have clearer motive in taking advantages over the continuously expanding consumption market of China.
    The foreign investment party, area and types of industry: The American FDI in China mostly is multinational corporations with huge amount investment, the investment areas and industrial structures are various. The Korea investment in China gathers in Shandong, Liaoning and Bohai gulf area. The Korean's FDI parties are taking mass laboring system and the small-medium enterprise turning product process projects as the main title. The average funds are not
    reached one million dollars with low technology level and small project scale.
    The difference of the technology creativity: Korea and America are both emphasizing on the progression of technology creativity. The American multinational corporation advantages are occupying at the predominance of the fundamental model and structural model creativities. Korean companies are showing the predominance at a shortage technique.
     Through the analysis, we discover both countries’ FDI different characteristics. Then China should take advantages over the characteristics of each different points attracting different investment, continuously level up China industry structure and productivity to improving China economical development.
     In the present, it is the period of completely freedom competition. There are no nations want to fall behind in such
    competition. To be a researcher, should confront the fact with high ambition. So that, it is deeply significant to be objective in analyze the direct investment. And I hope to contribute more theories about the investment in nearly future.
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