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     成的化合物,母核的平面结构可以嵌入DNA 碱基对之间,而碱性边链在亲和力
     1. 以吡啶为原料,经过氧化、硝化、重排、氨基化合物取代等八步反应,
     合成了1-(3-二甲氨丙基)氨基-γ-咔啉衍生物, 对一些合成条件进行了改进。
     2. 以丙二酸二乙酯和丙烯氰为原料,经缩合、Raney Ni催化氢化、重排、
     DDQ 氧化、氨基化合物取代等八步反应,合成了两个取代的1-氨基-β-咔啉衍
     3. 以1,3-溴氯丙烷和丙二酸酯为起始原料,经Japp-Klingemann反应和
     护、DDQ 氧化、无水肼肼解,合成了四个系列的1-取代-4-氨基-β-咔啉,并进
     4. 根据逆合成分析,设计了一条国内外未见报道的1,3-二甲基-4-氨基-β
     5. 设计了一条以吲哚为原料,经Mannish反应等六步反应合成了4-甲基-β
Malignant tumor (cancer) is the pathological changes. It causes serious harm to
     the health of the human being. The inhibitors of topoisomerase Ⅱplay an important
     role in the treatment of cancer. Recently, many studies are focusing on intercalators as
     a potent inhibitors of topoisomerase Ⅱ.
     Intercalating agents share a common planar polyaromatic system. These agents
     bind to DNA base pairs by insertion. The chromophores are linked to basic chains that
     might also play an important role in the affinity and selectivity of their action.
     γ-carboline derivatives are recently subjects to many investigations. They
     represent a class of anticancer drugs that are related to the natural product ellipticine
     by deletion of an aromatic ring. β-carboline structures are present in many naturals
     products. These compounds effect on DNA topoisomerases, but they don.t stabilize
     the cleavable complex mediated by topoisomerase. This is might be due to the lack of
     the basic side chains in this class of compounds. For this reason, we designed and
     synthesized a series of β-carbolines compounds bearing a basic side chain .
     Our chemical work consisted in the following routes:
     1-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)amino-γ-carboline was obtained by using pyridine
     as starting material via an eight-step sequence, such as oxidation, nitration,
     rearrangement and amino-substitution.
     According to the reported methods, two derivatives of 1-amino-β-carboline
     were synthesized, using acrylonitrile and diethyl malonate as starting materials
     through an eight-step sequence, such as condensation, Raney Ni catalyst,
     rearrangement and DDQ oxidation.
     Tryptamine was synthesized by using 1-bromo-3-chloropropane and diethyl
     malonate as starting materials, via Japp-Klingemann reaction and Fischer indole
     rearrangement. The obtained tryptamine was condensed with aldehydes
     (formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, furfural, 5-(hydroxymethyl) furfural) to give tetrahydro-
     β-carboline. Protecting amine to amide, DDQ oxidation, then treated with hydrazine
     gave four series of 1-substituted 4-amino-β-carboline. In total, 17 derivatives of
     4-amino-β-carbolines, 9 derivatives of 4-amino-1-methyl-β-carbolines, 4
     derivatives of 4-amino-1-furanyl-β-carbolines and 2 derivatives of 4-amino-1-
     (5-hydroxymethylfuranyl)-β-carbolines were synthesized.
     A synthetic route of 4-amin
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