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技术是人类在世的方式,伴随近代工业革命的兴起,技术日益作为时代的一个焦点,其象征和隐喻性意义不断凸显。从1877年技术哲学家恩斯特·卡普(ErnstKapp)的《技术哲学纲要》出版以来,在众多研究者的拥趸下,技术哲学作为追求技术活动智慧的独立学科得以确立并迅速发展,成为“一个有着伟大未来的学科”。在技术哲学的研究中,“尽管有大量的文献关注技术,但技术很少成为技术哲学家的主要主题。即使有众多著作关注技术对人的影响,但很少有关技术本身的”,经典技术哲学理论基本上把技术作为既定事实存在加以考察,持久热切地关注技术大规模扩张的社会后果,而技术人工物、技术设计活动本身却被排斥在技术哲学关注的视域之外。人们对技术“没有从它同人的本质的联系,而总是仅仅从有用性这种外在关系来理解”,由于忽略技术本身,经典技术哲学理论在赖以成形的一系列中心问题(Central Issues)上缺乏一致性,没有形成集中于中心问题的内聚性理论(CohesiveTheory),缺乏统一的范式。正是这样的背景铺设下,发端了本文针对技术设计的哲学思考。
     20世纪80年代以降,欧美技术哲学研究形成了“经验转向”(Empirical Turn)。技术哲学研究的经验转向着眼于对技术自身的内在分析,使其认识基于对技术的复杂性和丰富性以及可靠的和经验的充分描述基础上,而不是建立在对技术的预先设定的基础上,使技术哲学研究更加关注那些与技术有关的技术人工物、技术设计、工程活动等问题。从现象学角度看,对技术的审视和批判“不是反驳,不是反证,而是去理解被批判的命题,理解这些命题的意义起源在哪里”,探讨和分析技术就是去理解各种被批判的技术概念和命题,将其意义奠基在技术实事本身之上。人类技术系统发展到当代,技术已经成为一个复杂体系,技术概念很难用技巧、工艺、方法、知识或工具等语词来概括。美国技术哲学家卡尔·米切姆(Carl Mitcham)将技术现象分为四个层次:作为对象(Object)的技术、作为知识(Knowledge)的技术、作为活动(Action)的技术和作为意志(Volition)的技术。从动态上看,技术设计的构思(基于社会需求和科学理论)相当于作为知识的技术和作为意志的技术,技术设计的实施、生产过程相当于作为活动的技术,技术设计的物化成果——人工物(Artifacts)相当于作为对象的技术。可见,技术设计在复杂的技术体系中具有相对独立的意义,技术设计试图解决“做什么”、“怎么做”、“为谁做”的问题,它体现为人与自然、人与社会之间进行物质、能量和信息的交换,变自在自然为人工自然的过程。
     提出一个问题的建设性方式是陈述一个假设,并力争在现实中付诸阙如,本文正是在做这样的尝试。技术哲学的经验转向是基于技术哲学研究的困境引发的,在技术哲学的“突围”中,把研究的“阿基米德点”着眼在技术发展的实际过程。本文对技术设计的哲学分析使技术哲学的追问基点建立于可靠的技术事实分析之上,以“深描”为手法,在“四周都有经验守护”下,揭示技术本身特有的哲学问题,真正打开技术黑箱(Opening the Black Box of Technology);对技术设计的哲学分析使技术哲学的提问方式发生巨大转变,使对技术的本质解读、价值判断和发展透视,建立在对技术设计实践的内在洞察和经验充分描述基础上,从而消除关于技术的种种神话和抽象虚构,体现技术不是“人类无法逃脱的天命”,不是“中性的工具”,也不是“具有绝对效率的方法总体”,而是与社会协同进化(Co-evolution);对技术设计的哲学分析有助于人们更加自觉合理地进行技术控制,使技术哲学向着“一个有着伟大现实的学科”转变,使技术实践朝着更加有利于人的方向发展。
     顺应当代技术哲学研究的经验转向潮流,把对技术本质的追问附着于技术发展的一般过程即技术设计上,开辟了一条技术哲学研究的新理路;对工程主义和人文主义穷原竟委的分析有助于消除二者的分野,促进其融合过程;对工业化前后技术设计的表现形式与时代特征的一般描述中,理出技术设计的一般特征及其路径(technological paths);对技术设计的真理观、生命意识和系统认识的基础上,确立当代技术设计认知的生成机制和一般方法论原理;通过多维互镜的人学解读,展现了技术设计的进步是人本质的实现,是人走向自由和全面发展的前提。本文通过以上逻辑分析基阶而推,着力探讨和力图回答技术设计与社会协同进化及其本质旨归。
Technology is the human being-in-the-world way. With the rise of modern industrial revolution, technology is increasingly becoming a focus of the times and the symbolic and metaphorical significance is more and more obvious. Since "Philosophy of Technology Program" was published, which was wrote by the philosopher Ernst Kapp in 1877, technology philosophy has been established and developing rapidly as an independent discipline. The subject is mainly about the soul of technology activities and has a great future. In the philosophy of technology research, there are a large number of literatures concerned about technology, but technology seldom becomes the main theme of technology philosopher. Even though there are many books about the impact of technology on people, few are about the technology itself. Technology is researched as an assured fact in classical theory of technology philosophy. The social consequence of technology large-scale expansion is fervidly investigated, but the technological artifacts and technical design action itself are ignored. Technology is considered only from the external relations of serviceability, not the nature connection with human beings. Because of the technology itself being ignored, the central issues of classical theory of technology philosophy are lack of consistency and haven't formed a cohesive theory focusing on it. So it is difficult to develop a unified paradigm for philosophy of technology. On the base of the background, philosophy thinking on technological design begins to be researched in this thesis.
