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The price forming mechanism that electrical price how to form, which factors infect the price is studied in this paper. It becomes a mainstream of world's electrical industry reformation that deregulation in electricity market near several years, the object of which is to break electricity industry monopoly and introduces gradually competition in the sectors of generation and retail so that to improve the whole industry efficiency and to service clients with high quality and cheaper. Since 1999, the tempt of generators' producing by price competition has been carried, its development is very slow because the electricity system reformation hasn't been coincident with it. The other important reason is that electricity reformation haven't gotten the necessary support of economic theory, it's a core that electricity price forming mechanism in deregulation of electricity industry. Study on the price forming mechanism of electricity market isn't only to use the experiences in England and USA for reference, where t
    he deregulation have been carried earlier, but also to combine the theory and practice of pricing in electricity market in China, so that we can make suggestions on electricity price reformation that fit both market economy rule and China's situation.
    This paper based on the practice of electricity market in China analyses electricity price forming by system economics, it begins with price regulation on electricity market and finds that two parallel price systems caused by collecting money to build power plant have produced the rent-seeking of social benefit groups; at the same time, Discriminated Pricing in demand-side has improved impersonally social welfare and has counteracted essentially monopoly's negative effect. The electricity price forming in China is affected by coal industry and electricity customers, Financial Engineering also provides necessary utilities for
    electricity pricing in market economy, Economic Experiment has been providing a powerful evidence to understand market power and demand-side bidding to weaken market power. This paper consists of four parts and includes eight chapters. Chapter 1 is the part 1, it summarizing the relative researches on pricing of electricity market; Chapter 2 and 3 form Part 2, it analyses electricity price regulation, generating electricity price and retail electricity price; Charter 4 and 5 form part 3, it analyses affections of coal price and demand-side on electricity market pricing; Chapter 6-8 form part 4, it introduces applications of Financial Engineering and Economic Experiment on electricity market pricing.
    There are several characters in study of the paper: first, it is one of the
    earliest dissertations studied systematically by economic theory on price forming
    mechanism in China electricity market; secondly, it is the first time to analyze
    detailedly and systematically seeking rent in China electricity market with study
    on price regulation; thirdly, it is the most whole and earlier dissertation that
    analyses systematically discriminated pricing in retail electricity price with study
    on use-side price; fourthly, it is the first time to expound systematically
    appearance and development of demand-side management in China with analysis
    on relative factors affecting electricity market price; fifthly, Economic
    Experiment provides a quite powerful utility to understand and avoid market
    power, it is the first time to introduce detailedly this method to study on
    electricity marketization. Besides, this paper summaries the applications of
    Financial Engineering on electricity market, it is the most whole in domestic
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