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     随着计算机技术的发展,诸如MapInfo、GIS等先进软件已应用到电力系统之中。基于“网损分摊”原则并考虑过网线损的电网线损理论计算与分析系统开发软件已用到工程实际。采用BorlandC++与FORTRAN混合编程、基于Windows操作系统和C++ Builder4通用的客户/服务器开发等。针对单一电压等级线路的线损分析方法及可视化线损计算与分析软件还有待于进一步地研究。
As the terminal of an electric network, the distribution network is directly connected with the users. It is charactered with wide spread line, low voltage level, many devices on the line. Lineloss of distribution takes up considerable ratio in the general network. Picking out the potential is very important to the efficiency of supply enterprises.
    With the deployment of the marketization of electric power industries, loss will keep closely in touch with the benefit. The research of simple, quick, effective analysis is useful to find main factors effecting on loss, grasp the changing tendency of loss, improve the administration of line, reduce the loss into the minimum, and realize the economic operation of the whole electric power network in the end.
    The work of lineloss analysis involves much work which includes lineloss computation, network alteration, running style and administration, however some content has no model to reference, and existing analysis has much controversy. So how to proceed the efficient analysis of loss awaits research.
    With the development of technology in computer, advanced softwares such as Maplnfo, GIS and so on have applied into the electric power. Based on the principle of loss-allot considering the transnet loss, theoretic calculation and analysis system of lineloss is developed. And the software has been applied into the real engineer. The developed style runs to the hybrid program of Borland C++ and FORTRAN, and being built on the Windows and C++ Builder4 universal client/server. And the way of lineloss-analysis aiming at the single voltage level and visualized software about it keeps researching.
    The analyzed object of lineloss is to give an optimal analyzing conclusion by colligating the information from outers, which is also the meaning of the collecting all kinds of the information. So the research for effectively collecting and lifting the right ratio in the maximum seems very significant. Generally the present analyzing ways adopted are enumerating or genetic algorithm. The former tests all, which needs much work, while the latter is the complete ferret for space of resolution, which will take much time in finding the optimal. As for the
    shortcomings in the single neural net or synthetic neural net based on decomposition, and existing way, integrated neural network based on style of information and different eigenvector is adopted in this paper. Its basic thought is to effectively fuse the information, proceed the analysis from different aspects by variable children neural net, and heighten the accurate rate as possible.
    In this paper, a mathematical model of the lineloss-analysis of distribution, aiming at the characters of distribution and meeting the requirements of analysis is presented and established. There are three layers in this model, distribution, infusion and output. It adopts module-structure across with the technology of the infusion, which will ensure the relation between modules and respective relative independence. The selection and confirmation of parameters of modules can be obtained by the ways such as sample-studying, experience-referencing and so on and made dynamic adjustment according the requirements of users. The algorithm based on that module is simple, quick, can reflect the comprehensive extent of variable factors effecting on lineloss, and provide reducing program with scientific basis.
    A software of theoretical computation and analysis has been developed. In its design, DB can not only runs independently, but shares data with similar DB or intercepts data it needs. By the formed data the quantitative and qualitative analysis is performed. Then the results of analysis are shown in the form of text, report, and chart. And it operates simply, shows clearly, and also connects with others, which avoids re-editing the original codes for the designing others and reduces interdependence of codes, and promotes reconstruct and extension.
    By the example of distribution network the ways of calculation of lineloss has been made a comparable
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