     The research on technology philosophy has formed empirical turn in Europe and the United States since 1980. The empirical turn of technology philosophy makes the philosophical analysis towards technique based on the sufficient description and towards technique from the empirical complexity and richness of technique, not based on the presuppose toward to technique making the research on philosophy of technique more taking attention of technical artifacts, design, engineering work and so on. Thinking from the theory of phenomenology, the survey and critique toward technique is not to refute, disproval, but to understand the criticized propositions and their origin of significance. To discuss and analyze technique is to understand all kinds of critical conceptions and propositions of technique, which makes their significance based on technical affairs. Technique has become a complicate system, and the conceptions of technique are hard to be generalized using such words as skills, craftworks, methods, knowledge and tools. American philosopher Carl Mitcham defined technical phenomena from four aspects: the technique as object, knowledge, action and volition. On developing aspect, the conception of technical design (based on social needs and scientific theory) corresponds to the technique as knowledge and volition; the implementation and producing process of technical design corresponds to the technique as action; materialized fruit (Artifacts) corresponds to the technique as object. It is obvious that technical design has comparatively independent significance, and attempts to resolve such questions as what to do ,how to do, and who to do for, embodiment the exchanges of substance, energy and information between man, nature and society, the process of turning existing nature into human surroundings.
     The exploiting method of bringing a question forward is to present a presupposing and try to materialize it in reality. Solicited by the mass of technical philosophical research, the empirical turning of technical philosophy makes the research stress on the realistic process of technical development. The dissertation's philosophical analysis towards the design of technique makes the pursing aim of technology philosophy based on credible technical analysis of affairs ,cover the unique philosophical questions of technique using the way of deep description , open the Black Box of Technology, at the same time, makes the method of asking become great turning, the essential understanding and valuable judging towards technique based on the inner insight and sufficient empirical description towards the practice of technical design, It is embodied that technique is not the destiny man can't escape, not the neutral tool, also not the method collectivity of having utterly efficiency, but co-evolution with society. The philosophical analysis towards technical design is helpful for people to control technique with reason, makes technical philosophy turn to a great realistic subject, and makes technical practice develop towards an aspect in favor of human.
     Technical design is an important concept, which is involved in an empirical turn of technology philosophy, and the core term of contemporary technology philosophy. In order to valuably analyzing and dealing with philosophical questions of the technology itself and effect on our lives, the understanding and detail experiential description on technical design is the premise. This is also the central topic to be discussed in the thesis. This thesis is divided into five sections and to clarify that technical design is a new domain of the technology philosophy study, and the significance of connotation, dimension, approaches and the perspective of technical design is to technology philosophy. On the whole, the orientation of technical design is to be established in the field of technology philosophy. On this basis, the source of technical design is discussed in detail from the context of traditional technology philosophy research. Technical design is detailed. It's character is instrument-rationality in engineering tradition and it's foundation is people-center in humanism tradition, which are from separation to unity. Through the research on traditional values, the basic concept formed, which is on various technical design of empirical turn in the contemporary philosophy of technology research. Technical design is a clue connecting thought and behavior, which is carried out in practice and involved in all fields of our life world. Technical design has been gradually improving from applied tools to information technology along a historical industrialized path. The general rules and features of technical design are concluded during reviewing the performance and the times characteristics of technical design. "Great development" and "great damage" of technical design makes people turn to the cognitive thinking rationally. The technical design truth on the foundation, the life awareness of the technical design making non-rational cognition as a breakthrough and the systemic cognition of overall macro-scale technical design are researched. So the formation mechanism and of the general methodology of the contemporary technical design cognition is gained. The final Interpretation to technical design should return to human beings. The history of technical design is the epitome of human existence show volition. The progress of technical design is the publicity of essence of human existence and show the character of the labor practice and the existence of diversity human culture. It promotes human lifestyle to transform and is the basis to achieve essence of human freedom.
     Along the way of empirical turn of the contemporary philosophy of technology research, technical essence is studied through investigating the general course of technology development or the technical design. Therefore a new research method on philosophy of technology is inaugurated. To analyse the origin of engineering and humanism is helpful to eliminate their bifurcation and promote their unity. The universal rules and characters are achieved by the general description of performance form and times character of technical design in pre-industrialization and post-industrialization. On the basis of the truth, life consciousness and systemic cognition, the formation mechanism and the general methodology of the contemporary technical design cognition is established. Comprehensive interpretation to technical design from human himself exhibits that the progress of technical design achieves essence of human and is the precondition of human freedom and development.
     Technology is the object of human nature power and technical design give deeply prominence to essence of the people existence, which is the foundation to achieve free nature and the means from the realm of necessity to the realm of freedom. Scientific and technological progress and the development of human civilization make our contemporary human wisdom base on the overall footstone and create a holistic thought with the time characteristics. This dissertation has expounded technical design in the whole from various angles, grasped the contemporary trends of technical design study, brought technology into the framework of sociology, and illustrated technology in different way. There are many choices in the various technical possibilities, but a certain technology need to be shaped in a specific environment. We place technical design in the contemporary technical practice, and a specific context on technical design study will come into being. The complex technical design with transmodern technology terms is concerned about. We integrate technical philosophy investigation Paradigm, form a basic program of the technical design study, realize the external and internal, static and the dynamic comprehensive research, and achieve political, social, institutional, cultural and other "horizon fusion"; We advance crossed research related to fields, show the integrated characteristics of technical design, make technology philosophy break through the abstract interface of engineering and anthropology, penetrate into technical interior, and actualize the organic unity of emotional perception and rational thought.
     As a way of the world constructing, displaying, un-concealing, technical design is the human being-in-the world means. Technology of human society is the only way to the realm of freedom. The unprecedented rapid development of productive forces is driven by the technology .It makes the human ideals into reality, the people's spiritual strength into material power and achieving mankind freedom under the premise of "free labor". Of course, the technical design objectively has paradoxical historical consequences. Through the increasingly industrial practice, technology enters people's life and transforms people's life, and prepares for the liberation of people, even though it directly has completed automatization. Goods system and industrial model cast the human in the shadow of materialization, but technology also provided the conditions for natural history changing into social history and then humankinds come who are completely self-liberation.
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